Fun? You call exploding dead guys fun? Clearly I'm not being mean enough...time for the Satanic Head Lice...they suck out your brains, evilly...
Well, now that I have everyone's 3x3x3's and aspects at my I can start up some serious head games!
So next session should get really interesting, but more on an individual level than a group level. Yes, it's time for side-quests, red-herrings and other distractions...not that there aren't a few already...who is the assassin in town to kill? What is the Purpose of Distributing the Siren's Call? Why is the bald chick so...bald? Okay so one of those is main-plot relevant, but you get the idea. So expect to see people from y'alls backgrounds show up...for good or for ill. And yes the introduction of side-quests will slow the pacing of the main story a bit as you all are actually very close to the end but I don't think you want to get to the end game without FBI-man and I think he'd hate to miss out on the final chapter...

Not saying there won't be some stuff relevant to the current scenario, I'll just be delaying the final chapter for a session.
And don't worry, I'd NEVER EVER in a million years use your loved ones against you...[not]...Internal Commentary! Internal Commentary! Internal Commentary!
When will I ever learn?...time for the evil laugh...