By the book, not necessarily. On page 20, it talks about making a Declaration by spending a fate point, but pages 116 and 197 talk about making Declarations by rolling. The differences are somewhat spelled out in the sidebar on 116. It isn't explicit about it, but it looks like you might not be able to declare an Aspect via the fate point method. At least they don't mention an example of that. The description on 20 starts off, "Declarations are usually handled with a skill roll (page 116), but in some cases you may simply lay down a fate point and declare something. If the GM accepts the fate point, it will be true." So maybe the fate point spend is good for making an important Declaration when you have crap for ranks in the appropriate skill.
See, this is why I both love and hate the books.
On one hand, they're fun to read and very pretty.
On the other hand, certain rules are talked about very verbosely and split up all over the book. Seriously. I've been arguing for days with the community here over what some things mean. I am not comfortable using all of my abilities until I am sure what exactly they do and how to do them.
8 people are too many for Ren to keep track of. I feel like it is my responsibility to learn the rules for my character.
That is why I started the wiki pages on rules.
Perhaps you could make an entry or add to one I've started on declarations? Proof from the text would be a nice touch.
Yeah, I think with a group this big there will frequently be people missing out on bits of the plot. Sometimes I too am pigging out on wings or frantically writing down what Marty just learned or something, and I'll miss a little. It's probably a good idea to take a more wiki-influenced approach to the recaps. If memory fails, but the writer knows something's missing, put up a [placeholder] to indicate the need for help fleshing things out.
Pictures were taken and shoes were bagged and gator ridges were shot at.
[Gavin and Fabian talked with Kalliope or something?]
Then everyone met up with the Rabbi at the Winchester.
And maybe a little [?] when the writer needs clarification on a little detail? I'm about to doze off, but I'll edit a little bit of the recap.
I think we got it ironed out.

Have you seen the recap portion on Obsidian?