Author Topic: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..  (Read 6961 times)

Offline badash56

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2010, 04:16:54 PM »
Just some general GM advice for you not related to the setting:

One thing that players really need to know, is that their actions have consequences.  This is REALLY important in my opinion.  If you let this slide, it opens the door for them to run wild and you can lose control of the game.  He threw someone out a window?  Sounds like a murder and the police will get involved and look for him.  Broke a deal with a fairy?  Wow.

You need to bring pain down on this character so everyone knows that actions like this have a reaction.  I speak from experience.  I let something like this slide once, and I lost control over the game.  The PCs ran wild doing whatever they wanted since they felt like nothing would happen.  It's a mistake I won't make again.

Now I'm not saying railroad them and force the outcome here.  I would beat the crap out of this guy, but let the group see if they can save him somehow.  It might end up being one of your best games ever. 

Offline ironchicken

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2010, 09:13:27 PM »
First, I agree with what has been said before, you need to find out the OOC reasoning. Particularly if it was an intentional throwing of the game/character.

Assuming the worst case that the player was throwing the game/character.... Well that comes down to group dynamics and people.

Assuming the best case scenario of the player not getting it but wanting to continue.... You could do all sorts of things until he fixes it:

a RP encounter with Titania resulting in an extreme social consequence
a -1 refresh 'power' kind of like the warlock one so the character is on 0 refresh
set a threshold on fairie, not only does it require a skill roll to pass over but he has to leave a lot of his power behind

Offline theDwarf

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2010, 06:00:46 PM »
The other PCs ...

... just walked into the Summer Court ...

... with an Oath-Breaker?!?

 :D LOL  :D

HOSE THEM ALL and hard!

Violating PC is put to the irons like described of the Winter Knight or to similar to Ancient One in the old "Doctor Strange" movie.  Bam, in Summer it happens UNLESS a greater power is working against Aurora OR if the matter was one in which Aurora was working against one of the greater powers in Summer.

Associated PCs are virtually classified as Oath-Breakers (technically "Associates of the Oath-Breaker") and will have a LOT of trouble in the future unless they do a favor for Summer to clear their reputations.

I think you have some good intrigue potential there!

Offline kihon

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2010, 08:48:21 PM »
I'd say the character just wanted to kill off his character - and by stepping into the Summer realm he assuredly did.

I'd have him roasted alive, slowly burned to death, and describe the smell of his burning flesh to the other characters - who are rooted to the ground and forced to watch, as their friend endures one of the most painful deaths a mortal could ever suffer.  As the last of his blood bubbles off his now crispy bones, and all the characters have vomited up their last two meals all over themselves, the roots slowly go back into the ground and a Fae steps out of the woods.  "Remember what happens to mortals who break an oath with summer, the flames will always get them."

Sick to their stomachs, I'd tag the whole group with "lasting nightmares" for a year, just to remind them not to mess with a Fae Queen.  And letting them walk away with only that - is as nice as I'd be.

Offline Myrddhin

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2010, 09:04:39 PM »
It's already been said enough times, OOC reasoning and such, so I'll just skip ahead.

Summer's all about growth, right? Well then, their Slate-style torture could be just as slow and just as painful.

Just to start it off, you've got options, loads and loads of 'em. Top of my list both involve events hitting the fan just after the portal closes. Drop them in forest, fairly nice and slightly warm, like a balmy summer with a light breeze blowing and everything. A short ways off they can hear the baying of hounds and the trample of hooves at gallop several Fae cavalry charge them with nets and lassos accompanied by Fae hounds, intent on capturing the trespassing Oathbreaker and bringing him to Summer's stronghold.

Other opening option I'm fond of has the offending PC ensnared/cocooned by a sudden upsurge of roots, leaves and soil, pulled into the ground and transport to said Stronghold.

From there, the torture could proceed along two paths. One plant-based where the victim is pinned in place by vines as strong as iron and a multitude of vine-like and other plants burrow into him. And one biomancy-based where he is slowly tortured by some terrible applications of Seelie-powered biomancy to induce cancer and sickness (promoting that kind of growth inside him) while likewise bound in place. Both follow a simple rinse and repeat cycle until the other PCs affect a rescue attempt, or the powers of Summer choose to kill him.

Offline Kaldra

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2010, 04:46:19 PM »
looking for an update. so what happened to the poor bloke?

Offline MWKilduff

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2010, 05:10:12 PM »
looking for an update. so what happened to the poor bloke?

Yeah, no joke.  We need to know how this poor sucker met his end.  Did you make him cry?
A wink, a smile, and a whole lot more!

Offline Sebastian

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Re: When a PC breaks a deal with a fairy queen..
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2010, 06:48:45 PM »
Defenestration - such a nice word  :D
"I'm sorry, I'd like to help but I'm currently doing something very important. However, I could finish today and as soon as I'm done I'll do everything in my power to help you"
- How to promise help you have no intention of giving.