Based on the kinds of music I normally listen to, I'm having a hard time with the "good"... Give me a few 
Also, as noted above, it leans towards the bad because the source of the power is less than benign, and is amassing dark energy for something not good
Well, lets say the acts that we interpret as "evil", the power pragmatically sees as "necessary" - slaughtering that tribe chops off their worship of a small pantheon that includes good gods and bad, but its more interested in stopping the worship of the bad from flourishing (I say good and bad in relative and subjective sense) because its only its way to turning into something worse.
Maybe it wants to destroy a city because its simply the easiest way to disrupt a key ley junction that, in concert with a few other points on the planet, create a foci that's calling to an outer Horror. What's a city of a few million to the survival of the rest of the few billion?
Even if its horrorific, maybe its the lesser horror in a big picture. How awful is it if the players have a chance to stop something... and then force themselves not to, because it really
IS necessary for something worse
not to happen? And even better yet... not just stand by and not do anything about it, but now fight others and former allies who can't see it that way?
It really depends on what your group is like.
Butt-kickers, tacticians and straight-ahead A-To-B'ers will roll their eyes and be frustrated until you can point them at something to blows-them-up. Your storytellers & method actors will be squirming with orgasmic glee and desperately seeking fresh underwear for the moral dilemna's.
Its one of those things that reinforces that the older and long-lived powers simply see things on a different scale and quite possibly have had centuries to rationalize, justify and think is necessary.
Anyways, cool name for the band