Author Topic: Transformed Character  (Read 3838 times)

Offline babel2uk

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Transformed Character
« on: August 16, 2010, 10:09:37 AM »
Okay, one of my players has come up with a lovely idea for a Wizard character. It’s one that I’ve decided to allow, even if it means fudging things a little.

The concept is a Wizard who was transformed into a parrot long ago (so long ago that he’s actually spent more time as a parrot by far than as a human), as the result of a spell cast by a wizard gone bad. The only reason he’s survived the transformation is his Wizards constitution (combined with the fact that the wizard that did this was particularly adept at transformation spells). He managed to kill the wizard in question, but unfortunately the Death Curse made the transformation as near permanent as possible – there is a way back to human form, but the character has yet to discover it.

So, aspect-wise, I’m considering a Trouble aspect along the lines of CURSES, I’M A PARROT!

Compels for this include actually acting like a normal parrot – either as a result of having been a parrot for so long that certain behaviour seems natural, or due to a drop in ‘connection’ with the portion of his intellect and human body that is effectively stored in the Never Never. I reserve the option to have that Never Never portion of him attacked at some point, but don’t have any real intention of doing so at present. This accounts for a number of lost years and blank spots, where he’s effectively spent time as a normal parrot before regaining his senses. He’s looking at either being a companion for one of the other PCs or having a street urchin (possibly a gang of them) that he goes around with. (I sort of envision him as an avian Fagin type if he goes with the group of street urchins).

Another compel option is for the length of time to perform a ritual (we both like the image of a parrot nudging ritual components into place). As an automatic thing rituals will take longer to perform, but it really only acts as a compel when time is an important factor.

Invocations include getting overlooked as a normal animal, difficult to hit while flying, able to fit through gaps a human couldn’t etc.

Because I’m looking at running a Chest Deep game, I’m having to look at the refresh costs quite carefully. I’m going to insist that the character needs to have at least ‘Wings’ as an ability in order to fly around (I could just make the ability to fly an invocation of the parrot aspect, but I think I’d prefer to take the Wings route). This means that the character needs at least 1 more refresh than is available on the regular Wizard template. Rather than downgrade him to a Sorceror, I’m probably going to take the approach of saying that his parrot abilities have replaced some of his wizarding ones. Specifically I’m looking at swapping The Sight for Wings, and giving him the option of taking Channelling instead of Evocation – allowing him another point to spend on something parrot appropriate – and representing the idea that his current form cuts him off from invoking more than a single element (Air would seem appropriate). The idea is that as and when he is returned to human form the full Evocation and Sight will swap back in.

Incidentally, I have looked at the Parrot on the mundane animals thread, and while I agree with most of it, I don’t think Diminutive Size is necessarily appropriate in this case – I have pictures of a parrot face to face with my two year old son, and it’s by no means dwarfed by him. That said, it does depend on the breed of parrot, so Diminutive size could be appropriate in some cases, just not this one.

Does all this sound fair enough, bearing in mind that I don’t want to make the whole thing too much of a creation nightmare, and would rather it not be too much of a headache in play – which is why a few tweaks at character creation and an Aspect  seemed the way to go. The aspect comes from an extreme consequence inflicted as part of the original spell, as per the Transformation rules under thaumaturgy.

Does all that seem fair?

Offline FangGrip

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2010, 02:26:50 PM »
I like it.  It seems fair to give him the abilities of the parrot if he is a parrot, but what about his spellcasting?  You said he was a wizard, but does he retain his ability for evocation and thaumaturgy?  If so, he doesn't have enough Refresh Pool to get wings or diminutive size or anything else required to BE a parrot.

How does a parrot even cast a ritual anyway?  My personal suggestion would be to only allow the Evocation or Channeling ability while he is cursed.  Quick spells without foci or too much extra stuff would work best, since he cannot even make ritual preparations.  If he ever regains his original form, then he could swap the parrot powers for his traditional powers.

- Just my two cents since you asked.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 03:17:20 PM »
I like it.  It seems fair to give him the abilities of the parrot if he is a parrot, but what about his spellcasting?  You said he was a wizard, but does he retain his ability for evocation and thaumaturgy?  If so, he doesn't have enough Refresh Pool to get wings or diminutive size or anything else required to BE a parrot.

How does a parrot even cast a ritual anyway?  My personal suggestion would be to only allow the Evocation or Channeling ability while he is cursed.  Quick spells without foci or too much extra stuff would work best, since he cannot even make ritual preparations.  If he ever regains his original form, then he could swap the parrot powers for his traditional powers.

- Just my two cents since you asked.

why wouldn't he be able to make preparations ??

He can hop around with a stick of chalk in his beak and draw a circle, he can make discipline assessments for aspects like "Focused Concentration"
And like babel2uk said, he can flutter around nudging candles into place, scratch symbols into a wood floor with his claws and beak... a lot of other stuff is possible.
Also taking consequences is possible for him just as for everyone else, as is skipping scenes.

His preparations simply have to be of a kind that fits his "parrotiesian" nature.

Looks good to me.
If the player want diminutive size at all cost and theres not enough refresh available, maybe consider a +1 Bonus for "not having Thumbs etc." that would make it possible. Although that is something the player might want to have as an aspect... Fate point machine...

Offline babel2uk

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 03:38:01 PM »
Thanks both for the feedback.

@Tsunami that's pretty much exactly how we envisioned Thaumaturgy for him. It takes longer, because he has to nudge components into place, and hop around without disturbing things.

I did mention the Channelling thing rather than full evocation in my description above, and while I don't consider Diminutive Size to be applicable to the type of parrot in question I'd be happier to have it as part of the CURSES! I'M A PARROT aspect than an actual ability. I am insisting on Wings as an ability though.

I admit that I actually prefer the idea of a parrot able to use Thaumaturgy with carefully redesigned rituals than full Evocation - crafting items might be a bit beyond him (the Ritual ability seemed too limiting - though I suppose a modified version that prevents creation of potions and items might be appropriate - he could still tell someone how to do it though and I could compel to make him give them the 'parrot version' rather than the human version).

It's likely that the character will be taking Channelling and I've suggested Air as the element he can use - as quick magic goes I'm happier with the idea of him being able to generate wind blasts by flapping his wings etc, than shoot gouts of flame - and the player actually voiced his own preference on this before my initial post.

And as I stated above the idea was that he would revert to full Wizard abilities if he was returned to human form.

Foci-wise he's already mentioned a flute that he can no longer use, so any that he can use would have to be tailored to his form - which may or may not mean that he'd lose use of them when returned to human form.

Offline kihon

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2010, 07:34:19 PM »
If he can still do rituals, first thing he would do is transform himself back into a human (even if only for a few minutes) and call his local contact on the White Council, give a brief description, and wait for help to come.  You said he's a wizard, and they just don't disappear without someone at least looking around for a bit.  A simple spell to transform back, even if only for 10 minutes - in which time he makes a phone call...  eventually someone would come and transform him back permanently.  Now he might owe a senior council member a big favor?

Offline wyvern

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2010, 07:41:39 PM »
Maybe, maybe not.  Remember that death curse - that's 20-30 (at least!) shifts of "You are a parrot."  Not trivial to overcome via ritual; even a few minutes would be a *major* working, well beyond the limits of a lone parrot.

Offline kihon

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2010, 07:53:42 PM »
Yes - death curse... and there are many examples on these boards of rituals going huge, well over the 20-30 shifts of power because they have time to prepare.  I'm sure, from the moment he figured out he was a wizard stuck in the body of a bird, he's been preparing.  Also - I'm not talking a permenant shift back, but a temp one... just enough time for him to make a phone call / send a letter / make contact in some such way - basically screaming "Help - the bad guy turned me into a big bird."  If - and I guess that's a GM's call, but IF he can cast spells.... that's the first one he's going to do, unless he likes being a bird.

Yes a death curse is powerful, but not all powerful.  Let's take "die alone" -- do you really think he's truly dead for ever... just to use a relevant example from the books.

I'm not sure on the set up - if the bird was able to kill the bad wizard (as a bird) - and the dying wizard used his curse to keep the wizard bird in that shape...I'd say the wizard bird still can cast spells... and will, over time, work his way out of that situation.  Maybe not healing himself, but getting help.  But hey - if the guy wants to play a bird - have fun with that.

Offline kihon

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2010, 07:54:59 PM »
Don't like the re-transform about this.  He's a bird that remembers he's a wizard.  Fly over to any other wizards you know (and you'll know a few) and ask (he's a talking bird at that) for help.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2010, 07:56:16 PM »
He could go bathe in an ocean or something. Such a vast source of salt water is going to weaken the curse. Then he goes and enters the oldest, most lived-in monastery or cathedral he can find. This also considerably weakens the curse as such places have a threshold of Legendary or more.
So the curse just lost 10-15 shifts of its power. If most of its original shifts went towards achieving a take-out, it shouldn't have any shifts for duration left and it goes poof.

The reason really big curses don't go poof like that is that the caster is going to prepare some heavy ritual to throw your way, maybe even ritual sacrifice. Even if you reduce their strength by a maximum of 16 shifts through thesholds and running water, they got plenty of power left.

Offline Doc Nova

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2010, 02:05:20 AM »
Since it sounds like it's a curse the player wants on his character...I'd rule that the curse was put together with the power of plot.  Perhaps other wizards have tried to help him and failed.  Perhaps there's a worry about the curse being potentially contagious, so no other wizard is willing to try and help.  Perhaps the curse was put on by a high-ranking council member himself and it would be politically unsound for another wizard to counter that.  I'm not really sure the means of undoing the curse is even relevant if the player wants it there and the GM agrees.  Heck, maybe it wasn't even a wizard...maybe it was some sidhe lord who was partying with a bunch of mortals and thought "Ho! Ho! What fun! Let's make a parrizard! Whee!"

Personally, I love the idea.  The concept alone is riddled with potential plot hooks.

Offline JosephKell

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2010, 05:01:53 AM »
"Polly Want a Potion!  RAK!"  Has to be an aspect.  I have no idea how to work it in though.
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.

Offline babel2uk

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2010, 07:50:18 AM »
"Polly Want a Potion!  RAK!"  Has to be an aspect.  I have no idea how to work it in though.
The Aspect is "CURSES! I'M A PARROT!"

Thanks for the comments everyone. There are some issues I need to at least think about, so it's all good stuff.

Yes the player wants the curse to still be in effect, so it is basically plot powered.

However, there are a few things I'm still a little unsure about with regards to some of the issues raised.

The first of these is the exact effect that running water and salt would have on a situation like this. Bearing in mind that it's in fact 2 curses we're talking about. The first is the curse that transformed him (and you can consider that one to be cast by a powerful wizard at the height of his power, with human sacrifice involved, and in his own place of power) - so that one's a doozy in and of itself. The Death Curse reinforced the original curse - I'm thinking that maybe it's added certain requirements to allow it to be broken. The requirements are either something the character just wasn't prepared to consider (he's a protector of children, so maybe 'the heart of a child' killed by his magic - something vague enough to have an alternate meaning if we need it to), or it's something that is now virtually impossible to get. Because the curses have inflicted a permanent character Aspect, I’m looking at it from the viewpoint that it has become a part of the person, which means it’s treated like a supernatural power when passing through a Threshold.

The only stuff I can find in the rules on the effects of water on a spell is to treat it like a Threshold, that and a very vague paragraph in Our World, which doesn’t really go into any system mechanics (If anyone can direct me to any more meaningful information I’d appreciate it). Which theoretically means that the dampening effect of water (and indeed the threshold for a religious sanctuary) would only be in effect while you were within them. Which is fine, I’m quite happy that the presence of running water and a heavily sanctified holy place could massively degrade a curse, as it would any spell. However, if you were trying to cast something to counter the curse, wouldn’t you also be suffering the same degradation to your attempt? Which would seem to cancel out the benefits of performing it in such a place (you can of course combat this with preparation, but it’s going to be a dangerous proposition for him to try and cast it himself). Am I wrong in my assumption of how this works, and if so can you point me towards what I’ve missed.

As far as contacting other Wizards goes, the circumstances of the original curse involve the character being framed for the enthralling of children. The charges was proven false - so he no longer has Lawbreaker or Doom of Damocles - but not for some time afterwards, so initially it wasn’t an option to go to another wizard. Then there’s the blank spots that have happened from time to time, and yes, he now finds himself quite comfortable as a parrot.

As far as a transformation spell goes to allow him to change back into a human form, I’m figuring, from a system perspective it’s simply that every time he tries without the correct requirements in place his CURSES! I’M A PARROT Aspect is invoked to prevent the change.

And as Doc Nova says the situation is riddled with plot hooks.

Thanks again all.

Offline Wyrdrune

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Re: Transformed Character
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2010, 08:28:33 AM »
i am a little late with this, but maybe the GM or the plot could dictate that the char needs very exotic ingredients to break the curse, like a body fluid of a dragon. (even if you are friends with one, it will be reluctant to give a sample - it would mean you hold a connection to him usable witch magic).

heck, you can build an entire campaign about getting everything together breaking the curse, if the player ever wants to...