I'm really liking what you guys are throwing out here, thanks! I do definitely want him to be able to sling around some luck effects like Crion suggests, and I think I might go with Sponsored Magic (Luck) as that seems the simplest to me. It seems like it'll be a lot of maneuvers, which works great with what I'm thinking. I picture a guy who, during a foot chase, can take a second to throw up a curse that applies a maneuver to the person he's chasing like OFF BALANCE or something, that he can tag to try and make the person trip. Or alternately, a maneuver he can apply to himself like SLIPPERY AS A SNAKE to help him avoid getting hit in a fight. Seems like the Sponsored Magic route might be the best way to go about that.
I like the idea of using Guide My Hand for the luck sense, too. I'll probably rename it, "Sense the Lady's Work" or something like that to fit the concept better, but mechanically I think it should work fine.