Author Topic: Conflict Questions  (Read 1751 times)

Offline JesterOC

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Conflict Questions
« on: August 16, 2010, 07:42:13 AM »
So I have a few questions regarding todays game.

The players noticed that they where being followed, so a PC with Super human speed, slams on the breaks, hops out of the car, races over the the follower and attempts to intimidate the driver. His description is that he bashes in the windows (also super strong) and demands to know why he is being followed.

I counted it as a straight intimidate check, but the players (who have not read the rules) felt that the actions described deserved a modifier. I suggested that a bash to maneuver an aspect onto the driver would do that, but the PC did not want to let the Driver to be able to react before he rolled the intimidate. Can you guys see a way to let the PC's get the effect they wanted in the time frame they wanted?

Also, do declarations take any time during an exchange? The book says it take no game time, does that mean that the player can keep trying different declarations until one sticks?

Lastly can social combat and physical combat exist in the same conflict, it seems to be able to work OK, but I was wondering If I was messing this rule up?


Offline Belial666

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Re: Conflict Questions
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2010, 10:18:30 AM »
A PC with Supernatural Speed automatically wins initiative against those that don't have Supernatural Speed. So he can react before the other guy does.

A PC with Supernatural Speed can move 2 whole zones in an exchange without affecting their main action at all and crosses borders (i.e. getting out of the car) far more easily too. So he might be able to do that, depending on how far the cars are. If the cars are only a zone apart (i.e. about half a parking lot) he could slam the breaks and move one zone for free. If they are two zones away (one block), he could move 2 zones for free and take a supplemental action for slamming the brakes, taking -1 penalty for rushing his action. If they are further apart, he'd need Mythic Speed to do it.

Intimidate is modified if you could obviously harm your target, are somehow stronger - or appear to be. So a PC with Supernatural Strength can use it to modify his Intimidate roll by +2 as part of a complex action.

If your PC both surprises the follower and wins initiative, he would have two exchanges to do stuff; the surprise and the first exchange for which he wins initiative. (I think)

Offline JesterOC

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Re: Conflict Questions
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 04:07:57 PM »
Damn, I missed the whole surprise angle. I can't seem to find a rule on surprise, except for the ambush section of stealth, is there another way to generate surprise? While it is surprising to have the person being tailed, jump out of the car and confront them, I doubt that would be considered an ambush.

Also seemed to have missed the modifier you mentioned for Intimidation. Can you tell me where in the book you saw that.

