Author Topic: About Occult Chicago  (Read 2925 times)

Offline Kragshot

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About Occult Chicago
« on: July 30, 2010, 10:46:16 PM »
Just finished "Our World;" and I thought that it was awesome in the context of the DFU. However, being a Chicago resident, I have to admit that I'm a bit "sensitive" about my city being written about. Ken Hite (who I didn't know was also a fellow resident), definitely got the feeling and energy of our home on point. I'm more than a little passionate about my home, so when I first saw the Dresden Files series and found it was set here, I was excited and then when I found that a game would be coming out based on Butcher's work, I nearly exploded.

I've purchased both of the game books and I'm in the process of trying to sell it to my gaming group. I've enjoyed what I've read so far I can't wait to get a game going.

Anyway, getting back to the Occult Chicago segment, Ken did a great job merging real and DFU Chicago, but however and to be honest, Chicago (especially in the context of the DRU) deserves it's own book. I would imagine that Ken had a limited amount of space to work, so he touched on the most notable neighborhoods in the city. I do love that he made mention of Resurrection Mary, La Llorona, and the Hull House Devil Baby. But there is so much very much.

So, with that in mind, I want to start an "Occult Chicago" thread on this forum, so other players who want to run their DFRPG games in the Chi, can draw on more info to flesh out their games. As a resident of the "City of Big Shoulders," I feel that this is something that I can do. If my city is going to be represented, then it has to be done right. JB, Ken Hite and the rest of the Evil Hat crew got the ball rolling, but I felt that rather than complaining about what was missing, I should contribute and build on what they constructed. If anyone else here wants to pitch in, feel free.

What I propose for the thread is that folks can post historical notes, other supernatural legends, or links to sites where relevant research has been done. Finally, I'd like to see fan/player developed stuff set in Chicago be posted here as well.

In addition, I'd like to see residents of other cities do similar threads for their own homes.

With all of the above being said, I might as well get started.

How many folks here knew that part of Lincoln Park used to be a cemetery? The part bounded by Clark St., North Ave., Burton Place, and Dearborn Pkwy, as well as an area north of North Ave, used to be a cemetery. In 1860, the land was commissioned to become a public park, so when the developers came in to begin clearing the land, little did they know that there were a large number of unmarked graves in the earth there, but more than a century later, the truth came out. When the Chicago Historical Society decided to break ground for a new edition, the construction crew discovered a very large number of human remains.

So, what would happen if those spirits decided to get up in arms?

Possible aspects for Lincoln Park, Chicago:
"Who has disturbed our eternal rest?" (Agitated spirits in Lincoln Park)
"The dead have their own history (Chicago Historical Society Building)"
"So, what do a few dead folks matter when we stand to make a profit? (Contractors who did the CHS edition)"

Okay...I'll try to post more at least weekly.
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Re: About Occult Chicago
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 10:49:52 PM »
As another resource you might want to check out World of Darkness: Chicago.  Ken Hite also contributed to that (I got mine autographed! :D) and it's got a lot of spooky little details that are basically weird true tales.  I know it's for a different game, but it's definitely worth mining for information.

Greetings, fellow Chicagoan! ;D
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 11:54:11 PM by Ophidimancer »

Offline Kragshot

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Re: About Occult Chicago
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 11:53:29 PM »
Hey there! I got that book too!

Anyway, I'm doing this because I want to contribute to the milieu that is being built around this game and game world. Please chip in and help...this is a cool idea and I think that the more of us who get involved, the better it will become.
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Re: About Occult Chicago
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2010, 04:22:23 PM »
Greetings and salutations fellow Chicagoian!

So my buddy/buddies and I are actually playing a game within Chicago, and we're (my buddy and I are the 'GM's'.  I'm more of a co-GM, but still works) looking for new ideas/occult ideas to use. :) Great thread (or start of one).

Here's a link I found that direct to certain 'ghost stories', and I'll add other noteworthy places in Chicago/Dresden Books (like Saint Mary of the Angels.  My Great-Great Uncle actually helped found the Church back in the late 1800's. :D And I got married there too!).

Really though, those pictures don't do it justice.  If you live in Chicago, check out that church. :) (take the 90 to Armitage.  You really can't miss it.)

Other noteworthy things, not really occult, would be the mafia/Capone era.  It'd make for some interesting backstory/locations involving other characters (Marcone, maybe the other Vamp courts, etc.).

Parks in the Chicago area.

So there's a few resources for now.  Not a lot of occult, but certainly some places you could use to make it authentic. ;)


Offline Kragshot

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Re: About Occult Chicago
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2010, 11:59:36 PM »
Alright...I know that there has been some mention of the movie "Candyman."

But it bears a re-mention, especially in the DFRPG universe and this thread in particular, as it is rooted in the Chi.

But rather than repost what has been done, I'll just post links to the info here:

Wikipedia Article:

IMDB Article:

The Forbidden (original Clive Barker short story):

This stuff is golden for a DFRPG campaign; tell me it ain't!

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Re: About Occult Chicago
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2010, 11:06:38 AM »
I could see the 'Candyman' as a fetch(?).  Think Proven Guilty.  There's not much else I could see it as.  :-[

But still, great find.  It can certainly still be used within the universe.  I guess I personally just wouldn't use it more than a fetch.

^ ^ ^

For those who forgot (I hate that wikia though... so poorly updated and articled incorrectly usually).