[-3] Evocation (spirit Specialization), [-3] Thaumaturgy (foci specialization) [-2] Sponsored Magic (Hellfire), [-1] The Sight, [-8] Refinement 8x, Soulgaze, Wizard Constitution, [-2] IoP
Discipline +6, Conviction +6, Lore +5
Spirit Control +5, Spirit Power +4, Fire Control +3, Fire Power +2, Air Control +1
Robes of the Archwizard: plus 1 refinement, My Will is My Shield (use conviction for social/physical defense), is offensive spirit control focus +5, armor 3
Staff of the Archwizard: plus 1 refinement, By the Power of Will (use conviction for attacks with the staff), is offensive spirit power focus +5, weapon 3
So, you are 20 refresh, -19 for all powers/items, and you have:
Fantastic +6 Defense and Attack, armor 3 and weapon 3.
Offensive Spirit Power 16, Offensive Spirit Control 16. You can probably tear down the Empire State building if you blast an 8-zone hole in its foundations using your smallest rote. To be sure, you can use your second rote to add 5 temporary aspects to yourself that can be tagged for destructive purposes then hit the building with a 13-zone megablast at +26 attack. Sure, you'll get two mild consequences and 2 sponsor debt but so what? You just made the USA think there was another 9/11 and there's probably a war coming. You've paid that sponsor debt several times over already.
Defensive Spirit Power 10, Defensive Spirit Control 11. Not too bad. You can probably take direct hits from a tank to your shield but why bother? Pull an 11-shift veil and also catch your enemies by surprise. Who's gonna make a perception roll of 11 anyway?
Ritual Complexity is only 5. However, by just spending your mental stress and two mild consequences and provided that the ritual is destructive, you can add no less than 30 aspects to yourself that you can tag... in one scene of preparation. That's a 65-shift ritual.
So yeah. Blackstaff plus - level wizardry at -19 refresh. Enjoy. If you wanted, you could put 14 more refinements (assuming discipline, lore and conviction of +8 here), to have spirit at +8 control, +7 power, and the staff and mantle giving +8 offensive bonuses -just put the extra specializations to crafting so you can actually fit the +8 bonus to the staff and mantle (foci of that size normally go up to +6 so you need it to increase the limit).
You'd then be able to pull off 24-shift evocations at +24 attack and 15-shift defenses at +16 control. At a refresh of -33, which is Senior Council level according to some. That's more or less the limit of mortal magic unless you pay 6 more refresh to get three Lawbreakers and thus another +3 to all your magic that breaks those laws which puts you at -39 refresh.