Author Topic: Two Spirt Form Questions  (Read 2320 times)

Offline Jeckel

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Two Spirt Form Questions
« on: August 06, 2010, 08:05:26 AM »
One of my part-time players is getting her current character phased out and we've decided that an upcoming NPC ghost that will be at the center of a few different game nights will work perfectly. Most of the character side of things is worked out, and now I'm just doing the stating.

I'm working on the powers and Spirit Form raised two questions in my head.

1) Does Spirit Form allow ghosts to fly? The Insubstantial effect mentions being able to move through walls, so there is no problem with the moving through the ceiling part. I'm wondering specifically if it allows the "ghost" to fly up like the Wings power. The Insubstantial effect also says that "most" borders are reduced to zero, so I'm thinking that would include the borders above you.

For my games I would rule it lets you fly, but I'm wondering if others think there is any BS factor there that one player might call if another player took Spirit Form?

2) Does the Poltergeist upgrade grant telekinesis like ability? As the upgrade reads I'm thinking no. It says that Conviction replaces Might "to move heavy things", but beyond that it talks about manifesting with ectoplasm and physically interacting with stuff. That all seems to mean that you are becoming physical-ish and able to interact as such. The part that made me wonder was the section on the Chicago Library Ghost in Our World where it says, "Powers: Standard ghost powers, with emphasis on telekinesis (via the Poltergeist upgrade on Spirit Form)."

Again, for the purposes of my game I'm ruling that the upgrade lets you do telekinetic stuff. But does that seem like what was intended?
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Offline smoore

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Re: Two Spirt Form Questions
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 03:35:27 PM »
1) I'd say that Spirit Form itself allows levitation across 1 border vertically and the creature could move horizontally about as far as they could jump  while levitating but without contacting some surface again they couldn't move any further in either direction. This would allow them to raise up through a floor, or up to a balcony but not full flight.

2) Remember the movie Ghost where he pushes objects? I'd run poltergeist like that. A poltergeist can throw anything they can touch with effort. Being insubstantial and invisible it often seems like its telekinesis but its not really.  But if a wizard magically held an object in the center of a room above head height the poltergeist couldn't mentally snatch it without getting beneath it and rising up to it, setting off the wizards detection spells on the floor beneath the object.

Offline Jeckel

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Re: Two Spirt Form Questions
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 09:56:52 PM »
1) I like limiting it to one zone up, will have to use that. Seems both thematically and mechanically appropriate.

2) For the PC ghost in question I'm going to allow some full telekinetic effects, but in general what you said does seem the most logical interpretation.

Thanx for the input, its always nice to get a second opinion. :)
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