Author Topic: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt  (Read 110625 times)

Offline Shandra

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #105 on: March 27, 2007, 03:09:22 AM »
Deceit or Burglary:
I walked in wearing a hat with an FTD logo and carrying a long white flower box under one arm. I nodded to an aging security guard at a desk and went on past him to the stairs, my steps purposeful. You'd be surprised how far a hat, a box, and a confident stride can get you. -Summer Knight, pg 130

So I took a calculated risk, used my free hand, and hit him [Morgan] as hard as I could in the mouth.
I think the blow startled him more than anything. He took a step back, letting go of my arm in surprise, and just blinked at me. He put one hand to his mouth, and when he drew his fingers away, there was blood on them.
I planted my feet and faced him, without meeting his eyes. "Don't touch me." -Storm Front, pg 81

[...]I drove my fist at his nose as hard as I could. I don't carry a lot of power on my own when I punch. But when I added in the kinetic energy stored in the ring, my fist became a battering ram of bone and flesh, flattening the man's nose in a gout of blood, and sending him sprawling to the ground six feet away. - Fool Moon, pg 83

Marcone was a civilizing influence on crime-and where he operated, it was more of a problem in terms of scale than ever before. An extremely shrewd businessman, he had a battery of lawyers working for him that kept him fenced in from the law behind a barricade of depositions and papers and tape recordings. The cops never said it, but sometimes it seemed like they were almost reluctant to chase him.  -Storm Front, pg 24

Gentleman Johnny Marcone didn't look like the sort of man who would have my legs broken or my jaw wired shut. His salt-and-pepper hair was cut short, and there were lines from sun and smiling etched into the corners of his eyes. His eyes were the green of well-worn dollar bills. He seemed more like a college football coach: good-looking, tanned, athletic, and enthusiastic. The impression was reinforced by the men he kept with him. Cujo Hendricks hulked like an all-pro player who had been ousted for extreme unnecessary roughness. -Storm Front, pg 31

I tried not to look over her shoulder at the calendar I had hanging on the wall, and the red circle around the fifteenth of last month. Late rent. Need money. Even with the fee from today and what I would make in the future, it would take the city forever to pay up. -Storm Front, pg 43

Cha-ching. Five hundred dollars would take care of last month's rent and a good bit of this month's, too. I could get into this bit with nervous clients wanting to preserve the anonymity of their checking accounts from my supposed sorcerous might. Cash always spends.
"That will be fine, yes," I told her. I tried not to fondle the envelope. At least I wasn't crass enough to dump the money on my desk and count it out. -Storm Front, pg 46

First, the money. It was all in fifties, which always look new even when they're years old because they get so little circulation. There were ten of them. I put them in my wallet, and trashed the envelope. -Storm Front, pg 47

He [Bob] was rocking back and forth on his jawbones in excitement. "Now, just a teaspoon of powdered diamond, and we're done."
I rubbed at my eyes. "Diamond. I don't have any diamonds, Bob."
"I figured. You're cheap, that's why women don't like you. Look, just tear up a fifty into real little pieces and put that in there."
"A fifty-dollar bill?" I demanded.
"Money," Bob opined, "Very sexy."
I muttered and got the remaining fifty out of my pocket, shredding it and tossing it in to complete the potion. -Storm Front, pg 97

I went to one of the cafes inside, sat down, and ordered myself a cup of coffee. I had to pay for it with change. Most of my money had gone into paying off last month's rent and into the love potion I'd let Bob talk me into making. Money. [...] I didn't want to get out of hot water with the White Council only to lose my office and apartment because I couldn't pay the bills. -Storm Front, pg 131

Marcone was on the up and up. He was offering me a dream job, with virtually no commitment, and as much money as I could want. There was even a clause that specified that I would not be asked or expected to perform any unlawful acts.
With that kind of money, I could live the life I wanted. I could stop scraping for every dollar, running my legs off working for every paranoid looney who wanted to hire me to investigate his great-aunt's possessed cow. I could catch up on reading, finally, do the magical research I'd been itching to do for the past few years. -Fool Moon, pg 90

Resources or Driving: On the other hand, I didn't have much choice. I didn't have any money for a cab, even if I could get one this far from the city. I didn't have a car. I was in no shape to walk anywhere.  -Fool Moon, pg 152

That's it for the moment....  Will do more searching, and will post more in a bit.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 05:36:19 AM by Shandra »
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Offline Slife

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #106 on: March 28, 2007, 12:58:24 AM »
Just to point out to people, you need the page numbers as well.  You can use amazon once you have a quote to "search inside" and find it.
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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #107 on: March 28, 2007, 04:48:24 AM »
Pretty sure Iago was looking for quotes from the books to be able to put into the RPG book. Not originals. If you go to the top of the thread, he specifically askes what he wants. And what skill catergories he's looking for.


(Sorry I haven't poked my head in recently, this has been a busy two weeks.)
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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #108 on: March 28, 2007, 02:58:52 PM »
I've got a fw quotes for you...

Grave Peril Pg 278 (Paperback)
“Light shines brightest in the deepest dark!” Michael shouted, a fierce joy on his face, his eyes alight with a passion and a vengeance I had never seen in him. He kept forcing Mavra back before the paralyzing fire of the cross, until with a scream she fell from the dais. “Let come the forces of night! We will stand!”

Proven Guilty Pg150 (Paperback)
“I walked into the place like I was hoping to kick someone in the neck, because it was a hell of a lot easier to discourage potential predators ahead of time than it was to slug it out with them when they followed me out afterward.”

Death Masks Pg 123 (Paperback)
“I watched as she put the hone down and casually let the nightgown slide to the floor. I watched a little more. I wasn’t being a peeping Ton. This was professional. I noted that she had some intriguing curves. See? Professionalism in action.”

Storm Front Pg 103 (Paperback)
“Wizardry is all about thinking ahead, about being prepared. Wizards aren’t superhuman. We just have a leg up on seeing things more clearly than other people, and being able to use the extra information that we have to our benefit. Hell, the word wizard comes from the same root as wise. We know things.”

Walk in Mercy and Truth

Offline rma1979

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #109 on: April 03, 2007, 10:28:22 PM »
I'm surprised this hasn't come up yet:
Intimidation (Proven Guilty hardcover, Ch 26, Pg 203):
"You," I said. Glau looked at me without any readable expression. "You killed my dog," I said. "Get your affairs in order."

Offline jadesymb

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #110 on: April 04, 2007, 03:36:39 AM »
fool moon page chpt 16 pg 162
sometimes being able to use magic was so cool.  i almost stopped hurting for a few seconds, from the sheer enjoyment of the special effects

Offline alucard04

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #111 on: April 05, 2007, 06:21:26 PM »
Halfway through re-reading White Night and saw two that would work well for Intimidation or possibly Rapport:

"Bring it on, Darth Bathrobe!"
"Not bad - for a virgin."

Offline rma1979

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #112 on: April 05, 2007, 06:57:49 PM »
Here's one from the tail end of White Night (Ch 43, p398) , for Investigation:

"I picked up Thomas outside his apartment and tailed him as he crossed town. He took the El over toward the Loop, and hit the sidewalks again. He looked tense, and paler than usual."

Offline cybrgrl

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #113 on: April 06, 2007, 09:33:43 PM »
Intimidation (threats, scaring people, provoking anger, interrogation)
"Don't hurt the little coroner, gentlemen," the man said.  "We'll need him.  For a little while." Dead Beat.

Performance (playing to an audience, artistic composition and appreciation, creative communication)
"I'm, not going to let the Jolly Rogers laugh at me like that.  I mean, come on.  Five guys named Roger.  How much polka can be in their souls?"  Dead Beat.

"Great entrance.  Love the hat." Dead Beat.

Scholarship (mundane research, sciences, languages, using computers
"There was only one file on the jump drive, and it was empty.  The only information on it was the
file name, and it was just a number."
Dead Beat

« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 09:42:19 PM by cybrgrl »

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #114 on: April 07, 2007, 05:42:47 AM »
Empathy ("reading" people, maintaining the social graces, spotting lies)
"Let me get this straight," Susan said, quietly, as Bianca's speech went on. "We can't leave now because it would be an insult to the vampires." Grave Peril

"Lady Bianca, I'll be sure to tell my father all about this dizzying display of hospitality."  Grave Peril

Offline jadesymb

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #115 on: April 08, 2007, 06:08:22 PM »
Quotes from Death Mask

Alertness (This is 'passive' awareness, on-your-toes-ness, the ability to avoid surprise)
"I told myself not to be jumpy" pg 56 chapter 5
or the full quote
""heard footsteps growing closer, behind me.  I told myself not to be too jumpy.  Maybe it was just some other frightened, endangered, paranoid, sleep deprivied consultant"
Athletics (Running, jumping, climbing, dodging)
"I did the only thing a reasonable wizard could have done.  I turned around and ran like hell" Pg 57 chapter 5
"Wheezy wizards aren't all that good at running. thats why I'd been practicing." chapter 6 pg 58

Offline cybrgrl

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #116 on: April 08, 2007, 08:15:12 PM »
Alertness (This is 'passive' awareness, on-your-toes-ness, the ability to avoid surprise)
"I figured you wanted someone along who could notice things more subtle than a flashing neon sign".
"Oh, come on," I said.  "It doesn't have to be flashing."
- White Knight

"The wacky thing about those bad guys is that you can't count on them to be obvious.  The forget to wax their mustaches and goatees, leave their horns at home, send their black hat to the dry cleaners." - White Knight

Driving (driving, flying, boating, car chases, shortcuts, street navigation)
"Under the circumstances, I'm forced to conclude that you were right.  I am a control freak and you were one hundred percent right to be driving the car." - White Knight

Empathy ("reading" people, maintaining the social graces, spotting lies)
In the investigation business, when someone starts trying to rush you out in order to conceal some kind of information from you, it is what we professionals call a clue. - White Knight

Investigation (examination, eavesdropping, pattern recognition, surveillance)
"I don't normally do stake outs."
"I thought it might be a nice change for you. All that knocking down doors and burning buildings must get tiring."
- White Knight

Offline jadesymb

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #117 on: April 09, 2007, 07:33:20 PM »
"I locked up my car and felt a sudden, slithering pressure on my back - my instincts way of screaming that someone was watching me."
Death Masks ch 16 pg 165

Offline jadesymb

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #118 on: April 09, 2007, 07:37:29 PM »
couls also work for Lore....(vague i've-got-a-bad-feeling-about-this "sixth sense")

Offline Slife

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #119 on: April 10, 2007, 01:54:03 AM »
Are TV show quotes O.K. too?

s1x11 Things that Bump in the night

Harry: I dropped out of High School, remember?
Bob: And you wonder why your life is an unending series of insurmountable intellectual, financial, and emotional hurdles.
Rule one of magic:  Never, ever, under any circumstances, trust someone named "Morningstar".