Author Topic: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt  (Read 110589 times)

Offline Karevala

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #90 on: March 21, 2007, 05:33:40 AM »
Most of these involve firearms finesse or intimidation with guns.

Guns or Athletics?
[She] had the reflexes that were depressingly common in all three vampire types, and she darted out of the way of the flames. She leveled both guns at me as she did, blazing away like those Hong Kong action movies.
(Blood Rites 16:119)

{I} drew out a great big Dirty Harry Callahan number that weighed about seventy-five thousand pounds.
(Death Masks 4:41)

(I'm not quite sure where this fits, if anywhere, but it does involve a gun.)
"If you like, think of the precautions as a compliment."
 I folded my arms. "Because nothing says flattery like a gun to the head."
(Blood Rites 10:76)

Guns or Intimidation (I couldn't believe that no one suggested this one already.)
"So I'd use a rifle at a thousand yards. The bullet outruns its own sonic boom, and you'd never even hear the shot. You'd be dead before you realized what happened."
(Blood Rites 10:78)

Apparently a gun held to the back of my head engenders a sense of fellowship and goodwill in the depths of my soul.
I cooperated.
(Blood Rites 10:74)

Murphy put the mouth of the riot gun against [his] spine and said, "How good is that armor?"
(Blood Rites 31:263)

"If you make any noise or start to get up, I'll probably twitch, and this trigger is pretty sensitive. My gun is pointed at your nose. The ensuing cause-and-effect chain reaction could be inconvenient for you."
(Blood Rites 10:75)

Fists (Ah, philadelphia, maybe this one belongs in Rapport? ;) )
My vision went red with rage and I hit him in the face for the second time in six hours. He fell to the floor, twisted his hips, and swept my legs out from under me.  I hit the ground, and [he] piled on to me; going for an armlock. I got a leg underneath me and sank my teeth into his arm as he tried to get it around my neck. I pushed up and slammed him against a wall with my body, and we both staggered apart.
(Blood Rites 21:163)

Edit: 'cause I forgot some.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 05:51:28 AM by Karevala »
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

Offline laurelei23

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #91 on: March 21, 2007, 07:32:03 PM »
Proven Guilty, ch 34
"I have someone who can help. Only she's totally unable to help me."

Murphy scowled at me, then said, "You're enjoying this. You just love to dance around questions, and spring surprises when you know something the rest of us don't."

"It's like heroin for wizards," I confirmed.

Storm Front, ch 24
A man's magic demonstrates what sort of person he is, what is held most deeply inside  of him. There is no truer gauge of a man's character than the way in which he employs his strength, his power.

I was not a murderer. I was not like Victor Sells. I was Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. I was a wizard. Wizards control their power. They don't let it control them. And wizards don't use magic to kill people. They use it to discover, to protect, to mend, to help. Not to destroy.

Re-reading SF made me remember something. Beneath all that armor of snark and cynicism, Harry has a heart like a pile of sleeping kittens -- soft and sweet with sharp little teeth and claws.

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain

Offline Rel Fexive

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #92 on: March 21, 2007, 08:00:26 PM »
Re-reading SF made me remember something. Beneath all that armor of snark and cynicism, Harry has a heart like a pile of sleeping kittens -- soft and sweet with sharp little teeth and claws.

A fantastically accurate description :)
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RIVER SONG: What thing?
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!

Offline gknee

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #93 on: March 22, 2007, 12:12:34 PM »
laurelei23 said:

Beneath all that armor of snark and cynicism, Harry has a heart like a pile of sleeping kittens -- soft and sweet with sharp little teeth and claws.

I agree with von Bek, what a fabulous quote! Can that be in the game?
- "You are, I take it, Harry Dresden?" "If I'm not, he's going to be upset with me when he catches me running around in his underpants".

- "I'd hate to find out that the universe really wasn't conspiring against me. It would jerk the rug out from under my persecution complex".

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #94 on: March 22, 2007, 07:27:18 PM »
laurelei23 said:

Beneath all that armor of snark and cynicism, Harry has a heart like a pile of sleeping kittens -- soft and sweet with sharp little teeth and claws.

I agree with von Bek, what a fabulous quote! Can that be in the game?
I third that suggestion.
"Do not injustice to another / Defend the weak and innocent / Let truth and honor always guide you / Let courage find a life within."

--The Cruxshadows, _Sophia_

Offline laurelei23

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #95 on: March 22, 2007, 09:02:25 PM »
laurelei23 said:

Beneath all that armor of snark and cynicism, Harry has a heart like a pile of sleeping kittens -- soft and sweet with sharp little teeth and claws.

I agree with von Bek, what a fabulous quote! Can that be in the game?
I third that suggestion.

oh my  *solemn head bow*

One must have a heart of stone to read the death of Little Nell without laughing.
  ~O. Wilde
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain

Offline Redwulf25_ci

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #96 on: March 23, 2007, 06:37:18 AM »
laurelei23 said:

Beneath all that armor of snark and cynicism, Harry has a heart like a pile of sleeping kittens -- soft and sweet with sharp little teeth and claws.

I agree with von Bek, what a fabulous quote! Can that be in the game?
I third that suggestion.

A quote that sums up Dresden better than Mr. Butcher himself.

Offline Karevala

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #97 on: March 23, 2007, 02:53:12 PM »
Bit of a grab bag of quotes this time.
(Book, Chapter: Page#)

Investigation (deduction, insight)
And I felt worse, a moment later, when I looked out the car window at the full moon and realized something that I should have put together an hour before -- the real killer or killers were still out there.
(Fool Moon 13:118)

The walls shook around the beast, as though its very presence was enough to make reality shudder. Bloodstained drool spilled from its foaming jaws, and its green eyes blazed with hellish fury. The thing had laughed off bullets fired into its skull at point-blank range.
(Fool Moon 18:177)

Performance or possibly Deceit
I didn't know if I could kill him, but there was no reason to let him think I wasn't confident about it.
(Death Masks 1:13)

(Not really sure what category this one belongs in, if any. My initial thought was performance.)
Thomas's grin had so much life that it was practically sentient.
(Blood Rites 19:145)

We started a game of shadow-haunted hide-and-seek in the little garden, Tera and me against the agents behind us. She moved like a wraith, in utter silence, smooth and steady in the black shadows and silver light of the moon overhead.
(Fool Moon 13:122)

But even with centuries of experience, I doubted any of [the vampires of the Black Court] had ever been hit with a water balloon.
Or with a holy-water balloon.
(Blood Rites 3:20)
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

Offline JennyJingle

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #98 on: March 23, 2007, 04:36:58 PM »
I can't believe no one's posted this one yet:

"Wait a minute. Where did you say this thing was stolen from?"
"The Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist."
"In northern Italy."
He nodded.
"In Turin, to be exact."
He nodded again.
"Someone stole the freaking Shroud of Turin?"

Death Masks, pg 27-28
If needed, it could just be pared down to the last line.
"Someone stole the freaking Shroud of Turin?" -- Death Masks, pg 28

Offline Echo

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #99 on: March 24, 2007, 06:31:11 AM »

“For the sake of one soul.  For one loved on.  For one life.”  I called power into my blasting rod, an its tip glowed incandescent white.  “The way I see it, there is nothing else worth fighting a war for.”

Grave Peril, p.267


The old man’s sword was not reflecting light.  It was emitting it.  The water-patterned steel of the blade glowed with a steady silver flame that slowly grew brighter.

Death Masks, p. 63


Nipple erection on command- now that’s method acting.

Grave Peril, p. 25

Offline gabrion

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #100 on: March 24, 2007, 07:07:26 PM »
Butters: "No you have to buy the expansion for that...maybe we could go back and get it?"
Harry: "One little burglary and you've gone all habitual." (Dead Beat, 347)

Also, I know someone already posted it, but I just want to second the following suggestion.

"I walked into the place like I was hoping to kick someone in the neck, becease it was a hell of a lot easier to discourage potential predators ahead of time..." (Proven Guilty, 150)

Offline Torvaldr

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #101 on: March 25, 2007, 05:48:28 AM »
Conviction - "You do not fight evil by becoming evil. Once you have crossed that line you have joined the darkness."

"Evil is not the greater power. So long as good has the will to resist, evil can never triumph."

Spoken by Tobias Grimm, Wizard of the Napa Valley
Hugs are my second favorite thing in the world. The first involves hugging, but is more vigorous.

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #102 on: March 25, 2007, 05:53:41 AM »
Then he bent down to move Mister out of his way, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Harry warned.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Does the term furball with razorblades mean anything to you?"


"If you are going to do that, you might as well take a cold shower with a live cat."
Hugs are my second favorite thing in the world. The first involves hugging, but is more vigorous.

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #103 on: March 25, 2007, 05:57:15 AM »
Okay I think I misunderstood.  ??? Are we only supposed to offer quotes from the books, or can we also offer original quotes? The quote I listed above are original. Sorry if I broke the rules.  :-[
Hugs are my second favorite thing in the world. The first involves hugging, but is more vigorous.

Offline JennyJingle

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #104 on: March 25, 2007, 01:32:52 PM »
Pretty sure Iago was looking for quotes from the books to be able to put into the RPG book. Not originals. If you go to the top of the thread, he specifically askes what he wants. And what skill catergories he's looking for.
"Someone stole the freaking Shroud of Turin?" -- Death Masks, pg 28