Author Topic: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt  (Read 110572 times)

Offline SoulCatcher78

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #135 on: April 17, 2007, 11:03:20 PM »
Thanks Iago *big hetero man hugs to you*

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #136 on: April 17, 2007, 11:54:18 PM »
Italicized portion is most relevant. 

It took Molly better than twenty minutes to focus her mind for the comparatively simple spell.  Focus of intention, of will, is intreral to any use of magic.  I'd drawn myself up to focus power so often and for so long that I only had to actually make a conscious effort to do it when a spell was particularly complex, dangerous, or when I thought it wise to be slow and cautious.  Most of the time, it took me less tahn a second to gather up my will-- which is critical in any situation where speed is a factor. White Night, pg 24.
Some people are brave; others just don't know any better.

Offline mikeryan

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #137 on: April 18, 2007, 12:39:12 AM »
Empathy is my favorite SotC skill, so I feel compelled to take a stab at a quote.

[/li][li] Empathy: This is mostly taken care of -- but in Storm Front, when Harry's on the phone with the chauffeur lady, he does a number of Empathy-like things, and that's glaringly missing.  I'd love it if someone could hit this one.

I didn't see anything when he was on the phone with her (she shut him down too quickly), but during their face-to-face there were a bunch.

1. Storm Front (CH 10 page 127)

"She took another drag, and this time I saw a small shake to her fingers, one she quickly hid. Just not quickly enough. She was nervous. Nervous enough to be shaking, and now I could see what she was up to. She was wearing the alley-cat mask, appealing to my glands instead of my brain, and trying to distract me with it, trying to keep me from finding something out."

2. Storm Front (CH 10 page 128)

"I'm not inhuman. I can be distracted by a pretty face, or body, like any other youngish man. Linda Randall was damned good at playing the part. But I do not like to be made the fool.
So, Miss Sex Goddess. What are you hiding?"

3. Storm Front (CH 10 page 128)

"Her eyes were roving about now, nervous, like a cat who has found herself shut into a closed room."

4. Storm Front (CH 10 page 129)

"She pressed her lips together and shook her head. She shook her head and she lied as lied to me as she did it. I was sure of it. She was closing in, tightening up, and if there was nothing she could tell me, she wouldn't be trying to hide it."

And a Discipline one:

Storm Front (page 127)

"Her expression promised to show me things that you don't talk about with other people, if I would give her half a chance. Your job, Harry. Think about your job."

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #138 on: April 18, 2007, 01:43:20 AM »
Got it!  Thanks, Iago.
Rule one of magic:  Never, ever, under any circumstances, trust someone named "Morningstar".

Offline theboatman

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #139 on: April 18, 2007, 01:58:29 AM »
Just finished downloading my copy of Don't Rest Your Head  ;D

Many thanks Iago

Offline Douglas

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #140 on: April 20, 2007, 03:33:56 PM »
Since no one has given Deceit quote for Thomas here goes:

So let me get this straight.  You want me to help save the girl, overthrow the dark lord, and defend the innocents terrorized by dark magice," I said.  "And you want me to do it because you're my long-lost half brother, who needs somenone noble to stand beside him in a desperate battle for what's right."

He grimaced.  "That phrasing has way more melodrama in it than I would have used."

"You've got to be kidding me.  That's a really lame con."

"Give me some credit, Dresden,"  He sighed.  "I know how to con.  If you were really just another mark, I'd have come up with a better story."

-Blood Rites, Chapter 21, pg. 165-166

Another option:

"The night is young," I said.  "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you like the lying treacherous vampire sleaze you are?"

"Because you can trust me," he said.  I want to help you.

I snorted.  "Why the hell should I believe you?"

"You shouldn't." he said.  "Don't.  I'm a good liar.  One of the best.  I'm not asking ypou to believe me.  Believe the circumstances.  We have a common interest."

...and on the same page...

Michael shook his head.  "He's a liar, Harry.  I can tell just by being this close to him."

"Yes, yes, yes," Thomas said.  I confess to it.  But at the moment , it isn't part of my agenda to lie to anyone.  I just want her back."

-Grave Peril, Chapter 31, pg. 294 (both quotes)

Offline iago

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #141 on: April 20, 2007, 04:38:49 PM »
Fantastic; thanks for the follow-ups.

I'm thinking I also remember something in Grave Peril -- around the 300's in terms of page position -- with Lea riding a horse?  Could someone track that down for me so I can grab it for the Survival skill?
Fred Hicks
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Offline mikeryan

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #142 on: April 20, 2007, 10:55:42 PM »
Survival, short and to the point. Rest of the time, she's pretty much just sitting there.

Grave Peril (Ch33)

"Lea laid a hand on her horse's neck, and the savage beast calmed."

Offline phoenix avolon

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #143 on: April 24, 2007, 02:28:52 AM »
Survival (animal handling)

From Grave Peril chapter 21

“One of her hounds appeared out of the darkness, and crouched beside her, fastening its dark eyes upon me. She laid a fond hand upon its broad head and it shivered in pleasure.”

From Blood Rites (chapter 3)
“It was the insane little notched-eared pup. He ignored me, still growling, and started shaking his head back and forth violently. ‘Good thing we had a stowaway. Vamp might have gotten us both.”

From Grave Peril (chapter 7)
“But it didn’t feel right, to not have Mister run up to me and bowl my shins in greeting. That should have been enough to tip me off.”

To bad dress isn’t under a category, there are some really good quotes for that.

Offline Hary Dresden

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #144 on: April 25, 2007, 11:14:53 PM »
Two quotes for Driving (although it is a bit of an unconventional vehicle, but Survival doesn't seem quite apropriate either) if anyone has a better idea about what skill would be used to ride a reanimated T-rex through Chicago then you can use these quotes for that skill.

Dead Beat Chapter 39:
I didn't know this before, but as it turns out, Tyrannosaurs can really haul ass.

Dead Beat Chapter 39:
Here's something else I bet you didn't know about Tyrannosaurs: they don't corner well. The first time I tried to take a left, Sue swung wide, the enormous momentum of her body simply too much for even her muscles to lightly command. She swung up onto the sidewalk, crushed three parked cars under her feet, knocked over two light poles, kicked a compact car end over end to land on its roof, and broke every window on the first two floors of the building beside us as her tail lashed back and forth in an effort to counterbalance her body.
I think driving could be an alright suggestion for Sue ??? No, convection sounds a lot better. I hope my suggestions help but, I can't wait for the game. 

Offline Hary Dresden

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #145 on: April 25, 2007, 11:21:11 PM »
Never be afraid to try unconventional weaponry from Blood Rites Chapter 30
Kincaid reached into the van and presented me with a futuristic-looking weapon, a gun.  It had a round tank the size of a gumball machine attatched to the frame, and for a second I thought I had been handed a pistol sized flame thrower.  Then I recognized it, cleared my throat and said, "This is a paintball gun."

Effects of holy water on Black Court Vampires from Blood Rites Chapter 33
...they splattered into Mavra, sizzling viciously.  Silver fire immediately began chewing at her flesh wherever the paintballs struck and broke.  It ripped into her and happened fast, as if some hyper kinetic gourmet were taking a melon baller to her chest.
Yes I agree the paint ball gun is a great wepon but most stores don't sell holy water filled paint balls!

Offline Redwulf25_ci

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #146 on: April 26, 2007, 06:55:49 AM »
Thank you again to all FORTY SEVEN people who participated in this.  You've definitely made a big chunk of my work easier, and I really appreciate that.  ALL OF YOU get a free PDF of Don't Rest Your Head.

SPECIAL THANKS to Karevala, who knocked it clean out of the park with a truly stunning number of contributions.  Karevala, you are a research MACHINE.  I'd love to give you a free PDF of Spirit of the Century as well as the Don't Rest Your Head one, if you don't already have it.

To claim your reward, drop me an email at evilhat AT gmail DOT com.  Tell me your forum name, and please put 'Quote Contest Reward' as the subject line. 

When I get your mail, I'll add you to the Evil Hat Bookshelf -- you'll get two emails, one giving you your username and password (if you don't already have one on the bookshelf), and another letting you know that your "prize" has been added to your account and is ready for download.

So, if you're on this list -- let me hear from you!

  • Redwulf25_ci

Hey, sent out an e-mail to you as requested several days ago, haven't received an e-mail about my prize yet. Have you just been busy or did my e-mail get eaten by the net monster and need resent?

<edit: Got my copy today. Thank you very much.>
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 12:34:27 AM by Redwulf25_ci »

Offline iago

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #147 on: May 01, 2007, 12:55:26 AM »
Hey, sent out an e-mail to you as requested several days ago, haven't received an e-mail about my prize yet. Have you just been busy or did my e-mail get eaten by the net monster and need resent?

<edit: Got my copy today. Thank you very much.>

I was out of town for a week.  Apologies!
Fred Hicks
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Offline phoenix avolon

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #148 on: May 25, 2007, 05:33:22 PM »
“The police do not know how game runs, or how to chase it. One grabbed me. I made him let go.”
-Fool Moon, chap 16, p153

“A dual would mean a fair fight, and I hate fair fights. In the words of a murderous Faerie Queen they’re too easy to lose.”
-Death Masks, chap 1, p14

“I could slip in to the archaic at dramatically appropriate moments. So sue me.”
-Grave Peril, chap 23 p202

Offline Antithesis

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Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #149 on: May 27, 2007, 07:22:39 PM »
Dead Beat

Weapons :
“I’m fresh out of vorpal swords,” my father said. He reached into the pack and tossed me a miniature candy bar. “ The closest I can get is a Snickers snack”(p113)

Survival:  (Animal related)
The Erlking flung himself up onto the black steed’s back and let loose an eerie cry. When he did, all the howling music of the dogs, primitive and fierce, seemed to congeal into flashes of lightning that leapt up from the ground and into the clouds. For a second there was silence, and then the screaming winds warbled and whistled into deeper, more terrifying howls than any dog had ever uttered.(321)

“Why, yes,” Cowl said, and what sounded like a genuine laugh bubbled in his voice. “We smile at one another and play nicely all in the name of Kemmler’s greater glory, of course. But we are all planning on killing one another as soon as it’s convenient.(323)

Blood Rites

“I’ve narrowed it down.” Bob said.
“How narrow?”
“Uh.” the skull said. “It isn’t in any of the strip clubs.”
“Bob!” I demanded. “You were running around strip joints all day?”(176-177)

“He’s the dog with no name. Like Clint Eastwood, but fuzzier.”