Author Topic: Template Idea: Human Giant  (Read 3620 times)

Offline Barrington

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Template Idea: Human Giant
« on: August 06, 2010, 02:17:32 AM »
I had an idea for a custom template called Human Giant. The basic idea is a human who's a throwback to the days of Goliath. He's not technically supernatural, but he's far beyond human norm. Think Fezzik from the Princess Bride.

Human Giant

You are a human giant, the type not seen since Goliath. While you are still human, you are far larger, stronger, and more durable than your normal-sized brethren.


Your giant must have a background and high concept related to his immense size. Note that this size is not a product of acromegaly or any other pituitary disorder. You just won the genetic lottery as far as size went.

[-2] Hulking Size: Giants must be at least seven and a half feet tall and weigh either close to or over four hundred pounds. You're not just a great big guy. You're an honest to god GIANT.
[-2] Inhuman Strength
Here's a possible one, depending on how literally you want to interpret the throwback to Goliath thing:

[-1] Marked By Power: You have an extra finger and toe on each hand, marking you as a distant descendant of the legendary Anakim.

I'm thinking of building one of these as a backup to my main character, in case he dies. Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome.

Edit: Removed Inhuman Toughness from the template. Hulking Size fulfills the intended roll better. Inhuman strength is sort of a maybe, as Hulking Size gives a +2 to might rolls. Depends on how legendary you want their strength to be.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 02:43:13 AM by Barrington »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 07:36:09 AM »
I'm of the personal opinion that 7 1/2 feet and 400 lbs. isn't NEARLY large enough for Hulking Size. Bear in mind that Hulking Sze makes Stealth close to impossible, and your average Tiger or Grizzly Bear is quite a bit larger than the 'giant' you're listing, and both of them are potentially quite sneaky (especially the Tiger).

My personal requirement is 1,000 lbs. of weight to get Hulking Size, and while the specifics of that can be argued a bit, what you list is clearly just not big enough. Hulking Size is for Elephants and Dinosaurs, not just 'pretty big guys'.

Offline Remy Sinclair

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 03:44:43 PM »
I had an idea for a custom template called Human Giant. The basic idea is a human who's a throwback to the days of Goliath. He's not technically supernatural, but he's far beyond human norm. Think Fezzik from the Princess Bride.

Human Giant

You are a human giant, the type not seen since Goliath. While you are still human, you are far larger, stronger, and more durable than your normal-sized brethren.


Your giant must have a background and high concept related to his immense size. Note that this size is not a product of acromegaly or any other pituitary disorder. You just won the genetic lottery as far as size went.

[-2] Hulking Size: Giants must be at least seven and a half feet tall and weigh either close to or over four hundred pounds. You're not just a great big guy. You're an honest to god GIANT.
[-2] Inhuman Strength
Here's a possible one, depending on how literally you want to interpret the throwback to Goliath thing:

[-1] Marked By Power: You have an extra finger and toe on each hand, marking you as a distant descendant of the legendary Anakim.

I'm thinking of building one of these as a backup to my main character, in case he dies. Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome.

Edit: Removed Inhuman Toughness from the template. Hulking Size fulfills the intended roll better. Inhuman strength is sort of a maybe, as Hulking Size gives a +2 to might rolls. Depends on how legendary you want their strength to be.

I have to agree with Deadmanwalking if you look in Our World page 46, the Elder Gruff, & Our World page 50 ,the Ogre, both have Hulking Size. I do not see it at a 7' 5" character.

I know you contacted me about this last night on Yahoo Messenger but I was on City of Heroes in a Task Force. (I am his GM) and I said it looked good but I did not have my books with me. I know you posted this last night as we were talking.

Goliath in the Bible, Torah and Qur'an is considered standing 8-9 feet tall. Now Fezzik in the novel stands that tall but Andre the Giant who played the part in the movie the Princess Bride did not, he stood at 7' 5".

Offline tymire

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2010, 05:24:02 PM »
Anyone else think if you do this you should have to ryhme ever other sentance? 

Anyone want a peanut?   :P

Offline fabulator

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 06:47:39 PM »
Anyone else think if you do this you should have to ryhme ever other sentance? 

Anyone want a peanut?   :P

Hehehe, that could be your trouble.  Constant Rhymer maybe

Offline Barrington

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2010, 02:30:00 AM »
Naw, that trouble aspect is too much of a Small Timer  ;D

Offline Barrington

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2010, 05:30:50 AM »
Seriously, though, these are good points being raised. To that effect, perhaps Hulking Size should be removed and Inhuman Toughness applied instead. The Catch would be anything that can hurt normal humans, just more of it. Not sure how that would play out or what sort of + it would be. I'm thinking +0 because it's not something that can be used to instantly take him down. Thoughts?


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Offline Belial666

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2010, 01:24:31 PM »
Inhuman or even Supernatural Toughness with a catch "hits to the head" for +2, like a Red Court's hits to the belly. A giant-sized human might be able to resist body blows but the head would be just as vulnerable.

Plus, it totally fits Goliath from the Bible.

Offline Barrington

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Re: Template Idea: Human Giant
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2010, 11:02:00 PM »
Oh damn, you're so right! *Laughs* That's perfect. This, then, is the new template.


Human Giant

Musts: Must have a High Concept and background that reflects your ridiculous size and strength.

[-2] Inhuman Strength.
[-4] Supernatural Toughness
[-2] Inhuman Recovery
[+3] Catch: Head Wounds

Total Refresh: 5


So what we have, then, is a massive, powerful person with legendary levels of strength who is nearly immune to damage from blunt or stabbing weapons. Sounds about right for Fezzik or Goliath, and it's playable in a Feet Wet game, just barely.

I did have a thought, however. Another possible Catch to the toughness powers might be something along the lines of Strangulation. That one would probably be a +1 or +2, but it's another option if you want to be more powerful, are in a Waist High or higher game, and have a nice GM. Thoughts?


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