Author Topic: Non-were animals, and the human form +1  (Read 2751 times)

Offline Fandraen

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Non-were animals, and the human form +1
« on: August 13, 2010, 08:23:13 PM »
I've got a player running an Egyptian Temple Cat, in the spirit of Mouse. Not a were; just a supernaturally intelligent animal. He's been looking at the Human Form (+1, i.e. "disadvantage") and noting that it really is a major positive, too. Sure, you don't get all your powers all the time, but you get to be *human*, which makes a huge difference in the social game. Cats aren't really known for their skill at the negotiating table, no matter *how* friendly they are. And it's a little odd that a were, with the ability to effectively move between worlds and talk (and have *thumbs*!) is actually *cheaper* than an animal. Hm.

On the other hand, neither of is quite convinced that *lack* of human form is necessary worth +1 refresh either... and yet he really is at a noticable (if entertaining) disadvantage. He's already got the "Temple Cat" high concept which will be getting tagged a lot for the inconveniences of being an animal, so there's a fate point
boost here, but he's also physically incapable of doing a lot of the default activities. (Driving, for example; thank goodness we're in New York, where even animals can ride the subway.) It's a fun schtick, and I'm not completely crippling him (as with Mouse, there's a general assumption that he can get across surprisingly complex concepts with body language) but the unacknowledged handicap does feel a little odd.

So... what would you folks do, if anything, to make giving up thumbs and a voice feel balanced?

Offline JosephKell

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Re: Non-were animals, and the human form +1
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2010, 08:29:00 PM »
If he doesn't shapechange, no human form.

How, perhaps he can shapechange (size change) so that he has a "tiny cat" form and a "big car" form (big meaning human sized).  Then human form would apply.

Werewolves and Wolfweres are treated the same in Dresden Files RPG.  So if this is a supernatural cat that can turn into a human, build it the same, but come up with the animal form skills first and say that you can't raise knowledge or social skills from where they are in animal form (becoming human doesn't make you smarter).

While being able to mask as human is an "advantage" it also means not having access to cool cat powers.  And if you enforce the "being human doesn't make you smarter" then being human might be of little use.  The Cat Person might be awesome at "Cat Diplomacy" (Intimidation and Presence) but terrible at "Small Chat" (Deceit and Rapport).
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 08:31:29 PM by JosephKell »
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Non-were animals, and the human form +1
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2010, 09:34:24 PM »
You're really underestimating how many Fate Points he's going to get from not having a human form. It's gonna be a truly ridiculous amount, as he gets Compelled every time his lack of thumbs and such proves to be a disadvantage. I'd be shocked if it wasn't two or three every single session, likely more. Unless it doesn't come up as a problem, of course. But then, if it doesn't come up, he really shouldn't be getting points for it anyway.

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Non-were animals, and the human form +1
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2010, 09:42:40 PM »
As far as skills; you'd be amazed how social normal cats can be, when they want something; Deceit is perfectly in character (it's amazing how convincing our cats can be when trying to get someone to feed them a second time!).

As far as Compels...the character really shouldn't be trying to do that much which would require Compels, unless the GM, the player (and the other players) are having a good time with it.  Why try to open a door, when a good meow and scratch will get a human to open it?  Same for food, travel, etc.  He's a cat; work is what humans are supposed to be doing...:)

If they want Human Form, stat them as a Felinawere, rather than a human who turns into a cat.
You're the spirit of a nation, all right.  But it's NOT America.

Offline CMEast

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Re: Non-were animals, and the human form +1
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2010, 01:49:14 AM »
Instead of 'Pure Mortal', give him a 'Pure Animal' template. +2 bonus refresh.

Offline Lanir

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Re: Non-were animals, and the human form +1
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2010, 06:20:39 AM »
I'm kind of thinking this is the sort of challenge he signed up for with that type of character. I'd totally understand if he wanted to occasionally do a bit more interaction within the group. Probably the easiest way to handle that would be to allow a secondary character to be swapped out and run now and then.

Some fun ideas you could try:

- A "cat butler" of sorts is imported from the home temple. Aside from providing food and catnip upon demand, he occasionally translates. Or simply goes along on adventures instead of the temple cat when circumstances and the player's desires prompt it (this bleeds into the second idea, but in general this butler should be a low powered character).
- The player runs a secondary character which you and him/her make up. It's concept can be a bit more flamboyant since they only show up when the temple cat isn't around. The secondary character should loosely map the power levels of the PCs (or at least their effective abilities at whatever sorts of situations you'd like to use this character for).
- If there are scenes that don't make much sense for the cat to be there or be active in, you could allow the player to run an NPC if everyone's comfortable with that. This is probably the most risky option.

The only real tricky part here is maintaining group balance. The new character shouldn't steal spotlights from other PCs in areas they're used to shining in.

Offline Ala Alba

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Re: Non-were animals, and the human form +1
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2010, 04:32:11 PM »
I'm kind of thinking this is the sort of challenge he signed up for with that type of character. I'd totally understand if he wanted to occasionally do a bit more interaction within the group. Probably the easiest way to handle that would be to allow a secondary character to be swapped out and run now and then.

As far as social interaction goes, there is an ever easier solution, as in Changes:
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