Let's say there's a Wizard who also like to sing at Open Mike Night at the local coffee house. He really wants to get the song across to the audience and is not above a little magic behind it (actually for color, I was really thinking he might not even be truly aware he's casting while singing, a nod to the mythology of the ancient Welsh bards who had "magic on their tongues").
In any case, is this spell a Lawbreaker? He's not trying to enthrall or even get groupies, he just wants to make sure the point gets across.
Get the Point
Type: Air Evocation, maneuver
Power: 6 Shifts of power: 3 to apply the tag (+2 for the whole zone, +1 for Duration)
Control: Perform?? Disc?? vs what?
Duration: 1 song
Effect: Whatever the emotional content of the song is, that feeling permeates the room. This can apply a tag to the zone such as: Melancholy, Energy, Joy, etc.