Author Topic: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.  (Read 2668 times)

Offline fatty

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Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:32:22 AM »
Could you use evocation to improve the weapon rating of weapon say as a rote. Something like

with a discipline conviction of +4

Flaming sword: 2 shifts to give the weapon2 and 2 for duration.

I know there are better ways to do this but it's just an idea.

Any thoughts?
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Offline luminos

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 03:51:05 AM »
I don't believe you could do that, as it gets too close to giving attack rotes duration, which is a potential game-breaker.  It would work much better as a maneuver to apply an aspect to the weapon.  That would give a free increase to the attack with that weapon when you make the free tag, and let you pay fate points to get easy boosts with the weapon if the maneuver lasts longer than a round.

That being said, you could talk it over with the group and decide that thats okay.  Make sure that you've been playing this game with them for some time before doing so, because changing the magic system in even such a small way can have unintuitive effects that may make it overpowered over time.
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Offline CBIrish

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 04:21:59 AM »
Actually, I was wondering about this too.  Maybe not with rotes, but in general - can you (and if so, how would it work) infuse an existing weapon with a spell in order to gain a benefit not normally available.  The example I had in mind is this - using spirit to imbue a weapon for a limited time to be able to effect ghosts (i.e. - imbue a baseball bat with spirit to hit an attacking ghost).  The bat still does it's normal damage, but is now capable of doing it to a ghost, which it could not before.

Obviously this would not be an attack (perhaps a maneuver?)

Thoughts? Anyone?
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Offline Morgan

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 06:05:27 AM »
The way I handled a flaming sword rote was to make it a Maneuver, it's probably the easiest way to model it.

Offline CMEast

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2010, 09:05:40 AM »
Do you think it'd be possible to tag the aspect to make the declaration 'the weapon has increased it's weapon value by 1 while the aspect is in effect'. Do you think a GM would agree to that?

Thinking about the numbers it's pretty fair. Instead of tagging for a +2 to hit, you're getting 1 additional damage each turn you use the sword. Of course the next turn you could pay a fate point for +2 to hit as well as the extra damage, but then it's not that different to paying a fate point to invoke a different aspect and getting +2 total, or +2 to in consecutive exchanges.

If this is possible, do you think it's possible to cast a 6 or 7 shift manoeuvre to declare that the weapons value increases to +2?

Offline ironchicken

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2010, 12:49:38 PM »
I would just go with the maneouvre.

Free tag it after first hit for +2 damage and then its down to tags costing FP. You dont use that first free tag until you hit.

Could go 7 shifts and get 2 free tags (3 each) plus 1 for sticky aspect for scene.

Flaming sword
Shifts 7 3+3 for aspects +1 for duration of scene
Effect: the edge of a blade gets the "shrouded in flame" aspect for the duration of the scene and can be free tagged on the next two successful hits counting as weapon +2 this effect can continue to be used past the first two hits but requires a fate point. The sword may also be tagged to cause fires or other fire based compels. Cleaning the sword post combat is often more difficult due to cooked on blood or other fluids.

Offline CMEast

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2010, 01:15:12 PM »
I'm not sure if you can create additional free tags with evocation, I think it might just be thaumaturgy only, though I don't think it's totally unfair for evocation to be able to do it as well.

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2010, 02:02:02 PM »
While it certainly is a cool idea to have a flaming sword, it seams not very practical for a wizard to do something like this. Even if you created such a rote, using it would cost one point of mental stress and your standard action in the exchange, only so that you are enabled to attack with a weapons skill, that in most cases will not be as strong as your conviction or discipline ...

Instead of boosting his/hers weapon every wizard that is after inflicting damage would simply go with two normal attack evocations. First of all because they will deal far more damage and secondly because they are much more likely to hit the target.

That said, the rote like it is described seems not to far out. It certainly gives some nice benefits, but at the cost of actions and mental stress, that could used in other ways to similar or greater effects. After some testing to see how it works out in game i'd probably allow it if a player really would like to have such a rote, and if it's just for the coolness of it...

For a minor practitioner of cause I can totally see some benefits, that such a rote might offer as they are more limited in what they can do...
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Offline mostlyawake

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2010, 04:58:22 PM »
We wanted a holy weapon without the power of, say, an item of power, so we called it an enchanted weapon and let it do (frequency) attacks at 2 higher than normal, each counting as holy for purposes of toughness catches.  Right now, that character can use it twice a session, but plans to increase it by specializing in crafting frequency more.  I'm not sure if that's really legit, but it works.

Offline JustinS

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Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2010, 03:13:27 AM »
With magic, you buy effects. As far as I understand, the only way to get bonuses is to generate aspects and invoke or tag them.

You can maneuver to add an aspect then tag it for an attack.

You may be able to assess/declare the aspect 'I'm holding a sword' and use that as in invoke for an evocation attack.