Oh, magic is definitely on the downlow. Hence, it's not an actual Profession. Part of what I'm thinking is that he has a gift, the ability to seal a compact. Sort of like how a wizard can say "I swear by my power" and it mean something metaphysically. Or at least the compact has a slight geas/compulsion against breaking it. So you have the metaphysical equivalent of a legally binding agreement. (This is inspired by the caste ability of the Eclipse solar exalt in the
Exalted rpg) Because of this, I'm thinking that the Occult Lawyer thing is a family business, that I'm picturing he learned the Trade from his Grandfather.
Yes, characters have acted in official-type capacities, sure. But usually those are insiders doing things within their own bureaucracy. The only times you have people acting otherwise is when they represent their own organization (I.e. Harry as White Council to Bianca's ball, or representing the White Council in
White Night.)
My question is, earlier you said the lawyer character would be a side-kick type character, but whose perspectiven will the story be told from? Omniscient narrator, first person (main character badass) or first person side-kick, or Second-person.
j/k I know you can't tell a story from second person perspective. And third person is pretty much the same as a narrator.
First person.
When I say he's a "Side-Kick" character, imagine of Buffy the Vampire was told from Giles, Willow or Xander's perspective. When violence occurs, usually the latter two take the sidelines, and rarely does Giles really mix it up. Now, imagine if the story put a little more importance on the knowledge part of it, or the magic part (in later seasons' Willows case). When these characters' expertise comes up, they are the specialist, and they would be the protagonist, but not necessarily the Hero in every situation. Even if you took the DF, put it in Murphy's perspective: she's not the one doing the heavy hitting; she's backup, helpful but not the heaviest hitter, the most influential on the team, in a crew of more powerful supernatural types.