Author Topic: Suggestions for FAQ topics  (Read 2345 times)

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Suggestions for FAQ topics
« on: July 27, 2010, 01:41:43 AM »

I have noticed several times that the same question will be asked over and over again by new posters and I was wondering if a few new threads could be started in the FAQ spoiler section that answers these questions. Each question could have its own thread so it will be easer to find like for example:

Is Justin dead?

Yes Justin is dead, Jim stated it so in this ( interview starting at 0:25.

Interviewer: Justin is behind everything isn’t he?
Jim: Justin’s dead! He’s dead! He’s dead!
Interviewer: dead dead?
Jim: He’s dead!
Interviewer: Very dead?
Jim: D-E-D dead!
Interviewer: Are you ever going to change your answer dead?
Jim: He’s dead! (rolls eyes)

(Someone that knows more than me could add in an explanation of what D-E-D dead means and where it comes from. I have only been able to find it referenced in a couple movies and understand it to mean someone is very very dead.)

I am sure there are other questions that posters have noticed get asked again and again (like what kind of dog is mouse) and would find it useful to have easy to find thread to link these questioners to so they could find the official answer. I understand the FAQ section is under the direction of Myyrdn Eopia so maybe this is something that I need to be asking him about?

Anyway I thought it might be nice to have a thread here for people to point out the questions they see asked about all the time.

Purveyor of the theory that the overarching plot of the Dresdenverse is that its all the dinosaur's fault.

DISCLAIMER: What Duck's says but funnier.

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Re: Suggestions for FAQ topics
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2010, 02:36:02 AM »
I like this idea.  Recently I haven't spent enough time in the spoilers, but I know some of the questions that come up repeatedly are:

Is justin really dead?
Who are Cowl and Kumori? (Or just Cowl)
Who's going to get the swords?
Who is Mac?

Many of the questions that newer posters have cannot be answered at this point in time, however.  In my examples above, only one can, at this time, be put in the FAQ section as I see it.  However,  prior to the purging of many of the threads on the boards, I had begun compiling some of the various threads for the other questions.  Those would be the realm of the DF Spoilers section, so I'm not sure how those would be handled. 

However, I'll talk with Priscellie and see what we can come up with for the FAQ section.  Thanks!