Author Topic: Lamia - Another Optional Vampire Type  (Read 2250 times)

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Lamia - Another Optional Vampire Type
« on: July 26, 2010, 07:38:07 AM »
My concept of the lamia is that they're the result of a Roman/Byzantine-era magical experiment.  They can be considered another sort of vampire, or else a pseudo-vampire.  They were basically made to be the leaders of a small group of supernatural shock troops.

There are three varieties of lamia, based on philosophies.

Predators/Stalkers - simply hunt for their food and kill pretty much the way other vampires do

Lords/Ladies - perceive themselves as superior to humanity, but avoid unnecessary slaughter out of a claimed sense of noblese oblige, others might consider it instead to be a veiled sense of fear of what humanity as a whole could do to them

Grooms/Brides - consider themselves partners to humanity, and equals, seek to either live normal lives or actively protect humanity.

Most Lamia fall in between Lord/Ladies and Grooms/Brides, not completely fitting either ideal.  very few are stalkers.

Lamia feed on human blood and require enough that one lamia would have to severely weaken seven or more mortal humans in one night to sate their own hunger, or else kill one or two.  Most lamia get around this by investing humans with a hint of their power.  The resulting creature is known by different names from one lamia family to the next, but "thrall" and "guardian" are common.

The relationship between a lamia and his/her guardians is two way, though the lamia usually has most of the edge.  First, once becoming a guardian, the mortal must be provided with a lamia's blood at least once a week.  Second, there is an emotional and semi-telepathic bond between the two.  Guardians will almost always try to act in the lamia's best interests.  The lamia and guardian will not always agree on what is in the lamia's best interest.

For the lamia, the guardian provides two benefits, the first is protection.  An altered human is stronger and faster than the lamia herself.  And the second is feeding.  "Guardians" are better able to survive feeding than humans and a lamia with a small number of guardians can live without having to feed on normal humans.

The average lamia requires at least three guardians in order to be able to feed without either severely weakening her guardians or threatening human population in the area.  Three, however, is pushing it in terms of health and safety.  Most lamia are not able to support more seven guardians without putting themselves at risk. 

Lamia themselves have an ability to produce a trance like state of euphoria in humans, attributed to a willfully released pheromone, and each family line is associated with one particular power.  Stalkers and predators are sometimes known to be physically more powerful than their kin.

Guardians are created by a lamia feeding upon them and then feeding them in return.  Apparently both have to be done for the change to occur.  If the lamia only bites but does not provide blood, then no change is wrought.  If they provide blood without drawing blood then any change is both temporary and mild.  Guardians are marked on the site of the bite that was part of their transformation with a skin coloration that indicates which family changed them and they are bound to.



Musts: Must have a high concept that shows what they are such as "Lamia Bride" or "Lamia War Lord"

Blood Drinker (-1)
Feeding Dependency (+1)
Channeling (-2) - not true magic, but the magic rules can represent the unique powers of each bloodline
Incite Sedate Euphoria: at Range (-2)
Pack Instincts (-1)


Some few also have Inhuman Speed, Strength, Recovery or Toughness.  In general, Lords/Ladies have more inhuman abilities than Brides/Grooms and Predators/Stalkers often have so many such abilities that they are unacceptable as PCs.

Important Skills: Discipline, Conviction, Lore, Presence

Minimum Refresh: -5


Must: Must have a high concept suited to their status as a lamia guardian.  "Lamia Blood Doll"  "Protector of the Bride" "Thrall to my Lord" etc.

Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Inhuman Toughness (-2)
Pack Instincts (-1)
At Least one of:
Inhuman Speed (-2)
Inhuman Strength (-2)

Blood is the Life (+1) - have to feed from their master/mistress once or twice a week, or else they die

Options: Some exotic guardians might also have claws or other features dependent on the effects of their beholden lamia's bloodline on their change.

Minimum Refresh: -6, can be -8 if takes both speed and strength

Important Skills: Endurance, Athletics and either Fists or Weapons


It would be most difficult to play a lamia PC due to the dependence on multiple other characters, but it is possible.  One could also play a guardian with the lamia in question an NPC.
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