
Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?

Never heard of him before the show, now reading him.
499 (72%)
Heard of him, but never picked him up before I saw the show.
94 (13.6%)
Hunted down the books based on the previews alone.
97 (14%)
Plan on reading him because of the show, but haven't, yet.
3 (0.4%)

Total Members Voted: 677

Author Topic: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?  (Read 295904 times)

Offline Kirimaku

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #90 on: April 26, 2007, 07:59:35 PM »
I also was one that had not read the books prior.  At 53, as a sci fi/fantasy and reading addict, my home and professional life had pulled me away from much recreational reading.  Once I started, I could not put the books down and have just finished with White Knight.

I havent been this attached to story characters since Robert Heinlein, as fond as I have been of the major sci fi fantasy (classic) writers, still the Dresden books have moved behind Heinlein as my all time favorite memorial series! I ALSO enjoyed Jims other series but the Dresden series touches a special place in my heart that has grown with each book.

Making Mouse a major player in this game sealed the deal for me and there is no lookin back now! I am in for the entire journey.

Offline Courser

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #91 on: April 28, 2007, 03:09:09 AM »
I think the TV show captures the essence of the characters of Dresden, Murphy, Bob and Morgan pretty well. They played a bit loose with Ancient Mai and Bianca. I think the reasons we like the books better is that there is more background in what are the limits of power of each character in the Dresden universe.

I agree completely. I'd even go so far as to sort of assume that Heather (from Hair of the Dog - or whatever) was sort of an amalgam of Susan, etc. But I have no real problem with that.

I think they've captured the spirit of the series quite well. Yes, they play fast and loose with a few detail, but it's a necessity. They need to establish quite a bit without the luxury of the book-verse.

I too came to the books through the series and I love both for different reasons.

Offline phaedrus

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #92 on: April 29, 2007, 08:36:08 PM »
i was refered to the books by a friend at work.  after the first one i was hooked.

i learned about the series from the same person, but not until i was half way into Fool Moon.
Ouch, do it again,,,,

Offline seiscat

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #93 on: April 30, 2007, 01:59:44 AM »
I found the books several years ago and got hooked.  I could hardly wait for the show to start.  I like both, but the books are my favorite.
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Offline dabnmurvul

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #94 on: May 08, 2007, 11:06:41 PM »
I think I came from a different angle.  While browsing the store after reading all of my known fantasy/sci fan authors I spotted the cool cover for Furies of Calderon.   Picked it up and read all then because of the hunger for all books jim butcher picked up the dresden series.   then the show came out and I really enjoy all three.  the Codex Alera is the best series I think

Offline Nyte

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #95 on: May 14, 2007, 05:04:26 PM »
I am a blend of the two. 

I had never heard of Jim Butcher before.  My father and a co-worker are both fans of the show.  They both tried to get me to watch, but I was totally against it:  "A dude with Wizard on his office door?  Are you kidding?  Good grief, scifi is going downhill".  Remember that I did not posses any knowledge of the books at all, just heard bits a pieces about the series.

I was rummaging around Amazon one day and I caught the cover to White Knight.  I thought the cover looked interesting so I decided to garner a closer look and, to my surprise, saw that it was a Dresden Files novel. Dresden Files, isn't that the show my dad and bud at work watch?  I read the reviews and decided that I would check it out.  I went to the local bookstore and found a singe copy of Storm Front. 

I decided that it would be best to read the book first and let it be the deciding factor as to whether or not I would invest time into the viewing of the series.

I enjoyed Storm Front so I gave the series a go. 

Series is OK at best. The books -- as is always -- are loads better. 

Lesson to myself, "Never judge a show before you look at the book's cover".

« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 05:14:19 PM by Nyte »
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Offline Divinity

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #96 on: May 20, 2007, 09:24:45 AM »
I saw the previews when I was watching one show or another on the Sci-Fi channel.  After watching a bunch of the episodes...I eventually got around to buying all but one of them at Barnes and Noble (they didn't have Proven Guilty).  I then inhaled the books in like a week...and then went and found Proven Guilty.  Now I've read that, and I'm starting to re-read White Night.  I'm taking it slower this time.

After I get done with that, I think I'll start re-reading some of the other books.  Not sure if I'll start from the beginning, or somewhere in the middle.

I think it is part of my goal to get as little sleep as possible.  The week where I was reading the books was right around finals :D  And true to my goal, I didn't get much sleep.  Thank God for the summer!

Offline graniteangel

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #97 on: May 23, 2007, 09:08:49 AM »
I'm only a cool kid because as a bartender and someone who used to work as an assistant manager in a book store- I know what I like and I ask others who read what I like for any good scifi that isn't all about outer space and the future.
I'm more of a fantacy kinda girl than strictly scifi. It's weird because I'm not a complete geek, just a little weird. Being a pisces helps.
My friend Taij and I were talking one morning. He had been up all night driving cab and I was as usual serving him his umpteeth rum and coke at 8am in the morning while I tended bar. We're both into Laurel K Hamilton books, and I was complaining that as much as I like romance and don't mind reading the occasional "romp" scene - it gets kinda old. I want to read about the monsters and the spells. I want to get down to the nitty gritty with cheesy yet familiar humor. I want to read a book that makes me want to forget everything that's going around me, and devour a story that leaves me feeling thrilled and fulfilled. Not wading through the murk of simply pretty words and how sweat beaded and glistened off someone's back or thigh or whatever.
Taij recommended Jim's books to me, and actually went home and got the first two for me to borrow. I've been hooked ever since!
I think Jim throws just enough heat in there, but without turning it into a porno. I like sex, but some of these authors just leave out such good potential "Meat" (not that kind of meat) and replace it with a chapter full of crap!
I've read 6 of the books, and not all mainly because everytime I pick up one of his books I'm done in two days. I'm trying to let it linger if you will.
Reading books after watching a movie has always left me a little off. I try very hard to find things I like by searching the internet or asking my "trendy" Powell books employees what they think ::). But I guess if a movie or show can bring someone to a series they like- it's all good.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2007, 09:10:47 AM by graniteangel »
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Offline Evergrey

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #98 on: May 27, 2007, 05:54:37 AM »
A friend on Myspace had the cover art for Dead Beat as his picture and I asked him what it was. He explained that it was a book about a wizard in Chicago, which intriguied me. He didn't know there were books before Dead Beat and Proven Guilty, so he told me to buy those, which I did. Then I found out there were more books, so I waited on reading those two and found Storm Front. Then I saw the commercials for the TV show. I had to catch up on a bunch of R.A. Salvatore books, so I let my brother read Storm Front, and he started picking up the other books I didn't have.

Around the time the show's season ended, I finished reading R.A. Salvatore's Road of the Patriarch, and that's when I started reading Storm Front. Now I'm about 50 pages into Summer Knight. So, I watched the show before I read the books, but I knew of the books first.
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Offline Divinity

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #99 on: May 27, 2007, 06:27:00 AM »
So, I watched the show before I read the books, but I knew of the books first.

You just blew my mind.

Offline SwordofCharity

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2007, 11:23:00 PM »
I had lost my way as a reader, having been and SF/Fantasy fan as a teenager.  I was reading chick lit, biographies and occasional history books. I saw the previews and Harry just looked cool. I actually read the third book first.

I know it sounds weird, but I've been let down before by authors who had terrific first books, then the next ones were just not quite there. I have to say Harry gets better with every book. (and they were really good to start with.)

Offline ewkp

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #101 on: May 30, 2007, 11:24:41 AM »
well, i hadnt heard of the dresden files or jim butcher before seeing the show.  somewhere in the middle of the series, i discovered that there were books about the dresden files.  i DONT read books!  i watch tv!! but i discovered that the audio books were available.  so i got a copy storm front.  didnt listen to it.  continued watching the show.  when the show ended, i wanted more!  so i started listening to storm front.  since then i have listened to fool moon, grave peril, and summer knight.   like i said, i dont read books.  i dont even like paper!  but i just finished listening to summer knight about half an hour ago.   i dont know why the audio books take so long to be released but i CANT WAIT, so ....  about 15 mins ago i purchased books 5-8 on amazon.com.

Offline Hope

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #102 on: June 01, 2007, 09:58:07 PM »
I saw the final episode and caught Jim Butcher author and next day bought all the books through the new hardback.  I can hardly wait for the next one.  It kind of ruins you to be able to read a whole bunch at once and then must wait.  Love the plots, characters and how intricate it all is.
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Offline Barbarossa

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #103 on: June 02, 2007, 03:41:55 AM »
Haven't seen the show, first came across Jim via his Alera books.  Then there was an outbreak of mentions of the TV show over on the Lois Bujold list, so when I found the books all together in Waterstones I bought the first one.  Went back the next week and bought all the rest they had!
Of course the room was empty.  Filkers only come out at night.

Offline HarryDrezdenwizard

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Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« Reply #104 on: June 14, 2007, 07:03:37 PM »
I didnt know about the books till the other day I was talking about good shows to watch on TV and someone said if you like the show you will love the books so I had the book store pull the first two books to add to the collection of books Im reading right now. I read the first little bit of one chapter on Jims site and I have to say I will love the books as much as I do the show. Im just mad I have to read ten books as fast as I can along with my college text books. I guess a lot of late night reading (not text books) ahead of me.