People had been recommending the books/TV show to me for at least a year before I finally broke down and watched the entire season in, like, 3 days. It started out a bit shaky, but it had potential, and I really enjoyed it by the end.
When I started listening to the audiobooks, I was actually a little disappointed that Harry didn't carry around hockey and drum sticks (I thought that was cute). I'd also gotten used to Bob, Morgan, and Murphy as their TV counterparts (and I'd REALLY liked them), so it was a bit jarring to switch my mental image of them to book-version. Harry, oddly enough, wasn't as difficult to reconcile in my brain.
But the books won out in the end as being vastly superior in nearly every way (aside from, perhaps, racial diversity among the main cast, but I can forgive that), and I haven't looked back since. I do wish that the show had continued and perhaps improved, the way it was going in the end. There were some excellent and emotionally charged performances in those final few episodes. I still heart TV!Bob and TV!Murphy lots.
Mostly, I thank Syfy for introducing me to an excellent book series!