Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 234840 times)

Offline gojj

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #900 on: December 21, 2014, 03:46:08 AM »
They look cool. Is there a reason Additional Knowledge and evothaum aren't available to Druidic Magic? Would a player "upgrade" these to sponsored magics if they wished their characters to become more proficient spell singers, or would you allow them to take upgrades (e.g -X Additional Power)? Do these function as mortal magic in regard to Catches and Hexing?

I love little powers like these that can really add a unique flavor to a character.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #901 on: December 21, 2014, 09:55:40 PM »
Evothaum and Additional Knowledge are unnecessary for Druidic Magic, since Druidic Magic is modelled after enchanted items. You can already select spells from among the full set of possible spells, and enchanted items can do thaumaturgy stuff normally.

Catch stuff is up to the GM, as usual. But these Powers probably shouldn't allow intentional hexing, and I don't think unintentional hexing is appropriate for them either.

As for upgrades...these are intended to port D&D magic into DFRPG, so they should probably have their own upgrade path. A high-level Druid doesn't use Sponsored Magic, after all.

The best way to do it is probably another upgrade Power that increases the strength of your spells above your skill. But maybe not all of your spells...after all, D&D casters have spells of various levels available.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #902 on: December 24, 2014, 07:40:48 AM »
Fists versions of Skill. Made these for Goku.


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Offline Taran

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #903 on: December 24, 2014, 01:18:53 PM »
Huh...I'm running  a chest deep game where they will run into a mystic martial artist.  He's submerged.  I'll test this out for you.  It seems to let me put everything into fists so I'll get to condense my pyramid a bit....

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #904 on: December 24, 2014, 06:08:04 PM »
Cool. Let me know how it goes.

PS: It occurs to me that you can probably break these by taking stunts to move as many random trappings to the boosted skill as possible. Speed has the same issue, but this is still a problem. The skill bonus probably shouldn't always apply.

Offline vultur

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #905 on: January 04, 2015, 01:51:08 AM »
Why does the progression go weapon:1, weapon:2, weapon:4?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #906 on: January 04, 2015, 09:35:04 AM »
Partly because I wanted to equal the best mundane weapons and the best Natural Weaponry/Incite Effect weapon ratings at the Mythic level. And also partly because I couldn't think of a good way to improve Perfect Grace, so I gave Strike Like Lightning a bigger boost instead.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #907 on: January 07, 2015, 06:19:04 AM »
Ah, OK, makes sense. It just looked kind of odd.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #908 on: January 08, 2015, 12:45:43 AM »
Honestly, the asymmetry kinda bugs me. But I couldn't think of a better way to write the Power, so...

Offline bobjob

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #909 on: January 08, 2015, 11:36:23 PM »
I was curious if these powers could be considered for the Wiki.

Rote Mastery [-2]
Your mastery of rote spells is so efficient that you do not tire as easily when casting them.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Lore
Mind Over Matter - You gain two additional Mental stress boxes that can only be used for rote stress. These two boxes may be used before using your normal Mental stress boxes and count as 1 and 2 stress respectively.
Arcane Intellect - Your lore is considered two steps higher when determining the number of rote spells you have access to.

Focused Rote [-2]
You are so efficient at your rote spells, you can cast them easier than non-rote spells.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
Efficient Casting - Your Discipline is considered 1 higher when you cast a Rote Spell
Arcane Brilliance - You can cast a Rote Spell defensively by taking one additional stress. Normally, you cannot cast any spell defensively (Enchanted items or Skill checks are used)

Forceful Rote [-2]
Your belief in your rote spells is so great, they hit harder than normal.
Skills Affected: Conviction
Rote Domination - Your damaging rotes negate 2 points of armor for a single target or 1 additional point of armor for multiple targets. If there is no armor, there is no additional effect.
Repetition Breeds Confidence - Your conviction is considered 1 higher for Rote Spells.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #910 on: January 09, 2015, 05:42:41 AM »
Of course they can go on the wiki. Everything can go on the wiki. There's no barrier to entry.

Offline BigMrE

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #911 on: June 07, 2016, 12:21:08 PM »
Any way these could be posted as a downloadable text file?

Offline Taran

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #912 on: June 07, 2016, 08:59:05 PM »
Any way these could be posted as a downloadable text file?

There are links in the first post here:,25794.0.html

Offline Fenix Wulfheart

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #913 on: November 01, 2016, 10:46:35 AM »
I rewrote the Healing power and added some things, trying to make it a workable and balanced ability that does not have to be supernatural. I also made it so a character could be entirely based around it.

I suspect it may not balance. It is my first attempt at writing a power this complex, so only hit me with the beat-stick at half force, I beg you! *cowers*

Healing [-1 or more]
Description: You possess the ability to heal others. Perhaps you can help people recover from psychological trauma with your musical genius, or perhaps you can knit flesh and bone back together through sheer faith. When taken with no Upgrades (or few, in some cases) this can also be treated as a Mortal Stunt that requires some Tools of the Trade - such as a first aid kit and supplies to treat a battlefield injury (touch range, Swift Healing 1, so activation time one scene that takes place after - or during! - the combat scene and completes at the end. Or a Ranged Zone wide musical healing of Mental Consequences could be a Mortal Stunt series).
Note: This power uses one skill and applies to one stress track. Choose which skill and which stress track when you take this power. Any combination is permissible as long as the group is not offended by it.
Requirements: Appropriate Aspects or justifications for Upgrades that make the power supernatural in some way. All versions of Healing are subject to GM approval.
Skills Affected: Pick one.
Effects: You may use your chosen skill to heal consequences of your chosen stress track. Healing requires the target character to be in the same zone as the source character for the duration of the attempt. Healing takes one full scene to complete by default. This means that if it is activated mid scene, it won’t complete until the middle of the next scene, or it will need a full scene of its own to take place (such as going home and resting on a couch for an hour or two). In order to heal a given consequence, you must exceed its shift value on a roll of your chosen skill. Healing a consequence increases the speed of its recovery by one step, or by two steps if your roll is four better than it needs to be, or by three steps if your roll is eight better than it needs to be. A given Consequence can only be affected by Healing once, although multiple attempts from different characters or sources of Healing are permissible. Only the best use of Healing applies. This power may or may not affect extreme consequences; GMs should handle such issues on a case by case basis. This cannot erase the Aspect-changing effect of an Extreme Consequence. My personal view is that Extreme Consequences always take at least one full Story to heal AFTER the recovery period begins, minimum, and getting it that good is a roll of Legendary+8 (16).
   Swift Healing [-1]. Your Healing does not take a full Scene to complete. With one application of this Upgrade, the time required becomes "until the end of this scene” (or about half a scene). With another, it becomes “immediately at the end of this exchange”.
   Stressless Healing (Requires Swift Healing 2) [-2]: Normally, healing is a painful, teeth gritting, stomach churning experience full of physical and mental challenges. Except for when Stressless Healing is applied. Stressless Healing bypasses all that. Your Healing can cure marked off stress boxes as well as consequences. To heal a stress box requires a roll of the value of that stress box. So the third box of stress on a character's stress track is a Good (+3) skill roll to cure. Multiple stress boxes can be healed at once. Doing so requires a roll equal to the value of all the stress boxes being cured added together. Consequences can also be cured in combination with stress. For example, Johnny Appleseed is in a bad way, having marked off three boxes so far and taken a Mild Consequence of Bruised Ribs: XXOX. To heal all of his injuries at once, a roll of 1 + 2 + 3 for the stress + 2 for the consequence, or a result of Legendary (+8), would cure all his ills at once. A roll of Legendary+4 (+12) would even shorten the time for the consequence to recover to the end of the scene, and a roll of Legendary+8 (+16) would cause Johnny to be fully healed at the end of the turn! Alternately, the consequence could be healed all the way at the end of the turn and the stress left untouched with a roll of Legendary+2 (+10). Any combination of effects is allowed with the shifts to cover it.
   Versatile Healing [-1]. You may use your chosen skill to heal consequences from another stress track of your choice. This Upgrade may be chosen multiple times.
   Ranged Healing [-1]. You may heal any target within 1 Zone away from yourself. The target must remain within that distance for the duration of the power activation. This Upgrade can be taken again to increase the range of Healing to 3 Zones distance, and again to make it line of sight. Whatever the case, unwilling targets or targets which are obscured/on the move may require a roll to “hit” them with the power, depending on the circumstances.
   Unhindered Healing [-2]. Your Healing works even through objects. If the power is ranged, all penalties from intervening objects, anti-Healing barriers, Blocks, and other obstacles, are all reduced by up to 2. The power grants +2 to Diagnostic rolls to determine what ails a patient, and penalties for difficult surgery, trauma, or other obstacles appropriate to the situation (such as a mental Block when Healing mental trauma in a psychiatric patient) are likewise reduced by 2. To Heal through objects that completely hinder line of sight, some other means of accurately reaching or detecting the target is necessary.
   Area Healing [-1]. Your Healing works on all targets in a Zone. This ability can be taken multiple times; each time the Healing affects an additional two Zones at once.
   Selective Healing [-1]. Your Healing can be modified to not work against given targets; when your power would affect a target you do not wish to affect, you can declare it fails against that target. This Upgrade is most useful with Area Healing or misses of Ranged Healing.
   Effective Healing [-1]. Your Healing rolls count as 2 points higher for determining if a successful heal shortens the time to recover as discussed above. The roll must succeed in the first place before this bonus can be applied. This variable can be taken twice; the second time, the bonus becomes 4 points of effective increase.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 12:04:14 PM by Fenix Wulfheart »

Offline Fenix Wulfheart

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #914 on: November 01, 2016, 11:41:39 AM »
I also rewrote Anti-Magic Bullets into a broader context that treats the attack as a special attack type, separate from normal attack types, but with provision for the attack still potentially striking the foe; it uses supplemental action rules.

Anti-Magic Attack [-2]
Skills: Choose one of Fists, Weapons, Guns, or some other reasonable skill you can use for attacking. The attack only can be used with this chosen skill.
Effect: Your attack destroys magical spells that it touches, causing them to be partially or wholly released as either Backlash or Fallout (caster’s choice if the caster is present; default is Fallout). You must declare that your attack is an Anti-Magic Attack before rolling. When your attack strikes the spell, treat the spell as the defender with a Defense roll of Mediocre (+0). If the spell is on a character and the character attempts to dodge, the spell uses that defender’s defense instead. If it hits, determine damage inflicted to the spell, treating the spell’s active Shifts of Power as a stress track (no consequences are available)(The spell has Armor: 2 if it has reasonable cover in the GM’s estimation). When damage is fully calculated, release a number of Shifts of spell Power equal to half the damage done, which are immediately treated as Fallout or Backlash as discussed before. The caster determines which Shifts are released if present. Otherwise, the shifts are determined by the GM, using reason as a guideline. If the damage achieves a Taken Out result on the spell, ALL of the spell’s energies are released in one burst.
   Anti-Magic attacks which strike the spell and take the spell out entirely with leftover damage may travel on to strike other objects or characters. Treat this as a supplemental action attack with shifts equal to half the remaining damage, using standard attack rules for the attack type.
   Users of the Anti-Magic Attack should beware the Fallout of the spell if they are unprotected against magic and are in close range. Sometimes unleashing the hell of a powerful spell on the world is worse for the destroyer than the destroyee.
   Versatile Spell Destroyer [-1]: Choose another Skill that you can unleash Anti-Magic Attacks with. This can be taken multiple times as long as applicable Skills remain to apply it to.
   Immobile Spell Destruction [-1]: Your Anti-Magic Attacks have Weapon 2. This ability can be taken up to 4 times, each time gaining an additional Weapon: 2. This bonus does not apply if a spell is on a target which is dodging your attack (but it does work on a Sneak Attack or Sniping or some other situation with an Unaware Defender).
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 11:48:08 AM by Fenix Wulfheart »