Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 234980 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #795 on: September 25, 2012, 06:08:26 AM »
First, there are no blocks against damage. All blocks work vs attack rolls, not damage.

Secondly, the moment any wizard knows you have this power, they're going to use a different kind of block than a "block the incoming bullet" type of shield. A hypercognition-type or superspeed-type block that gives the wizard superhuman evasion skill rather than a physical barrier is the simplest option. A shapeshifting-type block that turns the wizard to air/fire/water for a split second so he flows around the shot or a spirit or void block that blinks the wizard out of existence or phases him in and out of the Nevernever also works. An illusion-type block that makes the wizard undetectable in various ways so you can't target them or skews your perception every time you attempt to target them is also good.

Third, the most effective defensive item is one that opens a gateway between the caster and the attack. Doesn't matter how powerful the attack is if it goes through the gate.

In conclusion, you need a much bigger power to counter a smart wizard.

As written the Power punches through all that. Might not make sense, but it does bypass all magical blocks.

Offline Locnil

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #796 on: September 25, 2012, 04:03:47 PM »
Quick Rules question - The spellcaster could essentially be compelling the antimagic bullet guy so they don't work against his kind of block, right?

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #797 on: September 25, 2012, 04:13:04 PM »
Quick Rules question - The spellcaster could essentially be compelling the antimagic bullet guy so they don't work against his kind of block, right?

Defiantly you could use compels to get it to work, though I wouldn't use the power as is full stop. 
The power is all degrees of awful at the moment I mainly posted it because Sancta has managed get some of my other rougher powers to work in the past and because I want to use a version of it for a 'mage' killer assassin character. 
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #798 on: September 25, 2012, 08:35:24 PM »
Good attitude.

I think the first step towards cleaning this up is to decide what exactly it should work against. If I wear magical armour that sends attacks to the Nevernever, should it work against this?

The second step is probably deciding whether this effect should remain absolute. There's a certain appeal to making this work as well against a 30-shift ward as against a 5-shift shield, but it's kinda hard to balance that. So for the sake of convenience it might be worth making it less absolute.

Then it should be made clear whether this destroys blocks or simply bypasses them.

Once all that's done, the Power should be a lot easier to work with.

On an unrelated note, here are the possession-related Powers I wrote a while back. Comments welcome, of course.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #799 on: September 25, 2012, 09:04:06 PM »
Against magical Armour that sends attacks to the never never the ability should work because the magic spell strapped to your vest will go out of control and damage you when the bullet interacts with it's magic. It shouldn't work on a veil or speed augmentation block because it shouldn't provide a bonus to hit. The power should give a bonus to destroying magic blocks and cause backlash stress on a successful hit (optimally proportional to the strength of the block).
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #800 on: September 26, 2012, 10:27:43 PM »
The distinction between a dodging block and a shield block is really narrow. Mechanically, I'm not even sure there is one.

I guess we could stick a semi-narrative restriction on the Power, but I prefer to keep that sort of thing to stunts.

Or maybe the Power could just work against anything that blocks the attack roll (ie not most veils) with a note about Declarations being used to tweak things.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #801 on: October 18, 2012, 11:13:06 AM »

[-1]  Banefire
"The End is its own purpose"
Aura of Annihilation: Your hands are coated in a sickly green supernatural fire. Melee physical attacks treat enemies' toughness abilities as one step lower (as if by power loss to a 2-shift threshold) and even immensely powerful creatures will feel your blows. However, those attacks will always be lethal whether you want to or not; this is reflected via appropriate consequence flavor and takeout results should be "disintegrated", "burned to nothing" or "utterly destroyed".
Reign of Ruin: Your blows deal damage more due to pure destructive energy than anything else. Remove all descriptors and damage types; using a holy iron sword with this ability doesn't satisfy faerie or vampire catches - but neither will the sword prove ineffective in fighting a swarm or ooze immune to slashing weapons.

[-3] Chaos Surge
"The eight-pointed star is my symbol for like it, I can go to all directions at once."
Ignore Causality: You can bend or break the links of cause and effect. Spend a Fate Point and choose one of your items, skills or powers to Ignore Causality. Choose a flavor descriptor; the chosen item, skill or power mechanically works the same but for the duration of the scene it has the flavor descriptor you chose instead of its own even if it would not make sense. For example, if you are wielding a silver sword and choose "fire", your sword will appear to be a bolt of fire. Attacks with it would cause fire damage and burn the victims with fire-related consequences and takeouts, satisfy fire catches and be stopped by defenses against fire. If you use Evocation and choose "technology", your spells would appear to be technological gadgets resulting in the exact same mechanical effect but with inexplicably convenient technology such as a bolt of lightning appearing to be a tesla coil electrocuting your enemies. This would extend to your tesla coil frying magic-immune enemies or being hexed by another wizard.
Dangerous Business: Ignoring Causality is dangerous business. Roll 4df at the end of the scene. A result of -2 to +2 causes a very minor and temporary paradox on par with morerate hexing or 2 shifts of fallout. A result of +3 or +4 might draw the attention of the Gatekeeper in a way the GM decides. Similarly, a result of -3 or -4 might draw the attention of Outsiders or their allies.

Offline Locnil

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #802 on: October 18, 2012, 12:05:42 PM »
Not sure if you want opinions... So I'm going to give mine anyway!

I like Banefire. Does it have the ability to reduce Physical Immunity to Mythic Toughness? Is it obvious, barring Human Guise? Can you accidentally disintegrate something by touching it? Can you switch it off and on? I'm guessing no to the last one, since it would circumvent Reign of Ruin, but I don't think it will unbalance much, honestly.

So, Chaos Surge is effectively a refluffed All Creatures Are Equal Before God - but somewht more evocative, and trouble-prone to explain the reduced cost. Personally, I think it's cool, but may be out of place in the DV.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #803 on: October 18, 2012, 05:50:03 PM »
The list in p. 160-161 of Your Story includes the categorization of powers. And yes, Physical Immunity is a toughness power. It is obvious and can't be turned off (except if tied to human form). As written, you can't accidentally disintegrate stuff. Flavor-wise, Banefire turns your intent, your willingness to destroy and the choice to do so into destructive power - while it appears to be fire, it actually isn't.

Chaos Surge costs exactly as much as ACAEBG and has the same activation cost (a FP for a scene). Its advantage is that you can do pretty cool stuff by violating causality and that your enemies can't predict and prepare against what you do. Its disadvantage is that you don't automatically ignore both toughness and armor for a creature - you might choose to replicate its catch but you have to know what that catch is to begin with.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #804 on: October 18, 2012, 09:47:25 PM »
Mm, I dunno. Messing around with flavour descriptors like that seems iffy to me.

Offline Locnil

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #805 on: October 20, 2012, 04:49:06 AM »
It certainly goes for a "pulpier, kitchen-sink" feel, so as to speak - I doubt it will work well in the DV. That said, I can certainly see certain characters from settings having it - in particular, John Taylor, which I now remember I have yet to stat.

Edit instead of new post so I can enjoy an even 600th post: Can you spend a FP to reroll the roll for Dangerous Business, or to add two points to it? Would you allow deuducting two points from it, in this context?
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 05:42:18 PM by Locnil »

Offline Belial666

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #806 on: October 22, 2012, 08:28:02 AM »
Hey Sancta, I see a couple issues with the custom powers list version 3 (I think it's the last version). That's for the first couple pages only - I'll read the rest later;

Mindless:  being mindless shouldn't prevent one from having a mental stress track as it is also used for spiritual stress in addition to mental. I.e. a zombie or golem can still have its animating spirit destroyed, eaten or otherwise taken out by such attacks even though it is mindless. OTOH, you shouldn't have a social stress track because a zombie or a golem can't be persuaded or intimidated and doesn't care about its (nonexistent) social standing. Negotiations, as the Borg say, are irrelevant.

Feel no Pain: Why would feeling no pain prevent people from tagging/invoking your physical consequences? If your leg is broken, you won't be able to run, balance or fight very well whether you're on painkillers or not. If you are physically fatigued or suffering from blood loss, you will be physically inhibited to an extent.

True Seeing: Why does this need to be a separate power? It is Senses 2, which provides 3 senses (pierce veils, pierce illusion, know true form)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #807 on: October 22, 2012, 07:05:52 PM »
1. Eating somebody's soul isn't necessarily a mental attack, though you could run it that way. And even if you don't care about your reputation, your reputation cares about you. Your reputation can get you killed.

2. Your consequences can still be Compelled, and I've been thinking of letting them be Invoked as well. The purpose of the Power is to simulate implacability, and to make combat more varied by having some characters be immune to the standard death spiral paradigm.

3. Ask the person who wrote it.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #808 on: November 15, 2012, 12:22:08 AM »
Image Breaker [-2]
Part of your body is inimical to magic, destroying it upon touch.

Parry Magic: You can use your fist skill to defend against any magic spell, any allies attacked by the same spell can use your defense roll if higher (signifying that spell has been weakened damaged by your ability).
Destroy Magic: You can end any spell if you beat its complexity or power with a fists roll.

Death of Magic [-2] Add +4 to your fist rolls when parrying or destroying magic.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #809 on: November 15, 2012, 08:46:11 PM »
Is this an indirect criticism of Might Over Magic?

Because if so I'd like to hear more.