Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 235474 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #120 on: January 29, 2011, 03:30:11 AM »
Those definitely look like powers to me.

They look good, except that the effect of Secrets of Kulan-Do is unclear. I would appreciate an example showing it in action.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #121 on: January 29, 2011, 03:57:43 AM »
Disregard that one.. I came up with it on the spot. I'll swap it for something a little less overpowered..

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #122 on: January 29, 2011, 04:42:25 AM »
I don`t necessarily think it`s overpowered. It could be, but without a clear idea of how it works I can`t comment.

Offline Peteman

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #123 on: January 29, 2011, 04:47:50 AM »
Intellectus Of War [-3]
Musts: High Aspect that Corresponds to this (Scion of a War God, Empowered by a War Spirit)
Key Skill: Fists, Weapons, Gun, Drive
You are a living embodiment of combat. Anything is a weapon in your hands. You could man a tank even if the last time you were on Earth was when gunpowder was considered an innovation.

You may substitute your Fists and Guns skill with Weapons. Furthermore, you can substitute Weapons for any skill roll as long as it could be considered an attack or the vehicle could be considered a weapon (so your Weapons skill could not substitute your Drive skill, unless the vehicle was a tank, a fighter jet, or you were actively trying to run someone over with it). You are considered proficient in any weapon or weaponized vehicle, and you could substitute for other crew, within reason (so you could operate a two-man fighter by yourself, but a battleship is right out). You instinctively know how to maintain weapons and weaponized vehicles, though you cannot teach anyone else how to (so if the item is beyond the capacity for one person to maintain and you're alone or with unqualified people, you're SOL).

You may not gain these bonuses in terms of spellcraft, except for the purposes of aiming an Enchanted Item.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 07:03:56 AM by Peteman »

Offline bitterpill

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #124 on: January 29, 2011, 06:53:04 AM »
Flesh Forgery [-2]
Musts: True Shape Shifting
Key Skill: Weapons, Fists
You are a Sword and as weapon you come with your blade pre-attached you can use the Material of your body to make any simple +3 weapon or less, the weapons you create other than being made out of your Hardened Flesh act exactly the same way as normal weapons except you can use either fists or weapons to wield them and changing the shape of your weapon can be done as a Supplementary action at the Usual Penalty of Minus 1.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 04:57:37 PM by bitterpill »
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #125 on: January 29, 2011, 06:00:55 PM »
Done.  Did I miss anything?

I've doe some formatting on all of the powers so that they are formatted as in the books. Hopefully nobody minds.


Would like an Opinion on this:

Bound Spiritual Entity [+3]
Description: You are a spiritual entity imprisoned in a physical object, you have no body, and cannot act in the physical world without a bearer.
Unbodied. You cannot take physical skills,  you cannot move yourself, and you cannot communicate verbally and other neat things.
Communicate with Bearer. You are able to telepathically speak with the bearer of the object you are tied to.
License to Possession. If you have the domination ability, you qualify for the possession upgrade, and you can possess your bearer.
Called to Bearer [-1]. You have the ability to tie yourself to the bearer of your physical prison, and you can teach them to call your prison to their hand.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 05:16:52 AM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline Taeurus

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #126 on: January 30, 2011, 11:21:50 PM »
Secrets of Kulan-Do.
You know the deepest secrets of this art, and can make a redirected force style manuever, a riposte-style attack, and then a normal attack. Requires mythic speed, all three Kulan-Do skills, and a very high position in the Jade Court. No outsider can learn this, and if any does, the Jade Court will hunt him/her down.

So this is giving them 3 actions per exchange right in place of them getting to move? I can see this having some good game potential for higher refresh games indeed ^^. I would suggest clearing its description up a decent bit and adding in the condition that if a non-Jade Court learns it, they have to take an Aspect to reflect this hunted condition. This way, the GM has a consistent way of compelling this hunt of the Jade Court.
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #127 on: February 01, 2011, 07:10:22 AM »
Inhuman Balance [–1]
Description: You have an uncanny ability to balance on small surfaces.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Stealth
You can stand on and walk along ropes, cables, and narrow ledges without a problem. You also take no penalties for running through uneven terrain as you carefully pick your way through the stones and roots over which most others would trip. You aren't a spider, however, and cannot hold your footing against extreme weather conditions or flying demons trying to disrupt you, but you do get a +2 to skill checks to stay situated.

It could probably be beefed up to a -2 Refresh Power, with additional trappings. Then Supernatural and Mythic could be added on. But I think Speed already does a good job as it is.
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #128 on: February 04, 2011, 06:13:01 AM »
Shadow Manipulation [-1]
Description: You are able to use your shadow to physically manipulate objects, not only that but your shadow is malleable to your will. You can stretch it across great distances or coalesce it into a small area.
Options: This ability costs 1 refresh to start and has several upgrades to it.
Skills Affected: Fists, Might
Shadowy Hand. You can manipulate objects with your shadow. You can lift objects in accordance with your might, and attack using fists. Each zone away from you reduces the effectiveness of your might and fists roll by 1. The closer you are, the more effective your shadow is. Using your shadow on something in the same zone as you is easier, and you gain a +1 bonus to any such roll. In addition if you possess inhuman strength or greater your shadow gains those benefits as well.
Deeper Shadows [-1]. Increase the weapon rating of attacks made with your shadows by +2.
Lasting Shadows [-1]. Your shadows take longer to dissipate, allowing you to spread your attention across a battlefield. Any aspect placed with Shadow Manipulation automatically becomes sticky.
Wall of Shadows [-1]. Your shadows have become so dense, so impenetrable that creatures without the cloak of shadows ability are almost utterly incapable of seeing past them. You may use your Shadow Manipulation to create a defensive block opposed by alertness.
Shadows Fall [-1]. Your shadow is capable of growing much larger than it should be, allowing you to attack a whole zone with it (at a -2 penalty).

Offline bitterpill

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #129 on: February 04, 2011, 03:24:36 PM »
You could put an option for fate point or only on the first attack in a scene for it to count as a sneak attack because who actual watches the shadows. 
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 02:54:57 AM by bitterpill »
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Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #130 on: February 04, 2011, 03:54:20 PM »
Shadow Manipulation [-1]

My Tenebromancer looks longingly at this entry.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

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Offline jadecourtflunky

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #131 on: February 05, 2011, 02:53:18 AM »
Shadow Manipulation [-1]
This reminds me of some powers I helped set up for a shadow-user I GMed.
Dark Void -1
Effects: You can increase the shadows within a zone. Add the aspect sticky aspect Increased Shadows, by using discipline. This can be opposed by a counterspell.
Myrrk Void: Your shadow-increasing skills rival the Myrrk itself. Give a +1 to attempts to create shadows, and add the aspect Near-Myyrk alongside Increased Shadows.
Shadow Warp -2
You can travel from shadow to shadow with a distance up to one zone. This requires no roll, but in order to escape into the shadows while being attacked use Athletics. When emerging from the shadows, roll stealth against all nearby enemies' alertness. If you succeed, you gain a relevant aspect. If not running away, you may then make an attack as a supplametal action. (Yes, you can warp into an enemy's shadow).

Offline Peteman

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #132 on: February 06, 2011, 01:10:03 AM »
Supernatural Martial Artist
(More a character template, but with some unique stuff.)

Supernatural Martial Arts are a blend of Channeling, Ritual and Shapeshifting, without altering your form. There are a number of unusual restrictions if one wants to use the, though whether this is absolute, or merely a result of the paradigms currently used, is up for question.


Channeling (Martial Style: Body) -2
Ritual (Martial Training) -2
Human Form. +1
Martial Form -1 (similar to Beast Form, but does not involve changing into an animal)

Minimum Refresh Cost: -4
High Concept that relates to being a supernatural Martial Artist.
Important Skills: Fists/Weapons, Discipline, Conviction, Lore, Endurance.

Strength, Speed, and Toughness powers (not Recovery), the Sight. Catches usually revolve around poisons and other types of attacks on the immune system. Human Form may be removed. Channeling may be upgraded to Evocation (with a few caveats), Refinement may be taken, assuming you have access to advanced training techniques (this usually requires an Aspect that aligns you with a certain group or access to training tomes)

Channeling: Supernatural Martial Arts is similar to traditional magic, but it is heavily focused on the body, as opposed to the environment. Blocks with Martial Style effects usually involve using your powers to interpose yourself in the way of the attack (usually sacrificing a Shift to allow you movement within the Zone, or more if outside the zone). Its elements are as such:
Martial Style Body (MSB): The Fundamental Martial Style. Invocations of Body center around enhancing the body, making you hit harder, dodge more effectively, move about the battlefield more effectively, etc. If you are a practitioner of Supernatural Martial Arts, you must take this as your Channeling power, and you must always have at least one Specialization in Martial Style Body.
Martial Style Soul (MSS): Effects that protect the mind from invasion, or imbuing a personally wielded item with one's essence, allowing you to enhance attacks with it. In some cases you can hurl spiritual energy at your opponents, though you have difficultly creating environmental effects that doesn't involve trashing the environment or creating blocks for others unless you physically interpose yourself in the way.
Martial Style Mind Over Matter (MSMOM): Arguably the most powerful of the techniques, but also the hardest to use. It basically functions like all the rest of the Elements combined (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water), but has several restrictions. First: you may not buy it before MSS. Second, your total Specializations bonuses in MSMOM may not exceed the total Specializations in MSB nor MSM (so you may not take a specialization in MSMOM unless you have taken a specialization in MSB and a specialization in MSS). Lastly, Focus items are harder to use. The total bonus to an individual set (Offensive Control, Offensive Power, Defensive Control, Defensive Power) may not exceed either of the Focus Item bonuses to any other set (so you cannot have a +1 bonus to Offensive Control MSMOM, unless you have at least a +1 bonus to Offensive Control MSS and at least a +1 bonus to Offensive Control MSB , nor can you have a +1 bonus to Defensive Power MSMOM, unless you have at least a +1 bonus to Defensive Power MSS and at least a +1 bonus to Defensive Power MSB

Ritual: Martial Training can be used to focus one's inner chi to enhance oneself. You can use it to place aspects on yourself to enhance your offensive and defensive capabilities, or that of a weapon wielded by you, although you can only place effects on yourself that are in line with your Martial Style abilities.

You may design personal Focus Items for the Martial Training and the various Martial Styles, but you may not make Enchanted Items or Potions, nor Focus Items that work for other people. One of the limitations of Supernatural Martial Arts is that it is intensely personal.

One thing to note is that when using certain Supernatural Martial Arts when killing people, you run the risk, but do not necessarily take Lawbreaker stunts. When using effects like Martial Style Body to enhance your fist to the hardness of rock and then bash someone's head in, you can arguably claim that it was your fist that splattered their head like a melon. Arguably.

Offline bitterpill

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #133 on: February 06, 2011, 09:52:33 PM »
The Hidden Voice [-1]
You can speak directly in to the mind of anyone you see as long as you have eye contact with the target and it is capable of thought.

Disembodied Voice [-1]
You may use this power on targets up to one zone away without looking them in the eye.

Thought Mimicing Voice [-2]
You can mimic the a persons internal voice, unless they realise the deceit (empathy roll) there defense against
your social attack defaults to 0.  
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 03:39:16 AM by bitterpill »
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #134 on: February 07, 2011, 02:43:35 AM »
The Hidden Voice [-1]
Description: You can speak directly in to the mind of anyone you see (they don't have to see you), the selected target must then make an empathy roll vs your deceit to realise that these are not thier own thoughts, if they fail this roll then any social attacks via the link count as an ambush and are also upgraded to mental stress as the target believes him/herself to be the source of these thoughts.  

The Language of the mind is the same [-1]
You can this power to communicate with anything sentient that you can see.
Okay, sorry, but I'm going to be brutally honest: Broken much?  Incite Emotion--a much less refined version of what you're positing here--starts out at a -1 for a touch range attack.  This version here merely requires line of sight that need not be reciprocal, which is absurd. 

Next, mental thought implantation?  The degree of subtlety that that implies over the crudeness that is Incite Emotion, complete with Thought Inception--the target believes that this is their own thoughts--makes this so ludicrously underpriced as to be absurd, as well as broken as to be unplayable. 

How underpriced?  If I were to emulate this with Sponsored Magic, Thaumaturgy and Refinement I'd be looking somewhere in the range of at least a -7 refresh, probably more like a -10. 
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