Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 234896 times)

Offline bobjob

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #840 on: November 14, 2013, 04:48:58 AM »
Reminds me of the Boost super power from Mutants and Masterminds. I definitely think it could work, as long as you set aside X refresh to assign and a point or two to buy the power.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #841 on: November 15, 2013, 04:37:53 AM »
Aura of Protection is probably too cheap for what it does when involved with Immunity.  At least with the Siberian, someone can perform a maneuver on them (jarring their contact with her) to be able to affect the target she's touching.

Yeah, Tank in general is too cheap with Immunity. I should raise the surcharge.

It's probably less thought out than Tank, but I think Siberian could use the Grant Powers ability I was working on.  I think it's a bit more thematically close to what she does in the story:

(click to show/hide)

In this case, she'd have Grant Powers ([-2] Base, Share Powers II (to 5 People, story-wise this is spot on) [-2], Refinement XIII [-13, for 30 points worth of powers], Limitation: Must be in constant contact [+8 depending for how debilitating this is]) for a total of -9 for the power.  She might also need an upgrade to make the power automatic (as a free action) as that seems to be how it is in the story.

That said, Grant Powers probably needs to be looked at and balanced still, but I feel like this might be the best way to go towards emulating Siberian's powers.

I like Grant Powers, but it seems needlessly complex for Siberian. Once you were done picking the right Limitation and so on, it'd basically be Tank. If you're close enough, you're invincible. If you're not, you're not.

Which reminds me had an Idea for a Power that would need some real balancing to work.

Amp (-X): You have the power to amplify the powers of one your touching as an action, add X amount of refresh worth of powers that can only be spend on power upgrades, these powers last for a scene and can only be granted to one person at a time.

Device Amplify: [-2] You can amplify the power of objects, for example you could amplify the power of a gun (giving it strength powers based extra damage and force to shooting) or the Speed of a Vehicle (speed powers boost to driving as athletics).

This certainly isn't a currently balanced set of power but is there any way this could work?       

Yeah, I think there's a way.

Amp is basically Grant Powers with Power Genie, granting a really weird form of Variable Abilities.

Device Amplify is kind of like Grant Powers granting Variable Abilities with a Limitation that you need an object that suits the ability you're using with Variable Abilities.

They're both novel enough that you'd want to write new Powers, but there's material to use for inspiration and balancing.

So I say go for it!

Offline cowardlylion

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #842 on: April 03, 2014, 08:56:30 PM »
Element Eater [-2]
Requirement Physical Immunity (Element), Aspect relating to be an element eater.

Each time you are targeted by your chosen your chosen element get a free tag of the "Empowered by your chosen element" or equivalent aspect. 

Basically a power for the fairly common fire and electricity absorbing monsters. .
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 08:59:11 PM by cowardlylion »

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #844 on: May 12, 2014, 06:10:55 PM »
A group I'm with is using the healing custom power.  It doesn't specify what kind of action it is.  You may want to clarify this:

HEALING [-2] Description: You possess the magical ability to heal others. Perhaps you can help people recover from psychological trauma with your musical genius, or perhaps you can knit flesh and bone back together through sheer faith. Note: This power uses one skill and applies to one stress track. Choose which skill and which stress track when you take this power. Any combination is permissible as long as the group is not offended by it. Skills Affected: Pick one. Effects: Heal. You may use your chosen skill to heal consequences of your chosen stress track. In order to heal a given consequence, you must exceed its shift value on a roll of your chosen skill. Healing a consequence increases the speed of its recovery by one step, or by two steps if your roll is twice as good as it needs to be, or by three steps if by some miracle your roll is three times better than it needs to be. If an attempt is made to heal a consequence that has already been healed, the second attempt replaces the first. This power may or may not affect extreme consequences; GMs should handle such issues on a case by case basis.   

Given the fact that you can re-roll a, seemingly unlimited, amount of times and take the best roll, it might be good to know what kind of action it is.

It also doesn't specify whether it allows you to instantly heal mild consequences.  I'd assume, if you do it "twice as fast" it moves it from "after the next scene" down to "at the end of the current scene" and then down to "immediately in this exchange" (as per the recovery power.)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 06:14:09 PM by Taran »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #845 on: May 12, 2014, 09:48:15 PM »
Ugh, that thing again.

You really should only be able to roll once. Not sure why that bit about a second attempt is there...multiple people trying to heal someone, maybe?

I think it would be a full action to use. Or maybe even a not-in-combat-time action.

IIRC the plan was for a consequence reduced below mild to disappear instantly.

Looks kind of broken now, honestly.

Offline vultur

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #846 on: May 19, 2014, 01:44:41 AM »
Here's my take on a Healing power.

Unusual Healing [-1]
You can heal someone through some form of magic or other unusual ability. Usually this is faith power or highly practiced biomancy, but it could be something weirder, like symbiotic microbes.
Healing Touch. Choose one skill appropriate to your form of healing (Conviction for faith power, Discipline or Lore for biomancy, etc.) You may use this skill to declare appropriate justification for recovery from mild, moderate and severe physical consequences.
Quick Healing [-2]. You can speed the healing of another being. This gives that being the benefits of Inhuman Recovery for one session (or until you choose to revoke it). This may benefit only one being at a time.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #847 on: May 19, 2014, 02:31:22 AM »
Definitely more balanced. But I don't think you should charge for the ability to justify consequence recovery. That'd be weak as a stunt...many people ignore those rules, and even people who don't can get Wizard's Constitution for free.

Maybe bundle that bit together with something more impressive, like Quick Healing?

Offline vultur

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #848 on: May 20, 2014, 04:06:04 AM »
Definitely more balanced. But I don't think you should charge for the ability to justify consequence recovery. That'd be weak as a stunt...

It's actually better than the canon stunt, which requires a medical setting for recovery of severe consequences.

many people ignore those rules, and even people who don't can get Wizard's Constitution for free.

Maybe bundle that bit together with something more impressive, like Quick Healing?

OK, you think the whole power is OK for -2?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #849 on: May 20, 2014, 04:29:42 AM »

And Doctor provides actual Scholarship bonuses.

Offline vultur

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #850 on: May 24, 2014, 01:05:15 AM »

OK, then...

Unusual Healing [-2]
You can heal someone through some form of magic or other unusual ability. Usually this is faith power or highly practiced biomancy, but it could be something weirder, like symbiotic microbes.
Healing Touch. Choose one skill appropriate to your form of healing (Conviction for faith power, Discipline or Lore for biomancy, etc.) You may use this skill to declare appropriate justification for recovery from mild, moderate and severe physical consequences.
Quick Healing. You can speed the healing of another being. This gives that being the benefits of Inhuman Recovery for one session (or until you choose to revoke it). This may benefit only one being at a time.

Do you think being able to apply Quick Healing to multiple people would be worth -1 Refresh for each doubling (each step up the group chart), or what?

And Doctor provides actual Scholarship bonuses.

You're right... oops...  :-[

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #851 on: May 26, 2014, 05:15:55 PM »
That seems a little cheap, but honestly I'm not sure.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #852 on: July 20, 2014, 04:54:31 PM »
So Mimic Abilities has come up as a PC power in my feet in the water campaign but I have some reservations about using it as it is. The potential for cap breaking skills makes me wary enough that I'd prefer other options to be used. On the other hand, the character using it is pretty much Mortimer Lindquist-lite so there should be a power that accurately models the options Mort has available to him when engaging in voluntary possession.

So I've basically written up a power based on Mimic Abilities that isn't quite so liable to overpower the PC. At least not permanently as MA does.

Voluntary Mimicry [-varies]
Description: Through the willing possession by ghosts or spirits you are able to take advantage of their powers and skills.
Skills Affected: All
Musts: You must set aside a number of points of your refresh equal to the maximum total refresh value of any mortal stunts and supernatural abilities you wish to copy from a target. These are called your mimic points. You must also take an aspect related to this power.
Willing Possession: You may allow a single ghost to possess you for a period of yours or the ghost's choosing. This gives you the ability to communicate with the ghost telepathically and allow it to act through you, if you so choose.
Channelling the Dead: You may copy the supernatural powers of the ghost possessing you at the cost of one mimic point per refresh.
Mimic Stunt: You are able to clone any of your co-habitant's mortal stunts at the cost of one mimic point per stunt. These are permanent as long as the spirit is possessing you.
Mimic Skill: Allocate one mimic point to copy any one of your possessor's skill. This replaces your actual rating with that skill while the allocation remains in place.

The differences from MA are that you can only be possessed by a single ghost/spirit at any time, you don't have to eat things/people to use it and you must have an aspect related to the power. You also get an effective ability to speak to the ghost possessing you without requiring Ghostspeaker or a thaumaturgic ritual.

So while it's not quite as powerful overall as Mimic Abilities, I think it's fairly balanced and in keeping with the rest of the 'good guy' powers. Power is easy to gather if you take it by force; trying to not be evil requires you to rely on friends and allies rather than personal power.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #853 on: July 20, 2014, 05:08:45 PM »
Looks good to me.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #854 on: July 21, 2014, 03:05:47 PM »
And that's as good an endorsement as I could ever hope to get. Cheers!
Quote from: JoeC
"Why are you banging your head against the wall?
'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."