Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 235374 times)


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #75 on: November 04, 2010, 11:10:59 PM »
Added the master list, I'll update it as new powers are posted in this thread.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #76 on: November 04, 2010, 11:58:01 PM »
Thank you for doing that, Tbora.

I hate reading through an entire thread to find one thing.


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #77 on: November 05, 2010, 12:03:11 AM »
your welcome, it took less then ten minutes.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #78 on: November 05, 2010, 12:20:29 AM »
ay thank you, and i already have a new character concept. HC: the good danarian trouble: i am still trapped in my damn coin!

basically i would modify has a soul, human form into coin form, and mind meld, to give my host powers, and for hilarity the ability to speak while inside my host.

swap out, hellfire for soulfire and tack on some other fun powers and stunts and become a really hilarious encounter when the knights of the cross come around.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #79 on: November 05, 2010, 12:48:03 AM »
You know, I made Mind Meld for a character a lot like that one. I'm trying to play him for the Enduring The Apocalypse campaign, but I'm having rules trouble.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #80 on: November 05, 2010, 02:40:38 AM »
talked about a character using mind meld with another character over dinner and we realized that it might be a bit broken, combine with modular abilities or spell casting and suddenly another character in the group has spell casting and access to modular abilities. 

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #81 on: November 05, 2010, 03:12:09 AM »
That's exactly what I was worried about. The big question is, is one character with the powers and skills of two characters more dangerous then those two characters working together?

I honestly don't know.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #82 on: November 05, 2010, 04:59:04 AM »
well economy of action says that no matter how many things you have you can still only do one thing, so in one sense it just gives more options but those options can be pretty damn nice.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #83 on: November 07, 2010, 02:41:12 PM »
Force Field [-2]
Description: You are able to create some kind of defense against attacks
Benefit: You gain a block 2 against all physical attacks equal to the results of this check, this lasts as long as you spend a supplementary action per turn.
Unlimited Concentration [-1]: You no longer need to make a supplementary action to maintain your shield.

What do you think?

Edit: a few more

For my grey court (twilight :)) vamps

Sparkle [-2]:
Anyone of the opposite gender viewing you in sunlight takes a -2 penalty to all social skills used against you.

And for a supernatural Russian wet works character

Danger Sense [-2]:
Once per scene, you may spend a fate point to negate a physical attack.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 05:49:33 PM by Mindflayer94 »
DV Mindflayer94 v1.2 YR3 FR2 BK+++ RP++++ JB TH++++ WG+ CL--- SW BC++ !MC SH[Murphy+++]


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #84 on: November 07, 2010, 04:27:07 PM »
Way to potent (force field especially) as it stands their way to broken to be added to the master list.

Either bump up the cost by a lot, or weaken the powers similarly, by a lot.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #85 on: November 07, 2010, 04:45:04 PM »
Edited, how's that?
DV Mindflayer94 v1.2 YR3 FR2 BK+++ RP++++ JB TH++++ WG+ CL--- SW BC++ !MC SH[Murphy+++]

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #86 on: November 10, 2010, 01:45:09 AM »
Disability Super(natural) Power [+varies]

Description: You have a disability linked to a supernatural power.  Maybe you're blind, but have skill with divination to compensate.  Maybe you're inhumanly fast, but not as fast as your biopolarism can make your moods swing.  Maybe you're able to move swiftly and silently in the shadows... because you're an albino who is harmed by the sunlight.  Maybe you're superstrong... but seizures are a constant threat.  Maybe you can shapeshift, but you always are missing that pinkie (or hand!), no matter whose or what appearance you're copying.  And so forth.

Skills Affected: None—or any. Skills should be penalized or assigned based on the high concept.  For example, a Deaf character should be required to have at least one rank in Scholarship, with the associated language of ASL, or a character with mobility problems should have a cap on their Athletics skill. 

Musts: Must have a high concept that is related to both the disability and the power, for example BLIND PSYCHOMETRIC DETECTIVE.

Supernatural Disability Power: You have a disability.  This grants you a discount on one or more supernatural powers that are linked to it.  The cost reduction to those powers is based on how intrusive and problematic the disability is.  If the disability is ever cured, healed, or removed, the cost reduction goes away. 

If the disability is severe, requiring special accommodation to function in modern society (blindness, serious mobility issues, etc), it's worth a +2. 

If the disability threatens you medically (seizures, diseases requiring a strict drug regime, etc) its a +2.

If the disability is an issue that affects your quality of life but can be worked around without extreme cost/effect (missing/paralyzed limbs, deafness, issues requiring moderately expensive drug treatments, etc) its worth a +1. 

Disabilities cannot reduce the total cost of linked powers below -1. 

Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #87 on: November 10, 2010, 01:48:28 AM »
How would this work in game terms, would it be a permenent extreme consequence you can't get rid of or what?

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #88 on: November 10, 2010, 02:16:24 AM »
Nope; it'd be part of their high concept (and a ready-made trouble), but they still would have an open Extreme Consequence slot.  Think "It's part of who I am" more than "Something done to me."
Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #89 on: November 10, 2010, 06:01:50 PM »
This is an ability I made for an NPC for my Seattle Game. I originally had it at -1 by -2 sounds better because it is potentially game-breaking.

I added my own Marginales to for some extra info.

Mnemosyne's Shadow [-2]

Description: Normally filed beside similar abilities like Cassandra's Tears and Prescience, with Mnemosyne's Shadow you learn things without previouse experience or exposure to the subject matter. You literally pull knowledge out of thin air. You Know things....

Billy: "Where does their knowledge come from Bob? "

Bob: "That's still being debated. Mnemosyne is just the popular theory. It could be any number of things including a form of ranged Psychometry or a version of The Sight."

Skills Affected: Lore

Musts: Must have a High Concept or Trouble that reflects the ability and can be compelled frequently. Examples: The High Concept Mnemosyne's Errand Boy  or the Troubles Knows Way Too Much or Insufferable Know-it-all.


Strange Knowledge: You can use your Lore Skill to get Answers about a subject for a Scene. The difficulty of the Lore check set by the GM should reflect not just how general the knowledge is, but also how secret it is. However, you can't control the breadth or the accuracy of the information gained. You almost always get fairly random knowledge in addition to what is being looked for.  For example, if you use the Shadow to gain knowledge about a Clued-in Mobster you may get information about not only his known aliases, but also his shoe size, favorite foods, number of sexual conquests, etc. If using it to find out the combintation to the safe, you might get every combination the safe has ever used and the significance of the digits to the safe's owner.

Dangerous Knowledge: For a price, you can get potentially "Game-breaking" pieces of knowledge such as the Dark Sorcerer's True Name. The Price is negotiated with the GM the same way as an escalated compel. Information such as this that could potentially break a storyline could be worth as little as a few Fate Points or as much as a Serious Mental Consequence.

Bob: "This description is mostly accurate William. Shadowers, those with this ability are usually seen as odd ducks but are more often than not misdiagnosed as spies, stalkers or in the case of the Wardens, Warlocks-in-Training."

Billy: "Why's that?"

Bob: "First, because Shadowers don't keep their knowledge for very long. They can learn something one minute and forget it in an hour or two. "

Billy: "Makes you think they're playing dumb. 'How did you learn that state secret?' *Stab*"

Bob: "Exactly. Second, because some meticulous Shadowers write everything they get down immediately and usually have more knowledge than writing materials. They can have a lot of notebooks full of inane stuff just piling up."

Billy: "Sounds like an awesome idea for a Compel. "

Bob: "One of my previous owners' Apprentice was a Shadower who would wake up in the middle of the night and write down entire books he'd never read or heard of before. Some of them he couldn't even read the title. "

Billy: "Holy Crap. Like Ancient Tomes and Lost Tales? "

Bob: "No, mostly just Cookbooks from the Ming Dynasty."

Billy: "That doesn't sound so bad."

Bob: "No, not until a Warden found a copy of a Necromancy Tome on his table. He could read the title. "

« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 06:01:28 PM by Lanodantheon »  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...