Well, it's very hard to teleport for wizards. As far as Dresden knows.
I can believe that Dresden has it more or less right... for Wizards (good point of distinction you made there), while simultaneously accepting that certain non-Wizard creatures (probably very powerful ones) might be able to do it.
I'd be hesitant to make it a Power without some caveats, such as requiring that the creature with the power needs to be something like a Demon or an Outsider, something that is only really borrowing ectoplasm to exist in the first place. Like when I played a water elemental in my first Champions game: he was invisible and incredibly fast as long as he was in water, but we established that when he used his super-swimming to move quickly, he was actually displacing his consciousness/spirit in the watery medium and "borrowing" a new body where he ended up, so he was as murky or clear as whatever water he had just left.
So if something like a Demon or a Ghost could get this, great. But if mortals started doing it, I'd worry about them damaging their physical body by not being able to do it right.