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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #570 on: October 14, 2011, 06:05:30 PM »
I thought that was fairly well a fundamental aspect of The Sight.
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #571 on: October 14, 2011, 10:27:30 PM »
I guess so, but this isn't really all that similar to The Sight. The Sight has its own little subsystem that this isn't involved in.

Honestly, this is mostly personal taste. I just prefer to avoid absolutes, especially because they lead to more absolutes.

For example, would this power let you see through a veil drawn by Mab? As written, it should. But I suspect that many people wouldn't play it that way. Which means that Mab gets a little farther away from stattability.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #572 on: October 15, 2011, 04:42:30 PM »
Burn Life[-2]: You can take a single physical consequence (or all of them to turn yourself into a death curse styled walking bomb)  to add twice its value in weapons rating to your attack that turn as you burn yourself out to become more powerful.
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #573 on: October 16, 2011, 09:26:03 PM »
Description: Through training, natural inclination, or ritualistic treatment of your body, you've come to be an optimal vessel for a supernatural entity to inhabit, capable of inviting them in (or firmly showing them the door) as the mood takes you.
Musts: You must have some Aspect referencing your ability to act as a host, which is replaced by a more specific one whenever you actually serve as a vessel, detailing your current “passenger”. Generally, characters with this power have some other ability to interact with spirits, whether through the Ghost Speaker power or Thaumaturgy, but this is not a requirement.
Skills Affected: Any skills appropriate to whatever you are hosting.
Medium. While in physical contact with an insubstantial creature, or one who could become insubstantial, you may attempt to become a vessel for their consciousness as a free action. The creature feels a slight tug on its form, and (if it is willing) will be drawn into your body, where you can telepathically communicate (this includes sharing memories, etc, and largely ignores normal time constraints on conversations). They may also speak through you, with your permission, and are protected from thresholds and running water as though they were possessing you (see Our World, page 35). You may only act as a vessel to a single creature at once in this manner. The creature may leave whenever it pleases, and you may forcibly eject it by taking one point of mental stress (though it gains the sticky aspect Been Inside Your Head for the remainder of the scene, which will aid it in any further mental assault). A creature that is aware you possess this power (through assessment of your related aspect or previous experience) may make contact itself (ignoring any usual limits of perception), though you must still willingly invite them into your form for this power to take effect.

Distant Medium [-1]. You may attempt to become a vessel for creatures up to one zone away, drawing them in without the need to touch them.

Willing Steed [-1]. You benefit from the effects of the Demonic Co-Pilot power (page 175), but instead of it applying only when you are shapeshifted, it applies only when you are acting as a vessel for an insubstantial creature, granting you +1 to all rolls that are in line with the nature or agenda of your spiritual passenger in exchange for the usual mental stresses. You may ignore the effects of this power by convincing your passenger to back off and let you work, or by suffering one point of mental stress to suppress it for that exchange. Note that consequences incurred from suppressing a passenger will not be in line with the passenger’s agenda, as is the norm with Demonic Co-Pilot; forcing a vessel into a mental wrestling match is more likely to result in brain damage than a pliable host.

Horse Power [-Varies]. The Willing Steed upgrade is a prerequisite for this one. You benefit from the effects of the Mimic Abilities power (page 176), but rather than acquiring your powers by defeating and diminishing (or outright killing) an opponent, you get them “on loan”, from your passenger. In essence, for as long as you have a passenger that is willing to offer aid, you may assign your mimic points to powers or stunts it possesses. At the end of any scene in which these abilities were used, you must roll Discipline against the total refresh cost of the used abilities, as if you were being attacked, with the results described in Demonic Co-Pilot. Your passenger cannot avoid this; even if they are not attempting to twist your mind, mental contamination will still occur. Since your powers rely on the continued co-operation and presence of a suitable passenger, the refresh that you must allocate to this power is reduced by two; in other words, you can acquire two “free” points of abilities from your passenger, in addition to any purchased with mimic points. You must still assign at least one point of refresh to this upgrade.

Reverse Possession [-3]. You no longer need a creature’s permission to become (or continue being) a vessel for it. If a valid target refuses your offer of possession, you may roll Discipline as a psychic attack against them, inflicting stress and consequences until they concede and become your passenger, or are broken and forced into you as a result of being taken out. If a passenger attempts to leave your body without your permission (or you simply decide to torment them) you may roll Discipline against their Conviction, with a success preventing them from taking any action and inflicting a single point of mental stress; this is effectively a mental grapple.

Spirit Eater [-1].
The Horse Power and Reverse Possession upgrades are prerequisites for this one. If you use the mental grapple provided by Reverse Possession to take out a passenger, you may utterly destroy them, and thereby indefinitely retain any of the powers they could have granted you through Horse Power, just as described in Mimic Powers. Alternatively, you may permanently acquire those powers at the normal refresh cost, as part of a sheet-rewrite, as consuming the spirit works deep changes on your body and soul.

Legion [-1, -2 or -3]. You may have more than passenger at once; the one-point version of this power allows a maximum of three passengers, while the two-point version allows up to seven passengers, and the three-point version allows an unlimited number of distinct passengers. This does not increase the bonuses provided by Willing Steed or Horse Power, but does increase their breadth.

Specific Vessel [+1]. You can only serve as a vessel for one specific kind of creature (i.e. demons, spirits, ghosts, loa, angels, Outsiders, etc), a restriction which should flavour the mandatory aspect listed in “Musts” accordingly. Note that this upgrade cannot provide more refresh than the overall cost of the Spirit Vessel power.


Description: Two heads are better than one, and many hands make light work; you can split off a single copy of yourself, which shares your memories and abilities. Depending on the upgrades taken, this power could represent the fission of an ooze demon, the splitting up of a swarm of lesser creatures, or even the magical duplicative hair of Sun Wukong.
Skills Affected: Physical skills.   
Cloning Blues. You may produce a single, exact copy of yourself as a supplemental action. This copy is indistinguishable physically, though mystical observation shows it to be a construct of ectoplasm. The copy has the same skills, stunts and powers as you, and has your memories at the time of creation; the only mechanical difference (besides the normal vulnerabilities of ectoplasmic constructs) is that their High Concept is “Copy of a [Original High Concept]”. You have no special ability to communicate with your copy (outside of invoking their High Concept to guess what they’ll do next), and do not learn what they learn unless you recall them (requiring a free action while in physical contact), at which point they dissolve into ectoplasm and you gain all their memories since they were created. You and your copy have separate stress tracks; however, your supply of consequences remains the same, and must be split between the two of you. You do not cash out (see page 206) for consequences suffered by your copy. If your copy is killed (rather than being recalled) you may not generate a new one until the next scene (if you are killed, your copy immediately dissolves into ectoplasm). Note that despite having the same powers as you, your copy does not acquire their own item slots from spellcraft powers, and cannot create its own copies through this power.

We Are Many [-1]. This upgrade increases the number of copies that you can have active at the same time by one. You may take this upgrade multiple times, increasing the number of potential copies by one for each purchase. Note that, should one of your copies be killed, it does not completely remove your ability to create new ones until the next scene; it simply reduces the maximum number you can create this scene by one.

Von Neumann’s Magic [-2]. The We Are Many upgrade is a prerequisite for this one. Your copies can create copies of their own using this power. They use the creating copy’s memories, rather than your own, but are otherwise created just as described in Cloning Blues. They are still your copies, and therefore cannot exceed the number of copies you may have active at once.

Distant Recall [-1]. This upgrade allows you to recall your copy from a distance as a free action, instantly dissolving it into the ectoplasm from which it was formed. If you have a Hive Mind (below), this upgrade becomes free.

Hive Mind [-2]. You and your copy share minds. You know everything they know, and vice-versa, allowing real-time sharing of information and memories without the need for recall. This has numerous applications, and adds two shifts to any maneuver made by you or your copy to co-ordinate an action with the other (see page 208). However, with this upgrade, you and your copy share the same mental stress track; this means that you are treated as the same target for the purposes of psychic attacks, allowing them to damage both of you at once. In addition, you and your copy both suffer from the taggable aspect produced by taking a mental consequence, regardless of which of you actually “spent” the consequence in question. Other appropriate temporary aspects might also "spill over" in this way.

Ontological Inertia [-0]. This upgrade cannot be taken by characters with positive refresh. Upon taking this upgrade, your copies become just as “real” as you are (arguably, not very), making the question of who the original is rather moot. As a result, rather than imploding into ectoplasm upon your death, your copies will remain intact (and may produce another copy to replace you, if they have that ability). This will sometimes result in one of your copies acquiring true independence, at which point it becomes a separate character with the ability to create its own roster of copies; a number of creatures native to the Nevernever reproduce in this manner.

Split Skills [+4]. Rather than being able to produce exact duplicates of yourself, you must split your power amongst the bodies you produce, resulting in a set of weaker copies. Whenever you produce a copy, all of its skills default to Mediocre (+0). You must provide it with skills by reducing your own and adding an equivalent number of skill points to its sheet (see page 65). For example, by reducing a Superb (+5) skills to Good (+3), you would acquire two skill points to raise one of your copy’s skills to Fair (+2). Skill points taken from one skill need not be spent on that same skill; it is acceptable to reduce your Might in order to increase your copy’s Lore. Your copy may not have any skill ratings higher than your original score in that skill. Keep a record of your character’s original skill ratings; they return to their previous level once the copy is recalled (if the copy is killed, it is treated as being recalled one scene later).
Split Power [+Varies]. This upgrade provides you with refresh equal to half the total refresh cost of your supernatural powers (excluding Multiple Bodies, but including any refresh spent on We Are Many), rounded down. Whenever you produce a copy, you must total up the cost of your supernatural powers (excluding Multiple Bodies) and divide it by two. This is the new refresh cost of the powers you and your copy may possess. You must first spend this refresh on powers that are core to your High Concept (i.e. (i.e. Living Dead for a Zombie or Lawbreaker for a Warlock), and you cannot produce a copy without such powers. Often, this will result in a simple reduction of power; splitting Supernatural Toughness into two iterations of Inhuman Toughness, or reducing Evocation and Refinement into two iterations of Channelling. You cannot provide your copy with supernatural powers you do not possess any version of. If you have any spare refresh, you may temporarily assign it to appropriate powers for you or your copy.

Keep a record of your character’s original powers; they return to normal once the copy is recall (if the copy is killed, it is treated as being recalled one scene later). If you can produce more than one copy, then you must divide the refresh cost of your supernatural powers evenly again between yourself and each copy, each time you produce one. It would probably be wise to produce a number of "templates" based on the kind of power-sets you could give different numbers of clones, to save time.


Description: Rather than one entity, your body is made from a multitude of lesser creatures, making you more difficult to harm.
Musts: This power comes with its own specific Catch (see page 185). If you suffer physical consequences, they must take into account the non-singular nature of your body; a demon with a body made from five-hundred-and-two stone crabs is unlikely to suffer a Broken Arm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills.   
Chipping Away. Physical attacks cannot inflict more than one stress on you at a time; no matter how devastating the blow, it can only target a small part of your “body”. The effects of this power are applied after additions and subtractions from weapons and armour; wielding a sword will not appreciably increase one’s ability to fight off a swarm of bees (by the same token, bees do not classically benefit from wearing kevlar).

Specific Catch. Unlike other Toughness powers, Swarm Body comes with its own preset Catch, which offers no discount. The effects of this power are completely bypassed by area attacks; that is, those attacks that encompass a great majority of the target’s body. Diminutive insect swarms would be thus affected by sprayed insecticide, while a human-sized enemy would be vulnerable to flamethrowers or suitable evocations, and even larger swarms might require more extreme measures to seriously damage. Note that a clever maneuver might force a swarm into a confined space or formation, and thereby reduce the size of the attack necessary to harm it.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #574 on: October 20, 2011, 03:16:50 AM »
Telekinesis and Spirit Form have been edited.

Telekinesis now has infinite range and a restriction against the use of guns with its attack trapping.

Spirit Form now has some clarifying text and two new optional add-ons. Also, Mind=Matter no longer provides a rebate. It is now way more complicated than I'd prefer, but this level of intricacy is necessary here. (I think.)

Description: You are an incorporeal spirit form, able to pass through walls and other barriers in the mortal world. Thresholds still have an almost physical reality to you, however.
Skills Affected: Many, especially Conviction.
Note: This power may not normally be attached to Human Form, Feeding Dependency, an Item Of Power, Magical Self-Enhancement, or any other power that can "turn off" the powers it is attached to.. The Astral Projection and Manifestation upgrades, if taken, entirely remove this restriction except with regards to Human Form.
Insubstantial. You are invisible, inaudible, and incorporeal. This means that you can neither affect nor be affected by physical things, except as dictated under Vulnerabilities and Manifestation. Any magic that you cast is also incorporeal, and useless against anything physical. However, you can perceive the physical world normally, and under some circumstances it may be possible for physical characters to perceive and communicate with you. Characters with this power may affect each other freely.
Shaped By Belief. Your very existence is defined by belief. As a result, you are not closely bound by physical reality. You may make Maneuvers and Declarations with Conviction to define your physical form and the nature of your interactions with the world.
Vulnerabilities. Certain physical things can harm you despite your intangibility. These things include ghost dust, fire, and sunlight. What's more, you cannot cross thresholds at all.
Manifestation [-2]. Once per scene, you may force yourself to manifest physically. This negates this power until the scene ends, you choose to become immaterial, or you get taken out in a physical conflict. Using this trapping is an insane act for a ghost, and as such this trapping may not be possessed by sane ghosts. (Other forms of spirit might not have this limitation.)
Poltergeist [-1]. You can exert a tiny amount of force on the material world. Normally this does nothing of importance, but when machinery is around you can often interfere with it. You may use Conviction to make maneuvers disrupting physical machinery.
Spiritual Physics Abuse [-1]. The laws of physics only affect you if you think they should. Teleportation is possible for you. You may substitute your Conviction skill for your Might skill when exerting force, your Athletics skill when moving, or for any other physical skill as the GM feels is appropriate.
Mind = Matter [-0]. Your body and your mind are the same thing. You have one stress track that is used for both mental and physical stress. Its length is determined by your Conviction skill. Toughness powers apply to this track, but mental stress automatically satisfies catches. Consequences taken on this track do not recover naturally unless you provide some form of special justification, generally involving the absorption of memories. More severe consequences require more elaborate justifications.
Astral Projection [-1]. You are a physical creature, but you can leave your body when you feel inclined. You normally do not have access to this power, but you may gain access to it any time by taking a supplemental action. When you do so, your physical body is unconscious and immobile. You may return to your physical body at any time by physically entering it with a supplemental action.
Involuntary Projection/Manifestation [+1]. (Requires Astral Projection or Manifestation) You have no control over whether or not you are corporeal at any given time. Choose a condition in collaboration with the GM. This condition determines whether or not this power is active at any given time.

Description: You can exert physical force with the power of your mind alone.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline
Mind Over Matter. You may use your mind to exert force upon targets within your line of sight. This allows you to use all applications of the Might skill at a distance, using your Conviction skill instead of your Might skill. You may also perform other physical tasks mentally with your line of sight, using your Discipline skill to represent your dexterity.
Telekinetic Attacks. You may make physical attacks and maneuvers against targets within your line of sight using your mental powers. These attacks and maneuvers are controlled with Discipline and may be made with or without a melee weapon. Attacks made with this power without a weapon are weapon: 2.
Blades Of Force [-1]. When using Telekinetic Attacks without a weapon, your attacks are weapon: 4.
Force Field [-1]. You are protected by a shell of telekinetic power. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks or to create physical blocks.
Telekinetic Self-Propulsion [-2]. Your telekinesis is strong enough to let you carry yourself. This allows you to fly as though you had the Wings power, using Discipline instead of Athletics to move around in the air.
Metaphysical Strength [-0]. (Requires Inhuman Or Better Strength) Your Strength powers apply to your Telekinesis rather than to your physical body. This increases your Conviction when using it to lift or break things, helps with your mental grapples, and increases the stress inflicted by your Telekinetic Attacks.
Unification Of Mind And Body [-1]. (Requires Metaphysical Strength) Your Strength powers apply to both your Telekinesis and your physical body. This provides all the benefits of Metaphysical Strength alongside all the benefits of ordinary strength.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #575 on: October 20, 2011, 03:32:17 AM »
This was originally intended to be a stunt tree, but I think it's more appropriate as a power. Added an extra mild consequence because I felt that the power was a bit weak, and because it seemed fitting.

Description: For some reason, physical injury doesn't even bother you.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline
Feel No Pain. You are immune to pain, and suffer no stress from attacks based on upon pain. You automatically succeed at any roll made to endure or ignore your own suffering. More importantly, your physical consequences cannot be tagged or invoked.
No Pain, Just Gain. It takes an excessive amount of punishment to put you down for good. You may take an additional mild physical consequence.

In case it isn't clear, I'm looking for feedback on everything I just posted.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 03:35:11 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #576 on: October 20, 2011, 04:47:32 AM »
Well, I added the promised Magical Self-Enhancement upgrade that lets you boost others. Worried about its balance, especially when it is combined with Recovery. Feedback wanted.

I kinda regret not allowing zone buffs, but I think it's necessary for balance reasons.

Description: Many supernatural abilities can be mimicked through an application of spellcasting. But that requires specialization, of the sort that this power represents.
Musts: A character must possess the Evocation, Channeling, and/or Sponsored Magic powers in order to use this one. Other powers to link this power to are also required.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Limited Powers. When you take this power, you must select at least one other supernatural power that you possess. Which powers may be selected with this power is a matter of the GM's discretion. The selected powers are disabled, and the character gets a rebate equal to one-third of the powers' total cost.
Magical Self-Enhancement. This power allows the user to grant themselves access to the selected powers through evocation. Such evocations may be of any element that makes sense, and they may be offensive or defensive. The power required of an evocation that grants powers is equal to the total refresh cost of the granted powers plus the intended duration. The user may extend this effect using the normal rules for the extension of evocation, and they may choose to grant themselves only a few of the selected powers. This also allows them to grant lesser versions of the selected powers. For example, a character who had selected Supernatural Strength and Inhuman Speed with this power may grant themselves Inhuman Strength for 5 exchanges with a 7-shift evocation.
Magical Enhancement [-varies]. This option removes the rebate from Magical Self-Enhancement, making the total cost of the power 0. In exchange, it gives the user the ability to cast power-granting evocations on other characters. Please note that these evocations cannot be zone-wide.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #577 on: October 20, 2011, 05:30:24 AM »
Yet another Spirit Form rewrite. Possession has been added, and I think the power is done.

However, I'm not too happy with the wording of Possession. I feel as though it might be missing something or bad for balance or just written badly.

Feedback wanted even more than usual.

Once this has been reviewed, I will finally write up Bob! Evil Hat said it couldn't be done, but I'll show them!

Description: You are an incorporeal spirit form, able to pass through walls and other barriers in the mortal world. Thresholds still have an almost physical reality to you, however.
Skills Affected: Many, especially Conviction.
Note: This power may not normally be attached to Human Form, Feeding Dependency, an Item Of Power, Magical Self-Enhancement, or any other power that can "turn off" the powers it is attached to.. The Astral Projection and Manifestation upgrades, if taken, entirely remove this restriction except with regards to Human Form.
Insubstantial. You are invisible, inaudible, and incorporeal. This means that you can neither affect nor be affected by physical things, except as dictated under Vulnerabilities and Manifestation. Any magic that you cast is also incorporeal, and useless against anything physical. However, you can perceive the physical world normally, and under some circumstances it may be possible for physical characters to perceive and communicate with you. Characters with this power may affect each other freely.
Shaped By Belief. Your very existence is defined by belief. As a result, you are not closely bound by physical reality. You may make Maneuvers and Declarations with Conviction to define your physical form and the nature of your interactions with the world.
Vulnerabilities. Certain physical things can harm you despite your intangibility. These things include ghost dust, fire, and sunlight. What's more, you cannot cross thresholds at all.
Manifestation [-2]. Once per scene, you may force yourself to manifest physically. This negates this power until the scene ends, you choose to become immaterial, or you get taken out in a physical conflict. Using this trapping is an insane act for a ghost, and as such this trapping may not be possessed by sane ghosts. (Other forms of spirit might not have this limitation.)
Poltergeist [-1]. You can exert a tiny amount of force on the material world. Normally this does nothing of importance, but when machinery is around you can often interfere with it. You may use Conviction to make maneuvers disrupting physical machinery.
Spiritual Physics Abuse [-1]. The laws of physics only affect you if you think they should. Teleportation is possible for you. You may substitute your Conviction skill for your Might skill when exerting force, your Athletics skill when moving, or for any other physical skill as the GM feels is appropriate.
Mind = Matter [-0]. Your body and your mind are the same thing. You have one stress track that is used for both mental and physical stress. Its length is determined by your Conviction skill. Toughness powers apply to this track, but mental stress automatically satisfies catches. Consequences taken on this track do not recover naturally unless you provide some form of special justification, generally involving the absorption of memories. More severe consequences require more elaborate justifications.
Astral Projection [-1]. You are a physical creature, but you can leave your body when you feel inclined. You normally do not have access to this power, but you may gain access to it any time by taking a supplemental action. When you do so, your physical body is unconscious and immobile. You may return to your physical body at any time by physically entering it with a supplemental action.
Involuntary Projection/Manifestation [+1]. (Requires Astral Projection or Manifestation) You have no control over whether or not you are corporeal at any given time. Choose a condition in collaboration with the GM. This condition determines whether or not this power is active at any given time.
Possession [-1]. You may enter the bodies of others, combining your power with theirs. Given a willing host, you may enter that host's body as a supplemental action. This allows you to control their body, using your own skills for all rolls. While you possess a host, you have access to all of your own powers and those of your host's powers that your GM deems appropriate. The host's skills may modify yours, at the GM's discretion. Physical stress is inflicted on the host, not on you, and the host's physical stress track is not affected. If you cast spells while in another characters body, you must pay for those spells with your own mental stress. However, your host suffers backlash for you. A character who is being possessed may not act, but they may force the possessor out of their body at any time.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #578 on: October 20, 2011, 08:02:24 AM »
This was originally intended to be a stunt tree, but I think it's more appropriate as a power. Added an extra mild consequence because I felt that the power was a bit weak, and because it seemed fitting.

Description: For some reason, physical injury doesn't even bother you.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline
Feel No Pain. You are immune to pain, and suffer no stress from attacks based on upon pain. You automatically succeed at any roll made to endure or ignore your own suffering. More importantly, your physical consequences cannot be tagged or invoked.
No Pain, Just Gain. It takes an excessive amount of punishment to put you down for good. You may take an additional mild physical consequence.

In case it isn't clear, I'm looking for feedback on everything I just posted.

The Spirit Form power is very well done.
Feel no Pain is an awesome idea. I like that one very much :)
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #579 on: October 20, 2011, 08:01:19 PM »
Why, thank you.

Is there anything that you think needs changing?

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #580 on: October 20, 2011, 08:09:10 PM »
Dang it Sancta, it would have new nice if you posted "feel no pain" before I drew up my character for the grey council game. I am a fan of these shiny new toys you have presented us.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #581 on: October 20, 2011, 08:32:35 PM »
This was originally intended to be a stunt tree, but I think it's more appropriate as a power. Added an extra mild consequence because I felt that the power was a bit weak, and because it seemed fitting.

Description: For some reason, physical injury doesn't even bother you.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline
Feel No Pain. You are immune to pain, and suffer no stress from attacks based on upon pain. You automatically succeed at any roll made to endure or ignore your own suffering. More importantly, your physical consequences cannot be tagged or invoked.
No Pain, Just Gain. It takes an excessive amount of punishment to put you down for good. You may take an additional mild physical consequence.

In case it isn't clear, I'm looking for feedback on everything I just posted.
Isn't this really just Physical immunity with a Catch of "Only against pain based attacks" +2 against specific, +2 easy to come by, +1 or 2 for knowledge...
resulting in a cost of -3 or maybe -2
plus a beefed up version of the unshakeable stunt (YS:151) applied to Physical consequences instead of mental or social aspects?
Which i would priceat easily -2 Refresh. Since it basically renders consequences useless for you opponent.

that would come out at a cost of -4 or -5.

Also, could you elaborate on what you think of as an "attack based on pain"? It's a bit fuzzy for me.

Otherwise it's an interesting concept. Could be fun to play.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #582 on: October 20, 2011, 08:46:46 PM »

This was originally a three-stunt tree building off of an Unshakeable variant. But it seemed like too much for a stunt tree, so I made it into a power. Then I thought,

"If it's a power, then it should be a bit stronger. Reducing the price to 2 might be too strong, and anyway it'd make the stunts kinda obsolete. So I'll tack on an extra bonus...maybe a mild consequence?"

Then I actually started writing it, and I remembered that I had once written something with Incite Emotion (Pain). This reminded me that immunity to pain might actually have mechanical effects beyond non-invokable consequences, so I added a bit saying that you took no stress from attacks based on pain, etc. I figured that it was enough of a fringe benefit that it wouldn't affect the cost.

If you think it's too much, maybe I'll get rid of the mild consequence. It's really only there as padding anyway.

PS: Torture, certain spells, and some varieties of Incite Emotion would be pain-based attacks. Such attacks are not exactly a common thing in most games.

EDIT: Glad you liked it, polka. "I'd use it" is the highest compliment around. Maybe you could buy Feel No Pain after a milestone or two? Though it's a bit pricey...
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 08:52:51 PM by Sanctaphrax »


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #583 on: October 26, 2011, 11:08:32 AM »
Telekinesis is cool, though I am concerned about it scaling too far damage wise (with a full compliment of strength, I know it would be a high refresh character to have mythic strength on top of it but weapon 10 is intimidating).

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #584 on: October 26, 2011, 05:26:43 PM »
I'm not too worried. A character with Mythic Strength could just pick up a car, and I think that cars are weapon 4 before Strength bonuses.

Which gives results roughly in line with what Evocation can do at the same level.