Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 236199 times)

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #105 on: December 09, 2010, 05:26:57 AM »
Stonewalk [-1]
Description: You can move through rock, stone, and most earth-based substances with ease. Either you are a strong and fast digger, or you can literally pass through stone like a ghost. You are assumed to be able to navigate as you go, but to actually be able to sense through solid substances, you need to take an appropriate Supernatural Sense.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Earth Elemental, or Subterranean Behemoth.
Skills Affected: Athletics.

Passwall. You can ignore stone, rock or earth-related zone borders of up to 3 shifts. You still need to make a movement or supplemental action to cross the zone.
Death from Below! You can ambush your opponents by hiding below the ground, near the surface of a stone- or rock-based zone border, or even above a tunnel, and springing from your hiding place when they get too close. You get a free +2 to your Stealth roll once per scene to set up an Ambush (page 142). You can usually detect when your target is in position, but if they are using Stealth, you get a +2 to your Alertness roll to feel them approaching if they are in contact with the same surface that is hiding you. You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene, but you must make a movement or supplemental action in order to get in position (per the Passwall effect) to make another Ambush. You can use this ability to Ambush your opponents several times, but if they survive this ploy long enough they may find ways to take advantage of your predictability. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Stonefeint [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you get a free +2 to one Attack roll per scene if there is significant stone or rocky terrain for you to use to your advantage, You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Greater Stonewalk [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you can ignore 6 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders.
Epic Stonewalk [-2]. Take this upgrade instead of Greater Stonewalk. You can ignore 9 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders, and you can make an Athletics check to tunnel through any remaining shifts.
Tunnel [+1]. Your ability to move through stone relies on burrowing, and you leave a tunnel behind you as you go. This can be an advantage for allies, but it can also lead pursuers straight to you. You also make noise as you move through the earth, which won't necessarily negate the first use of Death from Below!, but may interfere with any subsequent uses of that ability. You also leave telltale furrows, cracks or lines as you pass. Using this ability places the scene aspect Unstable Tunnels, which can be tagged by anyone. This cannot reduce the total cost of your Stonewalk abilities below -1.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 06:42:33 AM by devonapple »
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline exploding_brain

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #106 on: December 09, 2010, 10:32:41 PM »
Several different flavors of sponsored magic might be available from the Greek Gods.  In this specific case, Athena and Hermes sponsored the set of abilities below.  I can only take credit for a bit of the initial flavor.  Fred was kind enough to work out almost all of the mechanical details.

Sponsored Magic: Athenohermetic Magic [-4 refresh; normal discounts with full Evocaiton and/or Thaumaturgy]

Allows, with evocation's methods and speed:

- Spells that supercharge the character for a single action:

+ "Melee" combat evocations where you smite someone with the muscles of Hercules. You get a wide range of effects, but the restriction this places is that you have to be the personal, heroic actor manifesting the spell effect rather than hurling fireballs from a distance. Make this an up-in-their-face evocator.

+ "Speed" evocations that let you use your evocation spell to produce a sprint action that ignores (most) zone borders, perhaps even allowing short-term-must-come-to-a-landing flight (which would look like a hell of a super-leap).

+ "Inspiration" evocations that allow you to cast spells with relevance to social-conflict situations.

+ Shield spells that manifest as an aethereal shield-of-Athena, etc; or other defensive effects explained, instead, as speed-of-Hermes style dodging.

Ritualized (thaumaturgic method) spells would involve things that the Biomancy (craft the body of a hero), Infomancy (send and receive messages, tap into humanity's collective belief in legendary heroes, see below), and Warding (shield-of-Athena) schools can acomplish.

Sponsor debt should revolve around the hero's burden, making the character a danger-magnet at the worst of times, demanding hard and regular sacrifices of his/her personal wants/needs in the face of serving others.  Also around carrying the "message" of the Greek heroes, spreading appreciation of the ancient myths (and their modern counterparts) and the heroic values they espouse. The sponsor may sometimes push the character to not only act heroically, but to be seen acting heroically.

Infomancy: A thematic category for thaumaturgy.  It covers certain types of divination, limited to information that is deliberately created with the intention of being communicated to others, or retrieved by the creator at a later time. It also excels at sending information to others, and retrieving communications deliberately intended for the practitioner.

Infomancy cannot be used to learn about the world directly, but it can access information that others have recorded. Need remote viewing of a location, tough luck.  Want the verbal report or written notes of someone else staking out the site?  That should work fine.  More like the NSA's approach than the CIA's.

Analysis and manipulation of information are also within the discipline of infomancy.  This includes encryption and decryption, and an understanding of the deeper patterns that underlie certain categories of information.  Ideas and themes that pervade widely known bodies of work, such as mythology, folk tales, or popular works of fiction, are accessible to an infomancer.  This understanding can help an infomancer you communicate more effectively or persuasively. It may be possible to channel the essence characters from stories, tapping into certain parts of what Jung called the collective unconscious, and Campbell called the monomyth.

Much like The Archive, mortal infomancy has little or no ability to access information that is stored only in electronic form.  The reason for this is not understood, but the similarities of these limitations have led some to speculate that The Archive is the result of the most powerful and sophisticated infomantic ritual ever performed.  Others contend that infomancy was created as a sort of side effect in the process that brought The Archive into existence.

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #107 on: December 10, 2010, 06:28:35 AM »
Displacement [-1]
Description: You are not where you appear to be. A glamor or other optical effect obscures your true location, making it difficult for opponents to properly target you.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Cloaked Malk, or Nevernever Mugger.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
Missed Me, Missed Me. You gain a +2 bonus to your Athletics for the purpose of defending against attacks. This bonus does not require your attention or concentration: should you be successfully ambushed, this bonus will remain, granting you a minimum Athletics of Fair (+2). You may also use this bonus to any Athletics check to perform a maneuver intended to confound or disorient an opponent. If you take a Full Defense action, this bonus is increased to +4.
Blinking [-1]. When you purchase this upgrade, your power is not an optical effect: you are actually changing positions rapidly during combat, by stepping back and forth between the Nevernever and the real world. In addition to the Missed Me, Missed Me effect, you may set up an Ambush (page 142) as a supplemental action every round. However, anyone who can simultaneously perceive the real world and the Nevernever is immune to this effect.

Edit: it will be up to the GM how to handle any complications of the Nevernever aspect of Blinking. The simplest answer is that Blinking creates a sort of proto-Demesne wherever it happens to be, which does not in itself attract (or make it vulnerable to) any of the Nevernever denizens which may be coterminous with that current location.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 04:07:23 AM by devonapple »
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline zuractai

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #108 on: December 13, 2010, 05:12:37 PM »
So I have ideas for a bunch of powers.  The first group is in regards to Breath Weapon. Since as written a Dragon’s breath weapon for example, wouldn’t be very intimidating.

Breath Weapon (-2)
As per YS162
        Projectile (-2) Your “Breath weapon” is some form of projectile. Because of this you add increased stress from any Strength powers you possess. In addition, each level of strength increases the range of your breath weapon by 1 zone. (Example, if you have Supernatural Strength you would deal +6 stress with your breath weapon, and you could affect targets up to 3 zones away.)
   Strong Breath (-1) You breath weapon is extremely potent.  You add +4, instead of +2, to the stress your breath weapon deals. In addition you add +1 to any rolls to perform maneuvers.  This power cannot be combined with projectile.
   Mighty Breath (-1) Your breath weapon is extremely powerful. Add an additional +2 stress, and a +1 to maneuvers when using your breath weapon, for a total of +6 Stress/+2 for Maneuvers.  This Power cannot be taken with Projectile.
   Wide Breath (-2) Your breath weapon affects everyone in a single zone.
   Ranged Breath (-1) The range of your breath is increased by one zone.

The Stoicism powers are specifically designed to not help spellcasters, since they would be FAR too powerful.  However it seems like it would be possible for a caster to use more then 4 evocations without being taken out, or using consequences. How do the following powers sound? I was aiming for slightly weak.

Inhuman Mental Resilience (-1)
You add 1 to your mental stress track. There is no catch vs this power, and you can not take other powers that would increase your mental stress. (Stoicism for instance.)

Supernatural Mental Resilience (-2)
Add 2 boxes to your mental stress. This power otherwise acts like Inhuman Mental Resilience.

Mythic Mental Resilience (-3)
Add 3 boxes to your mental stress. This Power otherwise functions like inhuman mental Resilience.

Like other powers that go Inhuman, Supernatural, Mythic, Mythic should almost never be available to Players. NPC Gods, and perhaps the Merlin himself possess that level of power. Senior Council members are likely to have the supernatural level.

The same idea could be applied for physical stress as well. Basically for half the cost of the power with a nearly impossible catch (So no discount for the cost) you get slightly less then half the power, which hopefully keeps it from being over powered.  The same idea could be applied to mental/physical armor, though in regards to mental stress from spell casting, armor should never be able to completely negate stress.  Casting a spell will always deal at least 1 mental stress (Unless a consequence is taken. )

Offline Peteman

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #109 on: December 15, 2010, 03:43:36 AM »
Mortal Stunt:

This... Is My Boomstick! (-1)

You gain a +1 bonus to guns when attacking with shotguns... provided you can make a cheesy line as followup.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #110 on: December 15, 2010, 03:48:58 AM »
Sorry, Peteman. Wrong thread. The thread you want is here:,21213.0.html

That being said, I like the stunt. Can I add it to my collection?

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #111 on: December 15, 2010, 04:11:00 AM »
Sorry, Peteman. Wrong thread. The thread you want is here:,21213.0.html

That being said, I like the stunt. Can I add it to my collection?

Whoops. Sorry. Perhaps we should move that in the resource collection.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #112 on: December 15, 2010, 04:46:54 AM »
If you mean that we should move the Homebrew Stunts thread to the resources board than I suggest you take a look at the Homebrew Stunts Master List thread (which is already on the resources board). It has just about everything from the Homebrew Stunts thread in a nice-ish-looking list.

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #113 on: December 15, 2010, 06:11:02 AM »
I'm not sure if this does what I want it to do, but it is a start:

Holistic Sense [-1]
Description: You are in tune with the fundamental interconnectedness of the universe. You can draw accurate (if bizarre) conclusions from seemingly random phenomena that bear no obvious relation to the matter you are considering.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Holistic Detective, Zen Master, or Protector of the Balance.
Skills Affected: Scholarship, Investigation, and others as appropriate.
The Butterfly Effect. You can make an Assessment check using any skill you possess, with only a tenuous justification. The only requirement is that you vary your skills, selecting a different skill with each Assessment. If you opt to use the same skill a second time in a row  (presumably your best skill), you get a -2 to your check.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #114 on: December 18, 2010, 04:38:04 AM »
Would anyone object if I (or someone else) were to add these powers to the DFRPG Resource Wiki?


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #115 on: December 18, 2010, 04:46:11 AM »
Go ahead

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #116 on: December 21, 2010, 03:49:27 PM »
Done.  Did I miss anything?
Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Offline pandakun

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #117 on: December 28, 2010, 01:39:29 AM »
Here's two I was thinking of, but they could probably use some fleshing out:
Siren Song [-2]
The voice of a Siren, or those of their lineage, captivates unerringly - with song or no. Those within earshot of the character's voice (non-amplified) have their attention diverted to the character - or in their direction, if the character cannot be seen. The character may then continue to keep those diverted enthralled to her voice with a mental challenge (based on Deceit), although no action other than keeping the victim's attention may be compelled.

Haruspicy [-2]
Reading the entrails of sacred animals (dependent on cultural or supernatural heritage) is more of an art than a science. The ability to divine omens from the liver, heart, etc. functions like Cassandra's tears - without the Catch, but with much more viscera.

Offline vultur

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #118 on: January 28, 2011, 08:04:29 AM »
Haruspicy [-2]
Reading the entrails of sacred animals (dependent on cultural or supernatural heritage) is more of an art than a science. The ability to divine omens from the liver, heart, etc. functions like Cassandra's tears - without the Catch, but with much more viscera.

Since Cassandra's Tears is a -0 power, one without the drawback would probably be -1; unless the messiness and requirement to have access to the right sort of creature counted as an equivalent drawback, in which case it would also be -0.

Offline jadecourtflunky

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #119 on: January 29, 2011, 02:19:36 AM »
I made these for my Jade Court Vampire characters, and though they are stunts, they modify supernatural powers and might as well be them.
Sorry if you don't want these here.
You know the secret martial art of Kulan Do. (riposte for fists). This requires inhuman speed or better, and cannot be identified by martial artist, unless the person with martial artist also has Kulan-Do.
Advanced Kulan-Do
You have mastered the upper levels of Kulan-Do. You may riposte by rolling against the opponents athletics (or other physical damage taking stat) -2, and afterwards still take your action. This requires supernatural speed and Kulan-Do, and cannot be identified by martial artist, unless the person with martial artist also has Kulan-Do.
Master Kulan-Do
You are a master of Kulan-Do, and may riposte with fists normally, and then take your action. This has all the trappings of Advanced Kulan-Do, and requires it.
Secrets of Kulan-Do.
You know the deepest secrets of this art, and can make a redirected force style manuever, a riposte-style attack, and then a normal attack. Requires mythic speed, all three Kulan-Do skills, and a very high position in the Jade Court. No outsider can learn this, and if any does, the Jade Court will hunt him/her down. To take this ability, one must also rename one of their aspects to reflect, to reflect their mastery of this art. If they are not jade court, they must rename it to reflect the fact that they are hunted by the Jade Court (unless there is a very special exception made by the Jade Court Leader).
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 11:29:37 AM by jadecourtflunky »