Author Topic: Man with a Golden Torc  (Read 2655 times)

Offline Barodahn

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Man with a Golden Torc
« on: July 19, 2010, 12:30:06 AM »
Anyone else read the Man with a Golden Torc series by Simon Green? was thinking about how to do it in DFRPG

seems to come out to something like.

Human Form +1
Item of Power +1 (it is an item that can be removed, and concealable, though due to how hard to remove maybe it should be +0 and modular at only -10)
Modular Abilities -11 (giving 9 form points, or 8 depending)
Options, Speed, Strength, Toughness, Claws, Spider walk, Veils (self only)
         All toughness powers have a catch of strange matter +0 (maybe may not take recovery? i forget if they                  speed healing or not, been a while since i read the books)

Though in reality like all of Green's work, power level is significantly higher, so probably should be build on a much higher refresh level.

This look right to those that have read the books? (i'm sure some have, lol)

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Re: Man with a Golden Torc
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 01:45:12 AM »
Overall I'd say you can get everything from the suits with
Supernatural Strength
Inhuman Speed
Supernatural Toughness
The Sight

However, Modular abilities does a great job of pulling out the powers you need when you need them, should fit the bill just fine.

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Re: Man with a Golden Torc
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 02:40:15 AM »
As you mentioned, it probably does need to be a bit higher.  The torcs, after all, make the Droods pretty much invincible. That is to say, the only thing that I can recall ever damaging an armored Drood was another armored Drood or, I think, the Deathstalker. Though I may be misremembering there.

Anyway, I'm not clear that they do anything to the actual wearer (i.e. healing), they just armor them really well and looking through the armor provides benefits. I don't remember veils either, but... that doesn't mean much.  When does this show up?

Also, the claws thing - I don't think they have claws normally. I think I would allow some sort of refinement or maybe a check against discipline to tweak the armor (i.e. "Battle armor" a la Deathstalker, with the spikes and claws and blades and such.)

Nevertheless, fun stuff!
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Re: Man with a Golden Torc
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 02:46:46 AM »
don't forget Invincibility, the sight, immunity to any and all magic while armored up( except for strange matter which is a low value catch as no one really knows about it and its hard as heck to get) , also vastly stronger than human (at least 2nd tier i forget what its called) strength, and speed.  Plus claws or weapons formed from the armor.  Not to mention the gadgets.  and the contacts. and the resources.     Idk if an Agent is doable without a metric shit ton (thats a technical term you see) of refresh.  At least thats true to the book mr Green wrote.  idk, its a good series i would'nt be able to play a balanced agent.  The whole point is that youre practically invincible.  ;D

also: completely undectable to both magic wards and tech gadgets.
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Offline Barodahn

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Re: Man with a Golden Torc
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 03:36:51 AM »
Yeah, i understated things a good bit.
I forgot that almost none of the Droods can do the claws thing...
Maybe i will sit down and try to see what power level would actually be needed...
In some way the torc is really sponsored, but i can't figure out how to do sponsored NON magic....though i think the sponsor (ethel) really makes sense for what protects them from the dangers of the sight...

Veils i couldn't think of another way to phrase the fact that they can run down the street while armored and be completely unnoticed, it is more of a "you don't notice me" effect though... i think...

OKay, i need to re-read this books if i am actually going to work on this...

Offline vultur

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Re: Man with a Golden Torc
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2010, 05:57:09 AM »
As you mentioned, it probably does need to be a bit higher.  The torcs, after all, make the Droods pretty much invincible. That is to say, the only thing that I can recall ever damaging an armored Drood was another armored Drood or, I think, the Deathstalker. Though I may be misremembering there.

Strange matter weapons can do it, like the elf arrow in the first book. Torc Cutter (from the first book) can kill an armored Drood, but it's a REALLY epically powerful magic item  -- it's in the same 'forbidden weapons' collection as things like Sunwrack ('for putting out the stars one at a time') and Winter's Sorrow (releases Fimbulwinter - eternal worldwide ice age). In the second book (Daemons are Forever) the Loathly Ones can do it, too, with some of their top level weapons.

The veiling doesn't work for normal sight, IIRC, just magical detections. People do notice when they're armored-up in public.

No healing, yeah.

Supernatural Str/Toughness seem kind of low. An armored Drood can successfully wrestle a huge, age-old dragon and walk through ancient sturdy stone walls as if they were nothing; but Supernatural Strength might be OK, though at the high end of it. And Eddie Drood soaks up a (small, admittedly) atomic blast in the first book. Mythic Toughness at minimum.

It's not really an Item of Power, as the Torc can't be removed in any normal way without death
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I agree that Sponsored mechanics are perhaps more appropriate, but they're really only designed for spellcasting.

I'd give the basic armor/torc:
The Sight [-1]
Human Form [+1] affecting:
Environmental Immunity [-??] Completely unaffected by any kind of environmental hazard (cold, heat, airless environments etc)
Mythic Toughness [-6]
  The Catch [+0] Strange Matter and the like
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]