I am a big advocate for individual awards to promote better RP. Having just come from a 2.5 year game of Hollow Earth Expedition, I had the wonderful advantage (as we do in FATE) of having a mechanic separate from XP. Under the Ubiquity rules it's called style points which are a slightly rarer version of fate points. It even mentions the Hollow Earth book to give style points out for things like hosting a game, providing snacks, good rp, bringing props, or doing some other extra "thing" (like keeping a game log, drawing relevant pictures of the game, ands forth). The nice thing about this was I could reward those that went "above and beyond", they could use that reward to perform something better, in-game, but it didn't allow them to get above the other players in terms of base power level or skill. Fortunately, we have, essentially, an identical mechanic here in FATE. For my own sanity, especially when trying to "balance" encounters, I have learned it is best for me to keep everyone on the same "level", although I will happily dole out bonus fate points for extra additions to the game, be it cool props, hosting the game at their home, or being crowned "Game Za Lord!"