I'm in the midst of building a psychomancer antagonist, inspired by the big bad in Stephen King's Storm of the Century, but I've hit a bit of a wall: I can't decide whether his rotes, all of which are Spirit (mental) evocations, qualify for the benefits of Lawbreaker and wanted some input. None of them are technically a gross violation, no mind reading or enthrallment, but all rely upon breaching the victim's mind to produce the effect, though it's debatable as "just flavor" on the breaching portion. At odds is really just whether he gets the benefits, and can sling more power around, or not.
The rotes are:
-Two maneuvers to place Can't Think and Petrified by Fear on singular targets as sticky aspects (the former reads as having their thoughts interrupted, and the latter as hallucinations of their worst fear)
-A direct mental stress attack (based on assaulting the victim's mind with their worst memories)
-His ace: Block/grapple to deal mental stress via torture (effectively Crucio)