Author Topic: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)  (Read 104337 times)

Offline heyurtthere

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Warden Security File
Harry Dresden
Harry Dresden has shown signs of irrationality, volatility and violent tendencies. His actions include murder, torture, mass destruction of property, and multiple uses of black magic. He has shown pathological need to protect the "innocent" regardless of consequence. Treat with extreme caution. He is a fanatic in his willingness to further what he sees as morally right. Dresden showed psychotic rage when ghouls murdered two warden trainees. Dresden tortured one of the Ghouls to death. He agreed to protect Donald Morgan from the White Council even at risk of his own death despite their personal animosity. He single handedly began the war with the Red Court in vengeance for infecting his lover. He engaged the Red King and all of his nobility in order to rescue a client's child. In order to gain the necessary resources for this confrontation he agreed to be Winter Knight. He then activated a bloodline death curse that eradicated the entire Red Court in order to rescue the child

Dresden has been deemed at risk for mental manipulation from multiple sources. Dresden is currently under the influence of the Winter Mantle.  He has had significant exposure to various members of the White Court and is believed to have been in a sexual relationship with the son of Lord Raith (Thomas Raith). It is believed that the White God via a former Knight of the Cross (Michael Carpenter) purged Dresden of all psychic manipulation at one point leading to the end of Dresden's personal relationship with Thomas Raith. Since this purge, Dresden has also claimed sanctum over the island of Demonreach. It is unknown what this link has done to him psychologically or if he has attempted to utilize the full power of the island's well. Dresden was shown to be one of only a few Wardens to not have been affected by Samuel Peabody's attack on the Council. After the execution of Peabody Dresden was subsequently inspected for any signs of mental manipulation and was deemed unaffected (and surprisingly resistant to tampering for someone his age). Upon his return from the Never Never as Knight he was inspected by the Gatekeeper and deemed to be currently resisting manipulation of the mantle of Winter Knight

If Dresden believes that he is morally correct he will not relent under any circumstances. It is extremely unlikely that he can be reasoned or bargained with. Threats against his person, life, or freedom are completely counterproductive. He has demonstrated a tendency to become even more motivated to fight when pressured to relent. He has shown a continuous contempt of power and authority. In any situation where Dresden feels that the Council is in opposition to his morality he will fight against the council in any means necessary. If any situation such as this were to arise the best approach would be to disable him as quickly as possible

Tactical abilities
  • Dresden rates as one of the most powerful Wardens alive. Given his current status as Winter Knight his current level of strength and skill is unknown.His skills have grown as a result of Mab's personal training
  • His favored weapons are wind, raw force, fire, and ice
  • Dresden is known to have access to soul fire
  • He has shown generalized talents in tracking spells, Thaumaturgy, Ectomancy, and Necromancy, and combat magic
  • He utilizes a sophisticated shield focus known to be a significant energy drain
  • Dresden possesses at least ten rings used to trap and release potential energy
  • He has developed a shield crystal that will explode upon failure. The blast range is several hundred meters
  • He has shown to have developed unusual gifts with language that are likely the result of magic. Dresden can converse in Ghoul and ancient Etruscan
Mother: Margaret Gwendolyn "le Fay" Dresden [Wizard](deceased)
Father: Malcolm Dresden [Mortal] (Deceased)

Known Associates

Winter Queen Mab
Dresden has shown a very strange relationship with Mab. It is extremely unusual that any mortal would have direct contact with Mab as frequently as Dresden had prior to his becoming Winter Knight. Dresden had been contracted to act as her human emissary/ personal investigator on at least two occasions. Their relationship has proven extremely durable in that Dresden led a strike force on behalf of Summer against Arctis Tor and Mab failed to retaliate in customary Winter fashion. It is known that prior to his acceptance of the Mantle of Winter Knight Mab lobbied him to take the position for several years

Winter Lady Molly Carpenter
Daughter of the former Knight of the Cross. Subsequently developed magical talent and psychically manipulated mortals violating the third law of magic. Dresden defended her at trial and agreed to take the Doom of Damocles with her in exchange for a stay of her execution. Her known skills are mental manipulation and general illusionary magic. After Dresden's faked death she is presumed to have gone with him to the Winter Court where she continued her training. Wardens were unable to locate her subsequent to Dresden's disappearance. Upon the death of Maeve, Carpenter became the new Winter Lady. Her current abilities and stability are unknown

The Leanansidhe
Named godmother to Harry Dresden by Margaret Dresden. Specifics of Sidhe bargain are unknown. Since being named his godmother she has amassed a considerable amount of power which in most estimates has made her the third most powerful member of the Winter court after the Mother and Queen Mab. She is known to have accompanied Dresden's strike force to Chichén Itzá

Genius Loci of Island in Lake Michigan
File classified. Dresden is currently located on this island (Demonreach) where he initiated a Sanctum invocation. Do not attempt to travel to this island without the express permission of Dresden and under the authority of the Senior Council. Do not confront Dresden here

The Archive (aka “Ivy”)
The Archive is one of the most powerful mortal beings in existence. Previous estimates of her tactical ability as comparable to a winter/summer lady were shown to be inadequate. She was able to single handedly engage an estimated half-dozen of the strongest Denarians in combat without access to outside magic. She has shown a strong emotional attachment to Dresden. She has previously violated her mandate to protect the Archive at all cost by breaking a veil to defend Dresden from Denarian attack. Given her previous violation of this mandate there is great cause for concern that the current Archive may take full control of her power at some point. She represents a potential deity-level threat.

Jared Kincaid (aka Hellhound)
Mercenary with very high level of combat efficiency. Has worked with Dresden previously and is currently employed as the full time bodyguard of the Archive. He shows no overt emotional attachment to Dresden however he has been shown to provide unwavering loyalty to anyone to whom he is employed.

Knight of the Cross (Sanya)
Along with two previous Knights he has worked with Dresden on numerous occasions and can be reliably predicted to help Dresden under most circumstances.

Archangel Uriel
Has appeared before the knights and various members of the Church of the White God to insure that Dresden keeps both Amoracchius and Fidelacchius. It is the first time in recorded history that a wizard has been granted guardianship of two swords. It is also presumed that Uriel granted Dresden the use of Soul Fire

Lord Raith
Current Monarch of the White Court. Dresden has aided in stabilizing his regime on at least two occasions. Lord Raith was known to have a relationship with Dresden’s mother. Lord Raith has granted considerable access and resources to Dresden.  It is believed that their relationship has influenced White Court policy towards neutrality in the conflict between the White Council and Red Court

Thomas Raith
Previously out of favor with the White Court it is believed that Thomas Raith has used his psychic abilities to instigate a sexual relationship with Dresden in order to regain favor with the White Court. Raith and Dresden lived together for over a year in Dresden’s apartment before the two separated. Confirmation from Chicago police informant that the two were in a sexual relationship that has since supposedly ended. The status of their relationship is currently unknown however Raith seems to be Dresden's main point of contact within the White Court.

Ebenezer McCoy
Volunteered to mentor Dresden after he murdered his previous mentor. Previously trained Dresden’s mother. Has shown an overt emotional attachment to Dresden as evidenced by

Carlos Ramirez
West Coast Regional Commander-Wardens, United States. The two have shown a strong friendship. He is perhaps Dresden’s closest friend within the Wardens.

Mouse Dresden
Dresden’s Foo Dog. It is unknown how the creature came into Dresden’s possession. It is a formidable and intelligent creature that will show unwavering loyalty to Dresden. Given his lack of proximity to a temple it is likely that much of the creature’s power is diminished however this has not been verified

Jon Marcone
Head organized criminal activities within the Chicago area. Has worked with Dresden on a number of occasions. Assisted Dresden in stopping an attempted coup against Lord Raith leading to his becoming a free holding lord under the Unseelie Accords. He is the first wholly mortal free holding lord in history under the Accords. Has global contacts with mortal authorities, mortal criminal organizations as well as various magical organizations

Dresden is founder of a national organization of humans with below-council magical abilities. He has advocated incorporating the paranet into the White Council as an intelligence gathering apparatus for aid in locating wizard-level abilities in humans. Currently there are several hundred estimated members

Bright Future Society
A group of low level magical talents and mortals working to protect the city of Chicago in Dresden's absence. A large number of Dresden's previous allies are known members (werewolves, paranet members, mortals). The organization has successfully defended against multiple incursions into the city by the Fomor

Individuals Known to have died in combat against Dresden
Justin DuMorne -Warlock
Victor Sells - Warlock
Lycanthrope pack
Hexenwolf pack from FBI
Barroness Bianca St Claire (and retinue) of the Red Court
Summer Lady Aurora
Summer Lady LillyWinter Lady Maeve
Leonid Kravos -Warlock
Grevane -Warlock, Necromancer
Capiorcorpus - Warlock, Necromancer
Samuel Peabody - Warlock, Neuromancer
Madrigal Raith - White Court
Mavra (and retinue) -Black Court, Sorceress
Unknown number of hosts to the Order of Blackened Denarius
Unknown number of White Court vampires
Unknown number of Ghouls
The entire Red Court
Began training with Justin DuMorne (Age 10)

Killed Justin DuMorne (Age 16)
       •   Upon soul gaze the mark of an outsider was detected. Determined not infected by Gatekeeper.
       •   Tried, sentenced to probation (Doom of Damocles levied) 

Trained with Ebenezer McCoy   (Age 16-19)
       •   Under orders to execute if necessary

Assigned to Warden Donald Morgan for tracking (Age 19)

Employed by Ragged Angel Private Detectives (Chicago, USA) (Age 20-24)
       •   Publically uses magic for a mortal employer

Began independent private investigator business (Age 24)
       •   Advertises as a wizard investigator
               o   Council disinformation campaign initiated to discredit business

Violation of the First Law detected in vicinity of Chicago (Age 25)
       •   Thaumaturgical killing curse (heart removal) detected
               o   Three victims on two occasions (Dresden suspected)
       •   Sorcerer confirmed as Victor Sells (deceased)
               o   Dresden initiated conflict with Sells in an attempt to prevent future black magic
                           Sells was killed by Dresden without a violation of the first law
       •   Doom of Damocles rescinded for meritorious actions

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 25)
       •   Lycanthrope pack (entire pack deceased)
       •   Hexenwolf pack (entire pack deceased)
       •   loup-garou (deceased)
               o   Note: Dresden’s apparent tactical ability has exceeded previous estimates

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 26)
        •   Attempted assassination of Dresden by Red Court vampire Bianca St Claire
                o   Mass simultaneous assassination of all of the Vampire's enemies at its coronation
        •   Attempted revenge/rescue of human hostage of Red Court in violation of the Unseelie Accords
                o   All Red Court vampires present were subsequently destroyed by Dresden via ectomancy

Mission on behalf of Council (investigation on behalf of Queen Mab) (Age 27)
       •   Notice of confrontation with magical being
                o   During battle between Fairie Courts Dresden engaged Summer Lady Aurora (deceased)
                          Dresden’s tactical ability again exceeds previous estimates
       •   Mission completed with gratitude of Queen Mab
                o   Access to Unseelie ways granted for duration of conflict with Red Court

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 28)
       •   Council sanctioned duel with Red Court Duke Paolo Ortega (deceased)
                o   According to Archive, duel was compromised by Red Court

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 28)
       •   Combat with unknown members of the Order of Blackened Denarius
                o   Dresden aided Knights of the Cross in stopping a Denarian attempt to initiate a global pandemic
                o   Dresden was granted custodianship of Fidelacchius by Knights of the Cross

Report of possible exposure to psychic manipulation (Age 29)
       •  Had a sexual relationship with Lord Raith's son. The two lived together in a one room apartment
       •  Dresden is currently under heightened surveillance. Given the White Court's reluctance to enter the war it has been ordered that the relationship be watched however the Warden's will not interfere until more information is available

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 29)
       •   Led non-council strike team against a scourge of Black Court vampires lead by Sorceress Mavra (deceased)
                o   Left hand sustained third degree burns during operation

Report of multiple sorcerer confrontation (Age 30)
       •   Appointed Regional Warden Commander by Captain Anastasia Luccio
       •   Initiated multi-warden combat with Class 1 Sorcerers (Necromancers)
               o   Grevane (deceased)
               o   Capriocorpus (deceased)
               o   Cowl (Reported at large by Dresden)
       •   All Wardens present except Dresden and Ramirez were disabled or killed
       •   Initiated Necromansic animation of 65 million year old T-Rex (Sue) and used zombie to disrupt “Darkhallow” ritual

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 31)
       •   Led a non-council strike team to successfully attack Arctis Tor
                on behalf of Summer Court to coordinate counterstrike against Red Court

Gained Apprentice (Age 31)
       •   Agreed to attempt reform of sorcerer Molly Carpenter
               o   Convicted of violation of the third law. Doom of Damocles Levied

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 32)
       •   Warden training camp attacked by Ghouls
               o 2 trainees were kidnapped and killed
               o Dresden shows conversational skill in Ghoul language
               o Upon death of trainees Dresden demonstrates unstable emotional state
                       Extreme torture of Ghoul as method of execution

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 32)
       •   Initiated joint duel (Carlos Ramirez) with White Court Vampires in response to assassinations of magical human population
               o   Duel was a trap in an attempted coup of the White Court. Outsider activity detected
               o   Wardens successfully defended against outsiders and helped to preserve White Court power structure
               o   Dresden shows conversational skill in White Court Etruscan

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 33)
       •   Initiates negotiations with Order of Blackened Denarius on behalf
                of Queen Mab for violation of Unseelie Accords (Kidnapping of signatory)
       •   Negotiations are discovered to be a trap wherein the Archive is kidnapped
               o   Dresden leads strike team to rescue Archive
       •   Dresden is granted custodianship of Amoracchius

Report of exposure to psychic manipulation (Age 33)
       •   Queen Mab removed all knowledge and memory of fire magic from Dresden's conscious mind
               o   Spell reversed by Knight of the Cross (Michael Carpenter)
               o   Shortly after this incident Dresden lost almost all contact with Thomas Raith

Official notification to Council that Dresden was harboring fugitive Warden (Age 35)
       •   Negotiated peaceful transfer of prisoner to senior council
       •   Assignation attempt on Senior Council Members
               o   While negotiating transfer of Donald Morgan Senior Council members were attacked
                         by army of beings from the never never including a Naagloshii

Sanctum Invocation (Age 35)
       •   “Demonreach" island has been claimed by Dresden
       •   Dresden now possesses intellectus in relation to the island

Notice of confrontation with sorcerer (Age 35)
       •   Dresden’s investigation uncovered a plot by Samuel Peabody (deceased)
                to murder Senior Council members and violate the third law of magic

Notice of bargain with Unseelie (Age 36)
      •   Agreement with Queen Mab to become Winter Knight in exchange for striketeam against Red Court

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 36)
       •   In response to kidnapping of client’s daughter, Dresden led a strike team to attack the Red King.
       •   Red Court subsequently suffered an extinction level event
               o   Note: all previous estimates of Dresden’s tactical ability have apparently been inadequate.

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 37)
  • According to council intelligence Dresden initiated a battle on Demonreach Island with representatives of both Summer and Winter including the ladies. Both ladies died as a result of this conflict. Dresden's apprentice (Molly Carpenter) was named the new Winter Lady.
  • Given previous assessments of the power of the Winter and Summer ladies it is clear that Dresden's power at Chichén Itzá was not temporary. Mab has clearly granted Dresden power far in excess of any previous Knight and he represents a massive threat to the Council
Current whereabouts: Demonreach Island
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 05:13:17 AM by heyurtthere »

Offline robertltux

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2012, 06:19:08 PM »
You should add to the end of this file

NOTICE CURRENT LOCATION UNKNOWN all possible sightings should be reported to HeadQuarters by the fastest means possible Use Key Phrase "ICE STORM" to have your report filed properly.
Jim/Bast could we have more Cat Sith???

Offline KevinSig

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 04:23:25 PM »
Under Age 36 (Changes) you might want to add something about the fact that Dresden defeated/sidestepped a Death Curse.  Maybe something like this.

Notice of Significant exploitation of conditions of Death Curse (Age)
- Subject Dresden, accomplished something that is generally considered impossible, and defeated a Death Curse by fullfilling its conditions, without otherwise remaining dead.  (Note: at this time, it does not appear that any of the Laws of magic were broken as a result of his revival.)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 05:53:07 PM by KevinSig »

Offline Gilitine_Memitim

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 07:05:18 PM »
Put in that way I guess he does sound both powerful, scary, and unstable.

Offline cass

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 05:16:18 PM »
...Heh.  He's got quite the rap sheet, doesn't he?

A single quibble: why would the Council not suspect exposure to/hosting of a Denariian?  From the report, they are aware of the organizations of the Knights of the Cross and of the Order of the Blackened Denariius; why is there no speculation (or, more specifically, no warnings) regarding the potential that he has claimed a coin?

(I mean, the man made a fool of himself while attempting to speak Latin in SK, and, IIRC, went to some trouble to ensure that he could speak English in PG, but only two years later, shows fluency in two obscure languages and nobody bats an eye?* Etruscan, maybe: they know about Thomas.  But Ghoul?  I mean, who teaches Ghoul?  I don't think there's a correspondence course for it, and I'm not sure anyone would survive an immersion program.)

*Yes, I know Lash could have helped in PG.  But the Council saw only that Harry insisted upon speaking English, possibly enlisting the aid of the Summer Knight and Lady to do so.

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 12:48:52 AM »
Knowing the other languages is unusual, but hardly enough to make you say, "Wait, does that mean he has a Fallen Angel from hell in his brain?"

I think the reason Lasciel's coin isn't mentioned is because there is no way the council wouldn't have taken serious action if they suspected it.
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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2012, 04:30:31 AM »
Only Ramirez knows about the Etruscan or the Ghoul, and he doesn't strike me as the type to go tattling on him. Well, I guess Meyers knows about the Ghoul, as well, but that could be shrugged away with a "he's got a lot of faery connections."

Offline cass

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 02:30:37 AM »
Knowing the other languages is unusual, but hardly enough to make you say, "Wait, does that mean he has a Fallen Angel from hell in his brain?"

I think the reason Lasciel's coin isn't mentioned is because there is no way the council wouldn't have taken serious action if they suspected it.

I was specifically thinking of the discrepancy between *not* knowing the common language of the White Council but suddenly showing a talent for not just one, but two languages spoken by groups hostile to it--at least one of which (Ghoul) that might be pretty dangerous to attempt to learn.

It might raise a few eyebrows among the Wardens-- and might lead to someone scrutinizing his file to try to determine how he learned it or what beings or groups he might have had contact with to teach him.  I just think there might be more suspicion about how he managed to learn Ghoul and Etruscan....but not Latin.  (Of course, since when has he done what the Council wanted?  ::) )

Offline kytheros

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 03:50:59 AM »
I was specifically thinking of the discrepancy between *not* knowing the common language of the White Council but suddenly showing a talent for not just one, but two languages spoken by groups hostile to it--at least one of which (Ghoul) that might be pretty dangerous to attempt to learn.

It might raise a few eyebrows among the Wardens-- and might lead to someone scrutinizing his file to try to determine how he learned it or what beings or groups he might have had contact with to teach him.  I just think there might be more suspicion about how he managed to learn Ghoul and Etruscan....but not Latin.  (Of course, since when has he done what the Council wanted?  ::) )
Arguably, it's something that he could blame on Justin, if he were forced to give an answer on that front and were willing to lie about it ... or I suppose he could imply it (he's going to be spending time amongst the Sidhe, he ought to improve his word games by a significant amount). "As you may recall, my first master didn't teach me a thing about the White Council, but did teach me other things."
Alternatively, he'll just look down and snark at them. Be a bit tough to accuse him of being a traitor to the council for the Red Court (because there is no Black Council), after all.

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2012, 05:38:21 AM »
I was specifically thinking of the discrepancy between *not* knowing the common language of the White Council but suddenly showing a talent for not just one, but two languages spoken by groups hostile to it--at least one of which (Ghoul) that might be pretty dangerous to attempt to learn.

It might raise a few eyebrows among the Wardens-- and might lead to someone scrutinizing his file to try to determine how he learned it or what beings or groups he might have had contact with to teach him.  I just think there might be more suspicion about how he managed to learn Ghoul and Etruscan....but not Latin.  (Of course, since when has he done what the Council wanted?  ::) )

Hey, he got Latin too, he learned it well enough to speak on his own at Morgan's trial in Turn Coat with no one laughing at him.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline Arjan

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2012, 08:44:12 AM »
Hey, he got Latin too, he learned it well enough to speak on his own at Morgan's trial in Turn Coat with no one laughing at him.
That is because he is a master of arcane lore ;D
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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2012, 02:42:13 PM »
Also, remember that cod-latin is his spellcasting language. He *can't* get too good at it, or he'll burn his brain out.
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Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2012, 02:59:50 PM »
Also, remember that cod-latin is his spellcasting language. He *can't* get too good at it, or he'll burn his brain out.

And yet he can speak it just fine in Turn Coat, like with many things, Harry is steadily getting better on that front.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2012, 06:35:33 PM »
Also, remember that cod-latin is his spellcasting language. He *can't* get too good at it, or he'll burn his brain out.
Yes, he can. The "latin" he uses for his spells is not the same Latin he speaks at WC meetings. Him yelling Fuego for his spells is like if you shouted "Firaga!" instead of "Fire!"
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Offline kytheros

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Re: This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden (Spoilers)
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2012, 07:36:39 AM »
Yes, he can. The "latin" he uses for his spells is not the same Latin he speaks at WC meetings. Him yelling Fuego for his spells is like if you shouted "Firaga!" instead of "Fire!"
He uses a mixture of faux latin and faux spanish, I believe. Since he uses deliberately messed up derivatives, I don't think fluency in the real thing would brain fry him anyways.