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The Book of Don't

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The good thing about the JB site is that in general people are here because they love the books, so I don't know why some people decide to take it upon themselves to "advise" Jim how to make his books better after 13 DF books plus the six Codex Alera books. I you don't like it get off the train or better still go on Gallifrey Base where most of the contributors seem to attack Moffatt and Davies with torches and pitchforks.

Overall, the community's pretty much the most positive one I've encountered, anywhere.  The out and out trolls have been blessedly few and far between.  It's just been the last couple years where we've had an occasional issue where someone who sincerely loves the books was getting upset because they felt Jim was wronging them by not writing about some personal cause of theirs, or by depicting something they don't like "too positively." 

Overall, I'd say this is the most friendly and tolerant fan base I've seen, and I think a great deal of that is due to Jim's decision to keep his works apolitical.


--- Quote from: Paynesgrey on July 01, 2012, 02:17:57 PM ---Overall, the community's pretty much the most positive one I've encountered, anywhere.  The out and out trolls have been blessedly few and far between.  It's just been the last couple years where we've had an occasional issue where someone who sincerely loves the books was getting upset because they felt Jim was wronging them by not writing about some personal cause of theirs, or by depicting something they don't like "too positively." 

Overall, I'd say this is the most friendly and tolerant fan base I've seen, and I think a great deal of that is due to Jim's decision to keep his works apolitical.

--- End quote ---

 I would add that a lot of it has to do with the fact that Jim is so accessible. He stays away from the net 90% of the time, true, but at an event he will gladly answer questions about why he did "X". Add also the fact he is just a really good guy, I have been blessed(yes BLESSED) to spend time with both he and Shannon in a laid back atmosphere and what you see IS what you get.

Will there ever be a sequel to The Book of Don't?  As President of The Book of Don't Fan Club, I must say we have been most patient with the wait.   :)  We have beat The Book of Don't perfect casting thread to death (Brad Pitt as our handsome protagonist is winning so far.)  Any projections?

Clearly the only advice Jim needs is to keep on keeping on. Or just do it. Or some other myriad of annoyingly vague things that accumulate to him being told not to stop.


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