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The Book of Don't

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Ahh..  More self-satisfied smugness from Neil Gaiman.  Someone should give him a hug.  I think he needs one.

shades of grey:
I would but the thought of what he may be carrying in his pockets scares me.

And I am too shy. When I saw him I was like a school girl with her teen idol.


--- Quote from: Don on June 30, 2012, 02:26:44 PM ---Ahh..  More self-satisfied smugness from Neil Gaiman.  Someone should give him a hug.  I think he needs one.

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If memory serves, Gaiman was responding to a fan who was telling George R. Martin how to do his job.  In this case, it was the "Why isn't he writing my next book instead of doing Life Stuff?", but the concept carries over beyond Deadline Fussing to those who think Jim should be writing in this or that certain fashion.  Sometimes it's "The author should oughta have to write it the way I think it'd be more fun!" or "The author is portraying this or that idea/group/belief system/religion in a fashion that I personally find to be too positive/too negative/too whatever, so he needs to write right it better how I like it!."  And there's some who sincerely believe that Jim has an obligation to push their personal preferred socio-political agenda in his books, or who get all offended when think they spot a socio-political message which they simply don't approve of.

I don't know Jim, if I ever hit is radar it would likety not be him saying "oh, yeah, he was the guy dressed like Steed at ComicCon, wasn't he?  If Steed really let himself go, I mean."  But this is Jim's house, so when the Founder of the Feast says "I'm not writing socio-political stuff, I'm just telling a story", I'm happy to take him at his word.  As for moralistic messages, the closest thing to a moralistic message I've spotted in the Dresden Files is "Don't be a dick." 

shades of grey:

--- Quote from: Paynesgrey on July 01, 2012, 12:33:32 AM ---As for moralistic messages, the closest thing to a moralistic message I've spotted in the Dresden Files is "Don't be a dick."

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Yup, although I'd say 'don't play with fire' has to be up there too.


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