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The Book of Don't

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--- Quote from: Lisa™ on October 10, 2010, 02:02:55 PM ---*Fulfills her daily giggle quota all at once* 

You people need to stop doing that to me.  And I'm mostly looking at you, Misters P. Waldorf and Paynesgrey.  :D

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I shall now blink innocently.  Big precious moments eyes and all that.


--- Quote from: Paynesgrey on October 11, 2010, 01:22:32 AM ---I shall now blink innocently.  Big precious moments eyes and all that.

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*Remembers you said that*


--- Quote from: shades of grey on July 15, 2010, 06:41:17 PM ---Does The Book of Don't come in hardback?

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Thanks for this comment.  It comes the closest to what I want my comment to be, namely, that reading this made my day!  I needed some chuckles and enjoy the other repartee.

All part of the service, miss.

For your reading pleasure, I, your humble servanty type fellow, and Scribe to The Elder Mods, have unearthed 3 more verses of the Book Of Don't!  Tell your kids, tell your neighbors, tell the box of baking soda way in the back of the icebox.  The path to enlightment they aren't, but they can help pave the way to a long and prosperous forum career.  Or at least help prevent orneryness a little.


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