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The Book of Don't

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--- Quote from: Chiana on October 02, 2010, 10:15:21 PM ---Sounds..........yummy?

--- End quote ---



*Fulfills her daily giggle quota all at once* 

You people need to stop doing that to me.  And I'm mostly looking at you, Misters P. Waldorf and Paynesgrey.  :D

I would fire off something witty and at least mildly amusing, but my brain refused to come with me when I got out of bed. It's so hard to be smart enough keep cats from playing with the tired old thing when I can't even use it to think on account of its not being inside my head.

I can wait.


You have zombie cats?  Dude, I'd get that looked into.

No, no zombie cats. They're just intrigued by small, tortured, squirming critters.


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