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The Book of Don't

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--- Quote from: Shecky P. Waldorf on September 28, 2010, 11:56:22 PM ---I allow PG these peccadillos without raining holy nuclear fire on him because he's a carrier of the Snark. Plus, he knows better. :D

--- End quote ---

A peccadillo's like an armadillo, but doesn't run as fast and is easier to cook.


--- Quote from: Paynesgrey on September 30, 2010, 06:51:30 PM ---A peccadillo's like an armadillo, but doesn't run as fast and is easier to cook.

--- End quote ---

And they're entertaining when properly decorated.

Well, once the sedatives wear off.

I thought a peccadillo was 8 quarts of armadillos...

Regional language and dialect issues apply.  In some parts of the panhandle, it would indeed refer to 8 quarts of armadillos, but only if they were freshly pressed.


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