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The Book of Don't

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Mickey or Paynesgrey, you might want to ask Shecky to take a quick look at the content involved in the first post of the thread. I noticed a few spelling and grammatical errors that could be corrected without a lot of muss & fuss... not the least of which is that in the first quotation block, Ashton's name was spelled Asthon.


--- Quote from: Orbweaver on September 28, 2010, 10:03:24 PM ---Mickey or Paynesgrey, you might want to ask Shecky to take a quick look at the content involved in the first post of the thread. I noticed a few spelling and grammatical errors that could be corrected without a lot of muss & fuss... not the least of which is that in the first quotation block, Ashton's name was spelled Asthon.

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I allow PG these peccadillos without raining holy nuclear fire on him because he's a carrier of the Snark. Plus, he knows better. :D

Indeed, other than the odd typographical error, the abominations I work upon the English language are usually intentional.  I like holding a language down and doing unkind things until it cries.  My inner child never grew out of that ants-magnifying glass stage, I fear.

"After reading the "Book of Don't", I was able to drop 50 pounds(1), pass the State bar exam(2), and do differential equations in my head(3) - it sure changed my life!"
   - Piotr1600, satisfied customer

(1) I dropped the big honking sack of cat food.
(2) I recognize a liquor & beer serving establishment without going inside now.
(3) They're wrong, but I still "do' them...

See what these fine members have to say about The Book Of Don't. 

A rollercoaster blockbuster of wit and wisdom, ancient knowledge, and scintellating humor, the Book of Don't changed their lives, it can change yours too!  Your guide to finding the better, more successful, not as banned you!  A source of inspiration and joy in these confusing, troubling times!  Don't be the only one on your block without a copy, or the zomboraptors will get you, and all the people they don't get will say "I told you so." 

--- Quote from: Chiana on September 28, 2010, 05:21:35 PM ---I like The Book of Don't!  It's informative yet entertaining.  Overall, I give the previews a 10!   ;D

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--- Quote from: Berrylovely on September 28, 2010, 06:57:38 PM ---"Not only did I enjoy this book I also learned some great tips as well"~~Berrylovely, Editor of her own Mind


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--- Quote from: Piotr1600 on September 30, 2010, 04:10:23 AM ---"After reading the "Book of Don't", I was able to drop 50 pounds(1), pass the State bar exam(2), and do differential equations in my head(3) - it sure changed my life!"
   - Piotr1600, satisfied customer

(1) I dropped the big honking sack of cat food.
(2) I recognize a liquor & beer serving establishment without going inside now.
(3) They're wrong, but I still "do' them...

--- End quote ---


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