Author Topic: Magic 101  (Read 15397 times)

Offline Ophidimancer

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Magic 101
« on: April 16, 2008, 02:59:28 PM »
This is basic magical theory as far as I can deduce from the books, let me know if something seems off about it:

Magic 101
Magic is fundamentally made of two things:  ENERGY given FORM.

The Energy of magic comes from many different sources like ley lines, natural forces, and emotions, but it is essentially the essence of life, of existence.

The Form of magic comes from the mind of the wizard casting the spell.  Proper visualization is key in performing magic efficiently and effectively and rigorous mental discipline is a necessity in any wizard’s training.

Evocation and Thaumaturgy
Evocation is the practice of first summoning the Energy of a spell and giving it form as it is directed toward its goal.  Thaumaturgy is the practice of first constructing the Form of a spell in a symbolic aid for the wizard’s visualization or even as a physical channel for the forces of magic and then releasing Energy into the prepared channel.

The Use of a Focus
A Focus is a tool used by a wizard to channel Energy into a particular Form.  It is much less effort to cast a spell when the Form is already provided by a Focus.  Foci work in two ways:
1) The symbolism of a Focus aids the visualization necessary for a wizard to cast a spell.
2) Certain materials are attuned to certain types of energy and can act as a physical channel for magic, funneling Energy into Form as the banks of a river shape the water.  Such a framework for the Energy of magic is called a matrix.

Enchantment and Alchemy
Certain items and materials can store Energy and their Form determines what use they can be put to.  Enchantment and Alchemy are basically the practices of constructing Foci (see above) and imbuing the items with a store of their own Energy in order to release at a later time.

Next lesson:  Language and the Laws of Sympathy and Contagion
« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 05:48:04 PM by Ophidimancer »

Offline WyldCard4

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 09:18:22 AM »
Much coolness, nothing new but I am glad they will have it in the RPG.

I hope more new information will come in future lessions, much like the Laws od Magic.

Offline iago

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 12:38:26 PM »
Ophidimancer isn't officiallly affiliated with the RPG. (Just to be clear.)

I've been meaning to reply to this, but with a convention coming up for me very very soon I simply don't have the time right now.  Sorry!
Fred Hicks
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Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 01:00:57 PM »
Doh!  >.<

I didn't mean to come off sounding as if I was on the development team or anything.  I'm just a big fan of the Dresdenverse and of magic in general.  :P

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 01:08:38 PM »
It's cool, O.  Your analysis might actually be pretty helpful to some of our developers, so keep it up. :)

I just wanted to make sure the *context* was understood!
Fred Hicks
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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2008, 01:29:36 PM »
Under magic 101 you might want to go ahead and include how necromancy differs and why it’s a council prohibited no - no.

PS: To my amusement that blog entry almost sounds ominous. If some one is getting mucked up at Dream Weavers today, take picture y’all, take pictures! The rest of us want to see. ;)

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2008, 09:21:43 PM »
I realized while I was writing this that I started to stray away from what was canon for Dresdenverse magic.  I denoted these in green.

Foci Expanded
Trying to direct raw magic with the force of one's will alone is much like trying to lift a mountain with one's bare hands.  A Focus works much like a lever and fulcrum, allowing much greater effects to be achieved with less effort.  As was explained earlier, foci work in two ways: they either provide an aid for visualization, physically channel energy, or both.

Foci that aid in visualization can take the form of any symbol that is meaningful to the wizard.  Hand movements or other bodily gestures can mimic or direct the movement of magical energies.  Taoist wizards, or Fang Shih, have honed this practice to a fine degree with such techniques as the elaborate movements of Tai Qi.

Language, written or spoken, is also a powerful tool for wizards in directing magic.  The specific language chosen for magical workings is usually not one the wizard speaks in their day-to-day life.  This serves two purposes.  For wizards who practice their magic within the context of their faith it raises magical workings to a sacred level, separating it from mundane things.  It also serves to insulate the Form of the spell from extraneous associations that everyday words have in the wizard's mind.  These extraneous associations threaten the integrity of the spell's image and usually result in wasted energy being dumped directly into the mind of the wizard.  This is dangerous to one's sanity.

Foci that serve as physical channels for magic are constructed from materials that are attuned to different kinds of energies.  Occult lore from cultures around the world describes the various properties of different stones, wood, metals, etc.  See your copy of "Five Magical Materials" for more information.  The materials used as permanent Foci tend to be of sturdy materials in order to withstand the stresses of channelling energy.  The human body can technically be used to channel magical energy, but this can be dangerous.  The wizards of those cultures that practice this focus method adhere to strict regimens of exercise, diet, and asceticism in order to attune their bodies to the flow of magical energy and prevent injury.

Enchantment and Alchemy
A wizard may sometimes wish to store Energy in the Form of spells for later use.  This is done through the practices of Enchantment and Alchemy.  Enchantment is the process by which a durable Focus is constructed in such a way that Energy is stored within its physical matrix instead of flowing out immediately.  This Energy can later be released in response to a specific trigger, flowing out in the Form described by the design of the item.  Alchemy works on the same principles, but doesn't require the same quality of materials and is, consequently, much shorter lived.  The Form of the spell cast into an alchemical potion or ointment is anchored by reagents that bring the spell's effect to mind using all five physical senses, the mind, the heart, and the soul.  The Energy is provided by the alchemist upon creation of the potion.  The trigger for the release of the spell is ingestion or application of the substance.

The Laws of Sympathy and Contagion
"Once a part of something, always a part of something."
"As above, so below."
"Like produces like."
These homilies, and many others like them, speak of the interconnectedness of the universe.  Wizards have known for millenia that a small part of something holds knowledge about, and a connection to, the whole.  It is only recently that modern science has discovered things like genetics and quantum physics.  This interconnectedness is utilized by wizards most often in thaumaturgy, when the small sample of an object is used as a conduit to affect the entire object.  In the same way someone's True Name, spoken from their own lips, can serve as a conduit to affect them thaumaturgically.  It is as much a piece of their mind and soul as a drop of blood is a piece of their body.  Always guard your True Name and never seek another's True Name or you may risk being a victim of a violation of the Fourth Law.  Worse, you may be tempted to break it yourself.

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2008, 09:26:14 PM »
Under magic 101 you might want to go ahead and include how necromancy differs and why it’s a council prohibited no - no.

I think necromancy would be a higher level class than Magic 101.

Hmm . . I think theories about naturally occurring magical phenomena should be next.

So . . What do you all think?  Am I portraying Dresdenverse magic accurately?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 10:08:39 PM by Ophidimancer »

Offline R00kie

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2008, 05:36:38 AM »
As was explained earlier, foci work in two ways: they either provide an aid for visualization, physically channel energy, or both.
Don't they work in three ways - the third way being to store energy (or is this a special case of channelling energy)? As an example aren't Harry's rings Foci?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 05:44:58 AM by R00kie »

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2008, 05:43:20 AM »
I think necromancy would be a higher level class than Magic 101.
I'm sure the first words of Magic 101 whould be the laws of magic, followed by an explanation of each of the laws, and a responsible Wizard  (at least in the eyes of the council) wouldn't proceed until the student understood the laws and could repeat them by rote. As such the difference between magic and necromancy would be right there at the beginning.

As for the particulars of necromancy - thats one of those things which should never be taught, ever.


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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2008, 03:35:04 PM »
Based on the books, I feel ROOkie is correct. The first thing a potential apprentice or newly discovered user of magic is taught, are the Laws of Magic. Some justification exists for them to be tested for potential soon after. Further instruction branches out from there, with a degree of importance placed on how and why to make use of magic rather than just rote method by itself.

Of course, you may be just wanting a quick reference cheat sheet of terms rather than emulating the book wizards and their practice of magic to a T here. But, I would be careful straying from the official line and speculating. As an ongoing series rather than a finished product there’s no telling what the author will do in a future book release in the name of fun. What it is. The rest, just guesses.

That in itself makes me wonder how developers are going to approach the topic in the RPG. But I don’t want to dissuade you Ophidimancer. Knock yourself out... :)

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2008, 04:58:37 PM »
Don't they work in three ways - the third way being to store energy (or is this a special case of channelling energy*)?


Basically it's channeling and storing the energy to release later.

As an example aren't Harry's rings Foci?

Basically.  I addressed that in my Enchantment and Alchemy section.

I'm sure the first words of Magic 101 whould be the laws of magic, followed by an explanation of each of the laws, and a responsible Wizard  (at least in the eyes of the council) wouldn't proceed until the student understood the laws and could repeat them by rote. As such the difference between magic and necromancy would be right there at the beginning.

I agree, I just didn't want to rehash stuff that was already done in the blog.

I was thinking the Laws were something either in another book that is to be carried at all times by an apprentice, or in the beginning of Magic 101.  either way, I just didn't feel like writing them all out since I would just be copying the blog anyway.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 05:02:54 PM by Ophidimancer »

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2010, 12:32:24 AM »
I know this is a Fifth Law violation, but ... was I helpful at all?

Offline ahunting

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Re: Magic 101
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2010, 05:29:09 AM »
I'm sure the first words of Magic 101 whould be the laws of magic, followed by an explanation of each of the laws, and a responsible Wizard  (at least in the eyes of the council) wouldn't proceed until the student understood the laws and could repeat them by rote. As such the difference between magic and necromancy would be right there at the beginning.

As for the particulars of necromancy - thats one of those things which should never be taught, ever.

Actually it was, Magic was defined as the raw energy of life. Necromancy is the raw energy of Death. However when you start lessons in something you don't start by point out this how you can pervert this great thing that your teaching about. In the same way when you take classes in religion you don't get taught to use religion as method for controlling and convincing people to do what you want, you get taught it as a life  path.

Magic 101 is about the understanding of what magic "is". There is certainly room into for laws and understanding why those things are dangerous, not because of the warden hunting someone down but because of what will happen to them if they do it. Its more important to teach a reason why something is bad then just go "Or Else".