I can't consult my books at the moment, so I'm unsure of the wording in there or if it's even mentioned.
I've talked to a fair number of people that love the Dresden books, but either aren't roleplayers in general, or are used to more...numerical systems. I've written condensed rules pamphlets in the past, since they allow people to grasp the rules easier and help me get an even better grasp on whatever system I'm writing about.
I wanted to do this with the Dresden Files RPG, but also throw it up for download, since I've seen many a folk have their first experience with Fate be the DFRPG.
My question is, does the OGL license used for the Dresden Files allow this? Obviously we aren't talking a full-on condensed rulebook; no character creation, no skill/power/stunt listings, no advancement rules, et cetera. It'd essentially be something that is either used with pre-gens, or with the book after you actually make a character.
I know the SRD for SotC, which Dresden is based on, would likely allow this, but I don't wanna do wrong by the folks who've made this fine game.