Author Topic: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery  (Read 5175 times)

Offline Kragshot

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Re: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2010, 10:43:09 PM »
Hi this might be simple but I wanted to know how it works.

A character has taken Living dead (He is playing a Crow like character)
Under that power Corpse Body it says that you cannot recover from consequences and any you get are permanent unless you take some kind of effort to resolve them.

Now if this character take Inhuman Recovery can he heal consequences?

Going by the wording alone I would rule The following.

Total recovery wouldn't work because it says all you need is time and Living Dead says you do not heal with time.
Fast recovery wouldn't work for the same reasons.
Vigorous would work
Shrug it off would work as it has no restrictions you just ignore it.

Does this sound right or does purchasing Inhuman Recovery totally ignore the restrictions from Living Dead?

Thanks in advance

The only problem with the whole "consume something" concept is that "Crows" are not vampiric/ghoulish type entities. If anything, they are reanimated spirits of vengeance. The only way that I can see the "consuming" angle work is that they regain their "energy" by finding/killing their targets or other evil beings who are attached to their targets. That however, would be limited fare for such a character.

With that being said, according to the overlying tenet of the game (free will vs. nature), a crow could not be a player character for one simple reason; crows are driven by their nature which is the pursuit of vengeance against the person/people who killed them and their loved one/ones. A crow cannot choose not to kill their targets (please forget the stupid television show with Marc Dacasos...I'm talking about the concept according to Barr). Once a crow has slain their target(s), then their time on Earth is done and they have to return to the afterlife.

I allowed a player to play a crow-like character in a WoD game. The problem was that the player became attached to the character and the power and kept trying to put off taking vengeance against her killers. That is the one thing that a crow can't deny; seeking vengeance.

You can do what you want, ultimately; it's your game. But those are my thoughts on the subject. It's up to you and good luck either way with your game, mate!
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Re: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2010, 11:01:07 PM »
Ever seen 'The Crow' TV series? You can modify things like that if you want. Also, he said "Crow like character", his character could easily be as different from the actual movie version as White Wolf and Dresdenverse vampires are from each other.

Offline Chris M

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Re: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2010, 11:40:38 PM »
The only problem with the whole "consume something" concept is that "Crows" are not vampiric/ghoulish type entities. If anything, they are reanimated spirits of vengeance. The only way that I can see the "consuming" angle work is that they regain their "energy" by finding/killing their targets or other evil beings who are attached to their targets. That however, would be limited fare for such a character.

With that being said, according to the overlying tenet of the game (free will vs. nature), a crow could not be a player character for one simple reason; crows are driven by their nature which is the pursuit of vengeance against the person/people who killed them and their loved one/ones. A crow cannot choose not to kill their targets (please forget the stupid television show with Marc Dacasos...I'm talking about the concept according to Barr). Once a crow has slain their target(s), then their time on Earth is done and they have to return to the afterlife.

I allowed a player to play a crow-like character in a WoD game. The problem was that the player became attached to the character and the power and kept trying to put off taking vengeance against her killers. That is the one thing that a crow can't deny; seeking vengeance.

You can do what you want, ultimately; it's your game. But those are my thoughts on the subject. It's up to you and good luck either way with your game, mate!

Well, they could always just drop the Living Dead thing. I mean, the Crow IS living dead, but then, so is RCV kinda. I would just skip that part and give them inhuman recovery and get ta gaming.


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Re: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2010, 11:42:50 PM »
(quibble)RCV isn't a living dead person, a black court vamp is. The Red Court undergo a transformation that does not require death, unlike the Black Court.(/quibble)

I'd say let them stack, /shrug. Fun should always come before the rules in this type of game system.

Offline Steed

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Re: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2010, 11:47:08 PM »
Ever seen 'The Crow' TV series? You can modify things like that if you want. Also, he said "Crow like character", his character could easily be as different from the actual movie version as White Wolf and Dresdenverse vampires are from each other.

This may not be the greatest example.  Draven in the show still heals pretty quickly.  Just off the top of my head, I remember an episode where he took several full clips of submachine gun ammo to the chest from ~20-25 feet away...and in under an hour he's popping out of a ceiling vent spooking Albrecht.  However, he did get temporarily taken out, and seemed to undergo a brief spiritual vision before healing.  Perhaps it could be modeled after that?  Taken out of the immediate conflict, and before the healing can begin you have to make a successful Conviction check with a difficulty related in some way to the attack that took you out of the conflict?

Offline Chris M

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Re: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2010, 01:34:07 AM »
(quibble)RCV isn't a living dead person, a black court vamp is. The Red Court undergo a transformation that does not require death, unlike the Black Court.(/quibble)

Yeah, they're dead. The point was, neither is Crow, quibblewise.