Author Topic: Maneuver questions  (Read 2190 times)

Offline Tush Hog

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Maneuver questions
« on: July 07, 2010, 03:24:24 AM »
I've got a few questions I would like to get clarified about maneuvers -
specifically regarding evocation magic.

A maneuver placed by magic doesn't seem to play out the same way as other
mundane maneuvers. Mundane maneuvers go "sticky" with an extra shift but magical
maneuver's durations aren't effected by the targeting/control roll. Instead they
get their duration from extra shifts of power where 1 shift = 1 round. Is this

Can someone lay out an example of putting a maneuver on someone with a defending
skill? I'm confused about the targeting/control roll when putting a maneuver on
someone. If you meet their defending skill in shifts of power (is it a free
assessment action?) do have to also beat them in an opposssed roll to target

What's the difference between putting an aspect on a scene and putting it on a
zone? The example in the book has Evan putting an aspect on the scene. It's a lot more expensive to put it on a whole zone, but how is a scene
aspect more limited?

Thanks for the help!

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Maneuver questions
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 04:07:40 AM »
1. Depends how your GM rules it. Personally, I usually go with the following: You can absolutely make Magical Aspects Sticky, it even says so explicitly. But a Sticky Aspect can be removed, by beating the original roll with an appropriate Maneuver, an Aspect with a purchased Duration cannot be removed by anything short of a Counterspell until it's duration is up.

2. Not exactly, the shifts are compared directly to their defending skill roll. But you do need to control the power itself or suffer the normal drawbacks of not controlling the power you call up.

3. Zone Wide Maneuvers are applied seperately to each Target in the Zone so, for example, you could add two shifts of Power to an Earth Evocation that applies the "Knocked Down" Aspect and knock everyone in a Zone down, putting "Knocked Down" on each of them individually, which could then each be Tagged individually (one tag per enemy). A Scene Aspect (like, say, "Unstable Footing") could only be Tagged once (one tag total).

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Maneuver questions
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 08:30:37 AM »

Regular maneuver and defense:
I use fists to try to throw sand in your eyes.
I get a total result of 4.

You try to avoid the sand with athletics.
If you get a total result of 5 or better, you've avoided the sand completely.

If you get a result of 4 exactly, the aspect is fragile
It can only be tagged once, and then will go away right after it's tagged the first time.
Or, you can use an action (non-rolled? supplemental?) to remove it.

If you get a result of 3 or less, the aspect is sticky
The aspect will stay for the whole scene, and can be tagged once, and then invoked by others.
You can use an action (supplemental?) to remove it, with the difficulty being based on the original roll to place the aspect (or should it just be difficulty 3?)

I throw a flash-bang grenade among a group of my foes.  The grenade effects one whole zone with power 4, is probably resisted by alertness, and inflicts something like blind and deaf or stunned.

(I assume I roll throwing to avoid screwing things up, but as I don't have to actually hit anyone with the grenade, it's not too hard)

Everyone in the zone has to resist a power 4 maneuver (with alertness), the result being fragile or sticky aspects (as above). 
Note that multiple people can all be effected by this aspect, and each one can be tagged separately.


I use a spirit evocation to mimic the flash bang grenade, but I add an extra turn of duration:
power 4, duration 2, zone 1 (total spell power 7).

I then make a control roll difficulty 7, and may have to take backlash to get the spell off at full power.

Everyone in the zone resists a power 4 effect (presumably with alertness). 

The only difference between the spell effect and the flash bang grenade is that the people who get the stunned aspect from it can do their own maneuver to try to remove the aspect until the duration of the spell has expired.  After that, the aspects can be removed as normal. 

Note that fragile aspects with extended duration still go away when they are tagged for the first time.


Certain powerful but non-magical 'maneuver weapons' should probably also have added duration as well.  Things like water cannon and so on.