Author Topic: Licensing question in regards to "Quickstart" Rules  (Read 2494 times)

Offline Igtenio

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Licensing question in regards to "Quickstart" Rules
« on: July 12, 2010, 06:31:14 PM »
I can't consult my books at the moment, so I'm unsure of the wording in there or if it's even mentioned.

I've talked to a fair number of people that love the Dresden books, but either aren't roleplayers in general, or are used to more...numerical systems. I've written condensed rules pamphlets in the past, since they allow people to grasp the rules easier and help me get an even better grasp on whatever system I'm writing about.

I wanted to do this with the Dresden Files RPG, but also throw it up for download, since I've seen many a folk have their first experience with Fate be the DFRPG.

My question is, does the OGL license used for the Dresden Files allow this? Obviously we aren't talking a full-on condensed rulebook; no character creation, no skill/power/stunt listings, no advancement rules, et cetera. It'd essentially be something that is either used with pre-gens, or with the book after you actually make a character.

I know the SRD for SotC, which Dresden is based on, would likely allow this, but I don't wanna do wrong by the folks who've made this fine game.

Offline finarvyn

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Re: Licensing question in regards to "Quickstart" Rules
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2010, 02:48:51 PM »
A good question. Several players I know are intimidated by the sheer bulk of material and it would be nice to have a quickplay version which would be significantly smaller.

I've also tinkered with this a little, but never finished the project. I suspect the "company line" would be that it's okay to take parts of FATE 3.0 and condense things, but as soon as you add Dresden-specific elements you run afoul of the IP-police.

Maybe Fred can clarify this?
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Re: Licensing question in regards to "Quickstart" Rules
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 06:07:23 PM »
See, I think it'd be amazingly simple to have essentially quickplay FATE 3.0, geared towards the Dresdenverse, without running afoul of the IP issues or making the books useless.

Assuming you leave out the wizard traits(Evocation, Thaumaturgy, et cetera), and focus on the basic systems, minus character generation and advancement, it could be amazingly short.

A) Basic dice rolling and skill rolls
B) Fate Points
C) Aspects
D) Conflicts, Stress, and Consequences

Basically enough that you could hand someone a character sheet with power descriptions, or that they could follow the book to make a non-wizard/sorcerer and read the quickstart to figure out how to use them.

I don't think you could really do a quickstart that explained the various wizard abilities without running afoul of it, though. Which is a shame, really, considering that one of the core character concepts is wizards.

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Re: Licensing question in regards to "Quickstart" Rules
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2010, 08:22:55 PM »
Acually this would be brilliant does anyone know if a quick start type guide for players exisits out there,

to get heads around aspects, skill ladder, fate points, actions, declerations, maneuvars etc

this would be really really hand (ignoring, supernatrual powers and stunts and magic)