Author Topic: Emissary of Power- Voodoo Pantheon  (Read 1919 times)

Offline Chainman

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Emissary of Power- Voodoo Pantheon
« on: July 08, 2010, 04:19:54 AM »
Have a couple of questions about the character I plan to use;

Our city is New Orleans so I decided that my character would be the emissary of Baron Samedi the voodoo aspect of Death.

For those not familiar with him, He has a white, frequently skull-like face (or actually has a skull for a face) and speaks in a nasal voice. He is a sexual loa,  and is noted for disruption, obscenity, debauchery, and having a particular fondness for tobacco and rum. Additionally, he is the loa of sex and resurrection, and in the latter capacity he is often called upon for healing by those near or approaching death, as it is only Baron who can accept an individual into the realm of the dead. His powers are especially great when it comes to voodoo curses. Even if somebody has been afflicted by a hex which brings them to the verge of death, they will not die if the Baron refuses to dig their grave. So long as this mighty spirit keeps them out of the ground they are safe. He also ensures all corpses rot in the ground to stop any soul being brought back as a brainless zombie.
My character has reluctantly been chosen by the Baron to be his human emissary (aspect: Balancing Death's Books) he is a recovering alcoholic (aspect: Holding Tight to the Wagon).I am playing the character as a straight laced guy fighting with the deamon of alcohol but taking his responsibilities to the Baron as deadly serious (pardon the pun)
The Baron hates anyone using necromancy or any other supernatural being meddling in his backyard, this is where my character comes in.

My spells are basically curse such as I cursed a werewolf with mange causing him to be to busy scratching to allow one of the party to get a jump on him.I am well aware of how this character could be broken with power and possibly no fear of death but I will not play him this way.

Finally the Questions

1. Where would the realms of the other pantheons exist? Possibly their own corner of nevernever?

2. Would the White Council hold any sway over him?  I can see frustrated Wardens even though they my not have official rule over him not liking it to much and setting up some good confrontations.

3. Would his powers be lessened in the nevernever or would it be contained in his focus item(a swagger stick sword cane)?

4. Would the pantheons choose or even allowed to sign the accords?

5. Basically how do other pantheon work in the Dresdanverse?

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to give you enough background to give some suggestions on the questions.

The Chainman

Offline JustinS

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Re: Emissary of Power- Voodoo Pantheon
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 06:12:48 AM »
Some of it is working out your own world with your group and GM.

1 - a corner of the nevernever makes sense.

2 - that depends on how he comes across, and how you set things up. Note that there is a risk of chop head off first and ask questions later.

3 - nope, unless you decide it is so (and get fate points for that being a problem when it comes up)

4 - I could see the loa as a very active group of spirits, and signatories.

5 - however they want ;)

One thing to note is that the loa are big on possession of willing hosts. If you have sponsored magic, this is good stuff for interesting thaumaturgy effects.