Just would like some help
Have a concept for a character I really like.
Dr of Archeology is messing around on some Ancient Minoan ruins in Crete and discovers an anciant Labyrinth (actually a portal in to a part of the Never Never) and the Spirit of the Minotaur inhabits his body as a way of escaping its spiritual prison.
So very mild mannered Dr Washington 'Wash' Harris a Dr or Archeology is a member of Paranet community in search of a 'cure' although the spirit is so strong it will not budge and seems to be part of his spirit/soul, so currently looking at ways of supressing the Minotaur inside him.
However when he looses his temper and gets angry he transforms into the Minotaur....
so couple of things I need help with...
- first is the High Concept I can't make anything sound right......themically
- Second is the Powers, what do people think fits (Claws/Horns is a given as well as possible strength etc but do people think beast of change/marked by power/demonic co pilot, also was think Inhuman form with Involuntary change (kind of like the Hulk, only when made angry (Bulls being known for there temper)
as always appreciate the help (power level is Chest High)