Author Topic: Question about temporary Aspects and their effects.  (Read 2249 times)

Offline JesterOC

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Question about temporary Aspects and their effects.
« on: July 03, 2010, 04:34:49 PM »
I am still having a problem wrapping my head around the concept of aspects. 

When I read the example thaumaturgy spell for the blinding of the Loup-Garou it says the spell adds the blindness aspect onto the target. When looking up the blinded description in the maneuver section, it says the victim MAY be compelled to attack the wrong target etc.. In order to be effective would would the PC need to spend a fate point to compel the target to limit his actions not be able to act against anything.

Or how about the example in resolving maneuvers where Murphy maneuvers to place the "cornered" aspect on the target. Then the victim rolls to escape that aspect. Couldn't the victim just sprint away anyway. I see nothing in the rules that say that an aspect all by itself can restrain the thug, just that if it is not removed, Murphy will get a one time free +2 or re-roll.

In short aspects by themselves seem to be making narrative changes but I only see rules that state compels are the only way to invoke these changes through aspects.

Anyone have book pages that can help me out with this?


Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Question about temporary Aspects and their effects.
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2010, 04:49:11 PM »
Look into "Tagging for Effect", a process that combines two simple rules.

Creating an Aspect allows you one free Invoke of it, a Tag that costs and gives no Fate Points (see YS p.106).

Invoking for effect (see YS p.99) allows you to use an Aspect to declare a fact or circumstance that would be advantageous.

So Tagging "Cornered" for effect would allow, say, Murphy to use her free Tag to make the guy unable to escape...unless he gets rid of the Aspect.

That's pretty much how you do it.

Offline Tallyrand

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Re: Question about temporary Aspects and their effects.
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2010, 10:58:03 PM »
Another thing to remember is that it is to some extent the GMs and players responsibility to role play aspects.  Also, now that I think about it, I'm not sure there's any rule to prevent the GM from compelling his NPC (giving it a fate chip) when the NPC would be taking an action specifically prevented by your blinded.  For example, if your GM agrees, perhaps he could give the creature a fudge die when its firing its gun while blinded with a - targeting one of it's allies (or nothing) a blank missing everything and a + targeting who he wanted to target.  I'm going to have to pitch that in my game.

Offline JesterOC

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Re: Question about temporary Aspects and their effects.
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 12:30:54 AM »
OK guys damn I forgot about Invoke for effect. OK I think that did it for me.  I did notice that the definition of Disarm did a little of both, one it declared that the weapon was knocked out of the targets hand, and that the aspect of disarmed was placed on it.  But since it was a conditional aspect (meaning that only in certain circumstances could the aspects be invoked). I guess it evens out.

Thank's for the help folks,  ( I bet I'll never have another question.   ;) hahaha )
