Well, I was messing around with a bunch of ideas in my head and decided I wanted to see about making a Thor-like character. I think having him be Thor's son who largely wants to follow in Thor's footsteps, so to speak (e.g. thunder and lightning, hammer, fighting bad guys, but not copying his dad's deeds). For the purposes of the character, Thor is angelspawn of some sort (like the OW says most gods are), and a good guy who lives in the Nevernever. I think my character will have grown up in the Nevernever for a significant amount of time (I want to use "thees" and "thous" without my guy doing it as a fad). He's NOT an Emissary of the Asgard/Thor though, (Thor wants him to make his own way, but that doesn't mean his dad never asks for a favor...like any relative might).
Obviously the high concept is "Son of Thor". Right now I am mostly thinking about two issues. First, what's his trouble? I've thought of Like his Father before him (e.g. wants to be like dad), One of the Asgard (e.g. their enemies are his enemies and other such things), and "I am the Son of Thor!" (really dislikes concealing his identity). Anyone have other ideas?
Also, Toughness and perhaps Recovery powers make some sense, but what would his catch be? I have trouble thinking of something that makes a lot of sense here, best thing I got is "Unholy Power" such as hellfire, unholy water, etc, but that seems far from perfect. Any thoughts there?
I'm pretty early in the creative stages, obviously, but I thought some people might have some neat ideas to share, so share away!