Author Topic: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir  (Read 3004 times)

Offline peregrinefalcon

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Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:26:27 AM »
 I've got a couple questions. Can you just take Channeling with Sponsered Magic? A character in my game with the High Concept " Breath of God", wants to have her magic be SoulAir instead of fire, and only have channeling as related to air.

I figured sure why not, just charged her -3 for channeling with soulair.

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 02:39:34 AM »
 I've got a couple questions. Can you just take Channeling with Sponsered Magic? A character in my game with the High Concept " Breath of God", wants to have her magic be SoulAir instead of fire, and only have channeling as related to air.

I figured sure why not, just charged her -3 for channeling with soulair.

Well i think what your player is looking at is to take channeling (air) -2 and soulfire -5? Because that's totally do-able but kinda sadly you dont get a discount on sponsored magic for having channeling because it isnt varied enough.
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Offline peregrinefalcon

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Re: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 07:12:11 AM »
Actually the way it was explained to me is that She just wants to have sponsored channeling, no power of her own. Which is where we came up with the -3 refresh. And Soulfire says there are other elements, just not sure how they work.  She doesn't want to be able to do rituals. Since sponsored magic is just like taking channeling and ritual priced at 2 with the sponsored replacing the the usual focus, then one more for Soulair.

Thematically she's basically a champion of god, with magic instead of a sword.

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2010, 07:28:48 AM »
Actually the way it was explained to me is that She just wants to have sponsored channeling, no power of her own. Which is where we came up with the -3 refresh. And Soulfire says there are other elements, just not sure how they work.  She doesn't want to be able to do rituals. Since sponsored magic is just like taking channeling and ritual priced at 2 with the sponsored replacing the the usual focus, then one more for Soulair.

Thematically she's basically a champion of god, with magic instead of a sword.

oh i get what you are saying. Hmm well there is no set way the book does that, but personally i would say what you did sounds just fine. In the book it says sponsored magics may be cheaper if they are less varied and only being able to channel soul air sounds good for -3 refresh to me.

So yes i would say you can. And good luck with that it's quite a cool idea.
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 07:47:10 AM »
Actually, it'd only be -2 if it's only Sponsored Channeling (which would obviously drop your Item Slots to two). And yeah, that works fine.

Offline CMEast

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Re: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2010, 10:21:51 AM »
I would say -2 if she can only cast with air spells while spending debt to imbue it with 'soul', -3 if it's standard channelling with the option of adding soul to it.

Also, I like the idea. Element themed champions of god.

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Offline luminos

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Re: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2010, 10:34:50 AM »
-2 if its channeling with the sponsor debt feature, -3 if its channeling with soulfires ability to downgrade all toughness powers.
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Re: Sponsered Channeling SoulAir
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2010, 06:17:24 PM »
Upon reflection, yeah, what luminos says sounds right.